April 6, 2013: Design your own Destiny! Let the Resurgence Art Department package be your guide!

In advance of my official Days of Stargate Universe Past trip down memory, how about a little something to whet your appetite?  Ah, this takes me back!  The Resurgence Art Department package accompanied by visuals from various points in Stargate: Universe's two-year run... The Gate Room... The control interface room... The apple core... In his…

March 22, 2013: The Destiny Bridge!

In Stargate: Universe's second season, the crew finally discovers Destiny's bridge.  From a creative standpoint, holding off the discovery until then allowed for some great drama: Rush's attempts to hide it from the rest of the crew, the subsequent attempts to control the ship, etc.  Also, waiting until season two permitted us to give it…

March 14, 2013: Veronica Mars fans are finally getting their movie! So when are Stargate fans getting THEIR movie?

This was the question many Stargate fans were asking themselves yesterday after news broke of the astounding success of the Veronica Mars kickstarter campaign. For those of you who haven't heard, series creator Rob Thomas approached Warner Bros. about making a Veronica Mars movie. According to Thomas: "Their reaction was, if you can show there's…

February 1, 2013: Stargate Prop Builder Mark Nicholson Answers Your Questions!

The hard work and contributions of so many individual went into making one of the greatest SF franchises in television history.  Over the course of this blog's run, I've invited various members of the extended Stargate family to talk about their experiences on the show(s).  We've spotlighted writers, producers, directors, actors, stunt coordinators, VFX and…

November 24, 2012: Stargate lives! Sort of.

Well, MGM may have pulled the plug on Stargate - or, if you prefer, placed it on indefinite hiatus - but it's nice to see that interest in the franchise remains strong.  A recent google search turned up the following Stargate-related news items... It was only a matter of time.  Apparently, China has started their…

October 11, 2012: My To-Do List! Vote for your favorite comedic Stargate episode!

When I was growing up, I wanted to be a writer.  And so, I sought out opportunities, worked hard, persevered and, today, I'm a writer.  This story would be impressive if not for the fact that, in addition to wanting to be a writer, I also wanted to be a famous detective and a starting…

August 30, 2012: The things we do for our pets! Cast your vote for The Most Heartbreaking Moment in Stargate History!

Some of you were wondering about my sister's dog, Aspen, who made an appearance in yesterday's blog - a video of him following his post-chemo treatment, clearly feeling a little zoned-out.  Well, here's the update. In early June, the poor boy was diagnosed with prostate cancer that had metastasized to his bladder and lymph node.…

August 29, 2012: My sister’s dog is high as a kite! A souffle-less souffle outing! What was The Most Heartbreaking Moment in Stargate History?

My sister's dog is high: Aspen apparently feeling uber-relaxed following his latest chemo treatment.  Fingers crossed it helps! It never fails.  Every night, Akemi and I work out while watching one of the food shows, be it Hell's Kitchen, Master Chef, Top Chef, Top Chef Masters, Chuck's Day Off, Chef Academy, or Around the World…

August 28, 2012: The Most Heartbreaking Moment in Stargate History!

A new poll and another chance to win a signed script! What, in your opinion, was The Most Heartbreaking Moment in Stargate History?  In coming up with the list of candidates, I tried to consider the events in context.  For instance, while Universe's final episode was heartfelt, it was only heartbreaking insofar as the audience…

July 29, 2012: Snapshot Sunday! The results of The Greatest Season-Ending Cliffhanger in Stargate History Poll! And lucky winners!

Today, I was up at the crack of dawn - ish, at a little after 9:00 a.m., so that we could pack up up all three dogs and head on over to the beach for the monthly Pugs on the Beach gathering.  Lately, there hasn't been much of a turnout, but that hasn't stopped the…

July 27, 2012: You’re all awesome!

A HUGE thanks to everyone who took the time to leave a comment on yesterday's entry.  Akemi and I greatly appreciate each and every one. Next week, amid the documentary evidence of our relationship that I'll be sending out will be said blog entry - and all of your accompanying kind words.  It's been a…

July 24, 2012: Dessert and a sandwich and dessert. And more desserts. And Alexander and Sarah!

Seriously.  How can anyone say no to freshly baked cookies, even if it means having them for breakfast?  In retrospect, they were the perfect food for what lay ahead, full of the carbohydrate and sugar energy I would need to get me through a grueling day of eating. Akemi and I met up with our…

July 22, 2012: Vote for The Greatest Season-ending Cliffhanger in Stargate History! The Evolution of Akemi at Starbucks! Back to the Kits Street Fest for Dinner!

A reminder to cast your vote for The Greatest Season-ending Cliffhanger in Stargate History for a chance to win a signed script and a nifty Stargate security badge - Head on over here, pick a cliffhanger, then leave a comment for a chance to win: To whoever asked - yes, I'll be continuing my trip…

July 21, 2012: What was the greatest season-ending cliffhanger in Stargate history?

"I am melty sleepy" - Akemiism.  Translation: I'm REALLY sleepy. It was nice today, so we ended up checking out the local farmer's market with Jelly.  On the way home, we happened to come across a street festival so we parked, hopped out, and too that in as well. On an unrelated note - ooooh,…