March 23, 2012: Needy pugs! A beautiful partnership! And Happy Belated International Macaron Day!

"Nothing ruins a dog walk like a hole in a poopy bag." - Me, yesterday. Back when we first moved to Vancouver twelve years ago, we looked into adopting a pug from a local pug rescue, but the process proved so difficult and time-consuming that we gave up and went the breeder route instead.  And it's…

March 22, 2012: Top 10 Natsukashii T.V. Themes!

The Japanese have  a word: "natsukashii".  There's no direct English equivalent but the closest I can come up with is "nostalgia", a fond remembrance of things past.  They say that smell is one of the biggest memory triggers - which is why I dedicate a different cologne to each chapter of my life: John Varvatos…

March 21, 2012: A mini Stargate reunion! Last lunch at Refuel! NFL update! Sucker Punch! AND a mailbag!

Another Stargate mini-reunion of sorts the other night.  I got the chance to catch up with some old friends over nachos and ale, several of whom you'll no doubt recognize from such places as twitter, Stargate behind-the-scenes features, and this very blog. It's good to hear everybody's keeping busy - but hopefully not too busy…

March 20, 2012: Odd Eats!

What's the oddest thing you've eaten recently?  Now when I say odd, I'm talking about odd "to you".  For instance, some of the food I've eaten over the course of my travels to Asia would be considered odd by many while I would consider the same items singular at worst. Whether its lamb neck, sea…

March 19, 2012: The Supermovie of the Week Club reconvenes! Cookie Monster reviews Superman IV: The Quest for Peace!

Wow.   Superman IV VERY impressive.  It achieve someting not even General Zodd and Leks Luthor able to do = kill off Superman.  After dis movie, Hollywood say: "Okay.  Time for Superman V!" and audiencez everywhere say: "Aaah, don't bodder.  We good.  Tanks."  And Superman go to sleep for twenty years until someone else get…

March 18, 2012: Another Dog Day Afternoon! Checking the spam bin!

So, what's the weather like in your neck of the woods?  Here in Vancouver (it being Vancouver) it's been mostly overcast, cold, and rainy.  But yesterday, there was a rare break of sunshine, a sneak peek at the summer weather to come.  My dogs, of course, were quick to point out that it was perfect…

March 17, 2012: Kitchen triumphs! Out and about! How to treat a migraine?! And a mini mailbag!

So, while I've been busy writing, rewriting, pitching, re-pitching, doing meetings and conference calls, Akemi has been taking English classes, taking care of the dogs, and cooking cooking cooking!  Last week, she made siu long bao's for the first time. Then, last night, she tried her hand at a Chuck Hughes (owner of my second…

March 16, 2012: The Comic Report! Dark Matter #3 reviews!

I've had an on again/off again/on again/off again/on again love affair with comic books over the course of my life starting back in elementary school when I was reading Batman and Justice Society of America after which gave them up for more mature pursuits (ie. girls), then resumed my passion for reading with titles like…

March 15, 2012: This and that and news of note!

Ever wonder what dogs think about?  I imagine that, most of the time, it's food.  What am I going to eat?  When am I going to eat?  Why aren't I eating?  Other than that, I'm not really sure they concern themselves with all that much.  My eldest pug, Jelly, seems all-around unconcerned on most days,…

March 14, 2012: A farewell to Refuel! I rundown my Top 16 Most Memorable Meals!

Well, this is sad: Refuel closes; Top Chef Canada contestant takes over space.  Refuel, formerly Fuel, one of my favorite Vancouver dining destinations is closing its doors.  Owners Tom Doughty and Rob Belcham will no doubt remain as busy as ever what with two of their other restaurants, Campagnolo and Campagnolo Roma, doing brisk business and…

March 13, 2012: A quick update and a mailbag!

A short blog entry today as I still have to get around to my daily hiragana/katakana exercises (And no, Das, they don't involve swords). A busy day today on a couple of fronts.  First, I made significant progress on the rewrite of the horror script by nailing down Felliniesque birthday party scene.  I'm going to…

March 12, 2012: The Supermovie of the Week Club Reconvenes! Cookie Monster reviews Supergirl!

Blargh!  Supergirl most nauzeating movie since Big Bird sex tape released online.  It so bad it aktually make monster miss Condorman. It was so terruble dat aktor Christopher Reeve refuse to do cameo. And he do Superman II AND III! Movie start on Argos City where survivors of Kripton walk around in wishy washy dresses…

March 11, 2012: Dog Matter! Watching, reading, doing!

Hey!  Check out how much mom's dog, Felix, is enjoying my comic book series Dark Matter.  He can't take his eyes off it!  After receiving the above pic, I'm now seriously considering casting all-dog talent for the prospective Dark Matter television series/mini-series.  What do you think?  Felix as hot-headed rough and tumble THREE? Of course, my…

March 10, 2012: Opportunities, opportunities…

It's nice to be wanted.  Really.  Over the past few weeks, my agent has brought me no less than three potential show running opportunities on projects (presumably) ready to go.  All are interesting possibilities.  Of course having said that, interesting things generally command closer scrutiny, and closer scrutiny commonly yields explanations, details, and demystification.  What…

March 9, 2012: Company Outings!

While I've been immersed in my esoteric/artistic pursuits (writing that horror script, pitching that scifi series, fielding show running opportunities, waiting around for conference calls that never happen, etc.), Akemi has been doing her own thing - specifically, attending English classes three to four times a week.  The classes vary, from pronunciation to idioms to…