It is with great sadness that I confirm the news.  Syfy has cancelled Dark Matter after three seasons.

To say that I’m incredibly disappointed would be an understatement.

I’ll save my comments and field your questions in a future blog entry.  For today, I just want to extend a heartfelt thanks to my amazing crew, my wonderful cast, and to all of you, our incredible fans.

You all deserved better.

534 thoughts on “September 1, 2017: Dark Matter Cancelled

    1. joe, i’m so bummed out by this news, on so many levels. i enjoyed following your work ever since stargate and dark matter was such a cool show. loved watched it and killjoys as companion shows.

      anyway, real sorry, man – but can’t wait to see what you do next — R

    2. Agreed! Its sad to see that shows with a bit of dark brain matter are canceled while all this soulless and senseless stuff gets produced. Lets hope Netflix will be wiser than SyFlyAway.

    3. Watched killjoys for a season and I was ok. Once I watched dark mater never went back….gutted . Killjoys, 4 out of 10 Dark matter 8 out of 10. Someone at syfy needs sacking. I am free after xmas if you actually want someone working for you that loves good syfy. Actors all excellent by the way, hopefully something else will come up for them.

    4. I live on a small island off the coast of Australia. This show gave me hope that good tv shows could still be made. My condolences to all cast and crew. How can fans of the genre continue if the studios keep cancelling the shows? Why should we ever look at a new series when we know that the story will not finish because of cancellation by the studios? A sad day indeed 🙁

      1. I really hope so, i’d say we should all ask Netflix to pick it up, give it a home where a lot of fans can go to :/

    5. I am with all the other comments, What can we do to protest? The shows that are on are just awful, please help us and we can help you.
      Sandi G.

    6. Makes no sense, unless they are trying to make this another Quantum Leap like fiasco where the ending episode made no sense, the greatest cult classic of all time and Dark Matter will follow it’s lead with cancellation, guess things never change

    7. Truefully sad news, Dark Matter is one of my favorite SiFy shows on TV nowadays…

    8. You pos cancelled this amazing show for Happy?! That show looks stupid af Dark Matter was one of the best shows on tv wow… syfy back to shit tv like usual 😛

  1. Words cannot describe how disappointed I am, Joe. Truly, truly a shame. I want to thank you, Paul, the Dark Matter cast, crew and the rest of the show’s creative team for three fantastic seasons!! Your hard work was/is greatly appreciated!

    1. I also would like to thank the crew and the incredible and likeable cast for their great work and dedication to this show! The chemistry between the actors was palpable and I dare say I have never ever seen a better android – including Data.

  2. I am so sorry, Joe. You are the one that deserved better. You’ve put so much into this story, and we’ve just been the recipients of your vision. Please accept my apology that I didn’t do more to keep the show on the air. I’m heartbroken.

    1. horrible horrible news…. they always cancel GREAT shows right when its getting even better! at least they didnt kill Killjoys too… i mean they prob have similar ratings so how does one get renewed for 2 more seasons and they other just gets dumped i dont like this at all!!

    1. I’m crushed – “Dark Matter” was one of the few shows on television I looked forward to, and one of the rare things on SyFy that I could actually take seriously and care about. I adore the characters and their actors, I thought the writing was remarkably intelligent and ambitious for science fiction television in general and SyFy in particular, the production was excellent. I would hate to see Dark Matter go – is there any way that fans can help to rescue the show? Maybe some other network or streaming service would be better suited to hosting and supporting the show?


        Sign this petition and get all your friends to sign it to. It’s sure to get the 5,000. It’s only been a day and they already have 4,500. But hey, if we get even more than 5,000 we can really show SyFy what a huge mistake they’ve made. We can convince them to change their mind or get another carrier to pick up the show.

  3. I need some alcohol, and some tissues and some blue rays and someone to hold me right now

  4. What the actual fucking hell….. I am beyond upset!
    To whom do I email my disgust and outrage?!

  5. What a shame … I’m very disappointed right now … to say it politely.
    Like you said, Joseph, we all, the fans, you and the fine cast and crew, deserve better … any chance that Syfy might reconsider (think of Timeless earlier this year)?

  6. No! I’m so sad to hear this news. What can be said? Just a big Thank You. I can only imagine the hard work that goes in to producing something like Dark Matter. Thank you to all the cast, crew, writers, directors and all the talented people behind the scenes, this fan appreciates your hard work!

  7. So sorry, Joe. Thought there might still be some hope. Very disappointed for you and your cast and crew ! What a way to land back in Toronto!!

  8. I am very saddened to hear about this. My heart goes out to you and the cast and crew of this wonderful show. I was hoping since Science Fiction is having a resurgence that the PTB would understand the desire to continue hosting such a diverse series that has only skimmed the surface of what hard core Science Fiction has to offer. One can only believe in the adage where one door closes another one opens in that another channel will pick up what SyFy has lost.

    My sincerest regards,
    (And total #DarkMatter fan)

  9. Sorry Joseph. Hopefully you have more projects in the works, can’t wait to hear more of your our stories.

  10. We can shop it elsewhere. Netflix already has season 1 for later this month, so maybe they’d be willing to pick it up. SYFY has morphed into a horror channel, in more ways than one. I say, please don’t give up. I didn’t on The Invaders and bugged CBS for years to put out the DVD and not only did they spend the $ but they flew me out to help edit the intros. Sad that SYFY didn’t see they had the next Stargate on their hands and they let it go. I would be glad to help in any way I can. I was once dissed by the head of Disney, so I know people in high and low places =O). #DarkMatterLIVES

  11. A great show and a fantastic fan friendly cast who I had the opportunity to meet at San Diego Comic Con in 2016 and 2017. I would love to see the story continue in any form. SyFy the same network that canceled Farscape and then had second thoughts but it was to late.

  12. I don’t even know what to say. WHY!!!!!!!! What the actual hell!!! I am so heartbroken. I just keep re-typing what I want to say cause, damn that is messed up. I know I have been MIA on the blog the last 18 months but have been following here and there on fb, you ALL did such an amazing job. While I do not wish to disparage the network that brought us the show… but they are dead to me. It seems all the truly great shows they kill before their time. I am truly sorry to hear this Joe, I hope the people who gave the show the axe realize the error of their ways and bring it back.

  13. Jo, there’s no justice in the world. This show got better each season and we’ve all been cheated that we won’t get to see it through to the end. I hope w get to find out what happens one way or another.
    Such an amazing, wonderful cast; they felt like family. I’m bitterly disappointed for you all.

  14. Sorry this happened to you as well. I hope you don’t give up on finishing it. I know it had strong viewership on TV and I’m pretty confident that other companies like Netflix might want to pick it up.

    Don’t go to other streaming services though. Too many of my favorite shows have died due to no exposure on competitive streaming services like Amazon and Hulu. Brain Dead for instance on Amazon.

    Either way… good luck.

  15. Joe…and everyone associated with Dark Matter…I cannot express my disappointment and anger over this news. I’d written off SYFY after they cancelled Sanctuary but when you returned with Dark Matter, I had hope that perhaps they’d redeem themselves. This proves that they haven’t, and I won’t be returning as a viewer to their network again. Dark Matter was what SciFi should be…the perfect blend of science, futurism and, in my opinion most importantly, characters worth caring about. Thank you for giving us three amazing seasons of stories and to the cast, thank you for crafting characters who I will genuinely miss seeing on my screen. I am so terribly sorry it turned out this way. Shame on SYFY.

  16. Did they at least tell you why? Based on the information you posted the past couple of days, it just doesn’t make sense. Everything pointed to a S4 renewal. Not even a shortened season to tie everything up.

    1. Perhaps there’s a way to convince SyFy (or, better yet, another network or streaming service) to take a chance on indulging us with a “Dark Matter” movie to wrap everything up with on a graceful note?

  17. I’m done with SyFy. First SGU and now Dark Matter. I’m not going to watch any more of their shows, get invested in the shows, and then have them cancelled and ripped out from under me before the story is fully told.


  18. What can we do to get another network to pick it up? Who do we call, who do we talk to, what can we do to help? It’s so unfair they cancelled it, there was so much more story to tell! This is my favorite show!

  19. What is it with SyFy ending shows on cliffhangers? I loved Dark Matter. I hope there is some follow up to explain what happens after the invasion.

  20. Did we fail you somehow? Was there something else we could have done? It breaks my heart that maybe we didn’t do enough for you as fans… 🙁

  21. I watched the season finale and then found out minutes later that SyFy had elected to not renew Dark Matter. In that context I can only assume that the decision makers there have been inhabited by an alien from any one of your back catalogue 🙁

    THANK YOU for the Dark Matter that we’ve had this far, it really was fantastic! 🙂

  22. This is fucking bullshit! Dark Matter was a mature, not dumber down, show that was also for all ages – minus the bloody scenes. The plots were well formed and not chaotic – leaving very few loose ends. The VFX was on point and the actors delivered every time.

    People tuned in and the numbers were there and consistent, making it one of the highest rated shows currently on Syfy. my only guess is that don’t care about numbers or quality, they only want huge amounts of chatter…

    I guess making things stupid enough for people to try to figure out stuff or to fawn over couples is what they want. Don’t get me wrong, I indulge in those kinds of shows too, but I adored Dark Matter because it was opposite of all of that.

    This cancellation makes no sense to me.

  23. Sorry to read this. I am a latecomer to the series but it has been my favorite. Always been a sci fi fan going back to Star Trek. So much garbage on tv these days hate to see one of the good ones go.

  24. I just read that Killjoys got renewed for S4/5, 5 being there last. Is there any way we can convince them to bring back DM? I’ve heard of some networks reversing cancellations after fan outrage, wonder if Syfy will listen.

  25. I am so upset and disappointed right now, I really thought SyFy would do better than this. I’m so sad we won’t get any more new episodes, no moe pulling heists and saving the galaxy. I loved this show so much, and I’m sorry you guys won’t get to tell the rest of your story.
    I can’t believe this…

  26. I was inconsolable when Farscape finished like it did! #DarkMatter deserves better

  27. Seriously? The people behind the channel don’t seem to know what they are even doing any more.

  28. I’m having issues even typing words. Furious, sadness, feelings of betrayal by SyFy. I guess there is no hope of another network to take it on. I am sorry for you and your entire crew and actors … and us the fans. I was anxiously waiting for the approval, just didn’t see this coming.

  29. What a load of crap. I’m sorry Joe. I figured with how well the show did this season they’d at least give you another season. Please let all of the cast and crew know how sad we feel too.

    I stopped watching syfy after the SGU finale and only watched your show. Now back to boycotting the network and to go find my syfail memes…

  30. Thank you for 3 great seasons, Joe. You know we’ll follow you wherever you go.

  31. Joe, would you be interested in selling Dark Matter to another channel, or Netflix, or even another platform, to finish this series completely?

    Is there something we can do to make this happen?

  32. Just as I said previously: international audience is irrelevant, our numbers don’t matter, will never matter, screw us for not living in the USA, thank you SyFail. Please take a look at the calendar, it’s 2017, not 1997 anymore.

    1. PS: this is a message to NBC, though I highly doubt they care about anything. Especially international audience.

  33. Just wanted to say thank you for your hard work. It’s been a great ride. We’ll be waiting for new and exciting stuff from you.

  34. Thank you Joe and everyone involved with this gem of a show for these great years. I am incredibly sad right now. Is there a chance that you can get Dark Matter picked up by another network. Maybe a Canadian one like CBC?

  35. This news sucks big time, #DarkMatter is one of the best genre show that’s come along since Star Trek & Farscape, cancelled to soon😡

  36. To say I’m crushed is an understatement. Truly one of the best written, best-acted shows on television right now…I was just sure they were going to renew it, because who in their right mind cancels such an awesome show?! Well, evidently SyFy does. I will try not to be bitter, but it will be hard. The Raza will be deeply missed.

  37. This is the third or fourth of my favourite shows that sci-fi has cancelled too early without time to even attempt a proper conclusion. It makes me so disappointed (as you said, this is an understatement).

  38. Yes, they certainly deserve better, as do you and as do we all!! What a way to end such a fun show! I’m so sorry. It was great!

  39. I’m really gutted by this news, Could you wrap up the story in some other form? I hate being left hanging like this.

  40. Anyway to have another network pick it up. It was the only good show on tv.

  41. My heart can’t handle any more sadness right now. This sucks. I’m up for a Netflix fan campaign if anybody else is. I’ll touch base with the Longmire Posse to see how they managed it.

    1. @Joe, I am so so sorry. To say I’m shocked and deeply saddened right now would be an understatement. 🙁

      @PbMom I’m with ya on the campaign idea. Let me know how I can help. I’m ready!
      This just makes absolutely no sense at all!!
      Syfy renewed Wynona Earp that had MUCH lower ratings – but decided NOT to renew Dark Matter!??????????
      Something tells me this cancellation had more to do with
      someones personal gripe or artistic taste/preference than with a simple biz decision.

      Well @Syfy I hope you are happy with your latest politics & biz decisions because you just lost nearly a million viewers who are loyal to Joseph Mallozzi! I’m boycotting you and will NEVER again promote another one of your shows!!!

  42. I knew it was too good to be true, them backing quality sci-fi rather than wrestling or cheap horror movies. Sorry to see the show end this way.

  43. The words I have are not suitable for public consumption. So I’ll just say thank you to everyone @ Dark Matter for three awesome seasons. I’m going to miss you all.

  44. I know you can’t say this but as a fan from Day One, season 1, episode 1, this cancelation makes no sense, especially with the renewal of one of the worst SyFy Friday night shows, namely Wynonna Earp. I was looking forward to seeing more of Android (such gowth over 3 seasons), how many times Six could actually come back from the dead (haha), and how much Two’s leadership could grow. Every main character on the show was well written, we’ll acted, and the plots were almost without exception excellent. Also, still not sure how the show’s FX could be so good on a weekly TV show’s budget. Impressive.

    To the point though, is there any Twilight Zone way that #DarkMatter could be reconsidered for renewal by SyFy or picked up by another network? Asking for a friend. 🙂

    Thanks so much for three fantastic seasons!

  45. This is heartbreaking. Nothing any of us can say to soften the blow except that the fans feel it just as deeply. I can’t think of another show on the air right now that is as effortlessly diverse and immersive as Dark Matter was, and its loss is a devastating blow to ambitious, inclusive genre TV. We all grieve with you.

  46. Joseph,

    Thank you for your dignified delivery of very bad news. I’m not one for publicly commenting on such ‘media decisions’ and I never have before.

    I just want you and your cast and crew to know that you created and delivered a stunningly, consistently excellent three seasons of one of the finest genre television series I’ve ever watched.

    I’m shocked at how disappointed I am; I’m gutted.

    There’s an established tradition for fine T.V. properties cancelled before their time, so I’ll be crossing my fingers that in the not too distant future, Dark Matter might be rediscovered. I know I’m clutching at straws.

    Thank you so much for the thrills and spills with the crew of the Raza, that I fell in love with.

  47. Who is the team that decided that? I want to go PUNCH them in the face!!!

  48. i am incredibly disappointed once again by SyFy, I’
    m to the point of not watching SyFy any longer. KillJoys gets 2 more seasons and Dark Matter get cancelled. Stargate all over again except this time Im done with SyFy

  49. I’ve been a Syfy fan for over 40 years I followed all the Star Trek’s all the Star Wars all the deep-space all of the Farside… and by far Dark Matter is one of the best, if not the best, Space Opera series, aside from Firefly, that I’ve ever watched. The fact that such an epic, well-acted show could be cancelled demonstrates that the masses are ridiculous idiots and should be slaughtered.

    I’m starting a boycott of the network that dropped them and encouraging all hackers to destroy them for their ignorance in taking away my one bit of pleasure in the week.

    Dark Matter is a masterpiece… and much like Firefly… is head and shoulders Above the Rest, this is why Non-On Demand TV must expire permanently. Power to the viewers not the advertisers.

  50. That’s terrible. I’m so sorry. I thought the show was stellar and one of the best things on.

  51. I never understand cancellations of shows this far in. Your audience is invested in a show that only has two seasons left.

    Why would I even start watching a show on Syfy if i know it’s probably going to get cancelled? Might as well wait till it’s all done airing and catch it on Netflix.

    Regardless, the cast and crew of the show really made the show end on a high note. Maybe we can get the ending wrapped up in a comic book?

  52. Hi Joe

    Sad, really sad. Now I have nothing to watch on TV but Curling. If it wasn’t for my daughter I’d give it up.
    You had an excellent cast and crew lined up too. Such a waste.


  53. Watching Dark Matter every week made my summer. The show was original, fun, and the kind of classic science fiction there isn’t enough of. It was always a pleasure talking you with and the cast – you were a truly fun, professional group of folks. You deserved more network promotion and support. At a minimum, you and us fans deserved one more season to wrap up the story lines.

  54. Good shows cost money. Syfy isn’t trying to rebuild the brand, they only see the quarterly profits projections. This show at least deserved to have a 2 season renewal and cancelation like Killjoys.

  55. Wait, they renewed *Killjoys* for two seasons, but cancelled Dark Matter? I don’t even know what to make of that.

  56. @syfy has left us high and dry. Very disappointed to find out that #darkmatter didn’t get renew

  57. That’s terrible news, I am so disappointed to hear this. I would like to to thank Joe, the Crew and the Cast for an awesome show xxx

  58. Very disappointed just finished watching this season on demand and was looking forward to the next bad decision

  59. Joe, this sucks. Syfy disappoints again. I truly hope you aren’t locked in to them and Jay can shop it to Netflix, Amazon, etc. This may be a blessing in disguise!!! Can’t imagine how you, the cast and crew must feel. So sorry.

    The sun will come up tomorrow!

  60. I am surprised that they dropped a show so quickly. season finale – “sorry you gone”. SyFY seems to have a lack of desire to really create good science fiction television. SPACE channel and various international distribution isnt enough to continue? Maybe the real scifi channel in the states BBC-america would pick you up. Good Luck Joe.

  61. My heart just sank. So disappointed. Loved this show. So much. We watched every episode and couldn’t wait for it on Friday nights. Every time we watched and would say “what about x?” the next scene would address it. Such a fun, clever show.

  62. Well I’m very disappointed in SyFy (a massive understatement)! I’ll take some time to process before I comment further…

  63. This is certainly a seriously bad decision by SYFY a total piss take. I do hope you will be able to continue broadcasting it elsewhere. I feel so sorry for the cast as well the deserve better as do you. Please keep these blogs going for under update. Do you have another way I can be kept updated if you secure a broadcast elsewhere??? Patrick UK England

    1. WHAT!?!?
      They renewed Wynonna Earp & Killjoys, but NOT Dark Matter, the Highest-Rated Show on the network?!?!?
      Thank You to everyone who worked so hard. You gave us a great show!

      Joe, I am so sorry…

  64. I’ve sent SyFy emails about renewing Dark Matter, now I’ve sent them another email to let them know they’ve lost me as a watching customer!

  65. Dear Mr. Mallozi,

    I am absolutely gutted & truly sorry about the cancellation, you and your cast deserve better. Your series is one the best sci fi shows of the modern era, and quite frankly, Syfy shouldn’t be called that anymore, as they wouldn’t recognise great science fiction even if they were given a map. Damn Syfy, utterly useless channel, they no longer have me as a viewer as I cancelled my cable service when you announced that DM was no more. And I emailed Syfy and told them that too.

    Is there any hope of saving DM? Another channel perhaps? Netflix maybe? Amazon Prime? There is a petition floating around the net at the moment, anyone care to sign?

    Every little bit helps.

    Once again, I am truly sorry that this has happened to you and the cast & crew of Prodigy Pictures.

  66. All of my favorite sci-fi shows get cancelled. Sad to see this one go. It’s getting to the point where I may give up watching shows on syfy all together and just stick to netflix.

  67. WHAT!!!! Please Get a contract for a minimun Seasons All new series !!
    I really Hate the way Networks do their stuff in the recent years .So many of my Fav series was cancelled before the Producer could end properly their serie .
    Things must change .Get together Producers don’t just stay at the mercy of this stupid way of doing things.
    We are the Fans the one we invest our love in different series we deserve much better ,A slap in the face do the same effect .Grrr!
    I Hate you SYFY !

  68. Damn Syfy!! They always cancel my fav. shows!! And keep those HORRIBLE movies!!

  69. Joe, now that I’ve had a chance to calm down (a little) after hearing the bad news, I wanted to thank you for giving us this show.

    Your creative genius, and producing and writing skills have given me years of enjoyment. First Stargate, then SGA, SGU, and Dark Matter. I live a busy life and only get to watch an hour of two of TV a week. Your shows are always a priority for me.

    I hope SyFy reconsiders and lets you continue to wow us every week with a great show to watch.

    Thank you.

  70. Ok, now that I’ve sort of got over the hell-ish news and wiped off my tears … I’m wondering, what else can we do to help DM get picked up by a different network or help it live on some other ways?

  71. How incredibly disappointing 🙁 been loving Dark Matter even more each season!

    Recently convinced my parents to watch it, they’ve already almost finished season 3, not looking forward to breaking the news.

    I hope this show gets picked up by Netflix! <3

  72. Joe hasn’t really commented on the possibility, but we’re trying to do a mass request for Netflix to pick up seasons 4 & 5 through the content request form over at the subreddit. I sincerely encourage everyone to request the content. Maybe something can be worked out behind the scenes. Perhaps it’s for naught, but trying never hurt anyone.

  73. Those are sad news, but by no means unexpected. Audience ratings alone are no longer able to keep a TV show alive today. Even more for a sci-fi show, which is essentially a niche show. There are a plethora of TV shows with good ideas, cast, writing that do not even complete a full season. The rule is: TV shows get cancelled all the time. Exception is to be renewed. And while I may not be able to say what would take to keep Dark Matter alive, I confess I did not like the path chosen by the writers in the last two seasons. The character development was great, but I hate the need for big cliffhangers to be solved in the coming seasons. This is the norm for the overwhelming majority of TV shows. In my opinion, a closed arc story spanned over only one season would be much, much better. As a Dark Matter fan, I feel like I’m in a roller coaster, but the cart is locked on top, without being able to get off because there are no more rails to continue. And please, don’t make the same mistake Firefly did, trying to tie all loose ends in a two hours rush.
    Despite my criticism, I thank all the cast, crew, writers, producers and creators for the ride. Wish all the best on your future works!

  74. Thank you for the imaginative show, the fun characters, and the awesome graphics.

    I am highly disappointed but not overly suprised. SYFY has a lackluster history of slashing quality programming. I think it’s pretty obvious they have teams of executives who were likely never even Sci-Fi fans. Have you seen much of the programming they push? More like…pushing people away. I will also refrain from making any snarky comments on the ridiculous channel name change. Oops Nm

  75. What was their reasoning? Dark Matter had the highest ratings it’s ever had and was #1 at one point ratings wise! This doesn’t make sense! As always Joe, your writing was phenomenal as was the cast and crews work. Shame this has come to an end 🙁 Iook forward to seeing other works from you all. xox

  76. It’s funny how much shows become emotional commitments for viewers. I know that after this experience I will not be watching anymore Syfy shows again. Just not worth it to have the rug pulled out from under me again like that. The fact that they are green lighting sharknado 5 just rubs it in our faces even more.

    Story telling is becoming a lost art in the Hollywood and video game industries. Everyone just wants 2 hours of guts, gore, blood, and explosions. It is very sad. Syfy is shooting itself in the foot with this decision. Still, it gives you and the cast the opportunity to move on to bigger and better things — new vistas and possibilities.

    Your writing was great Joseph. I very much enjoyed your story and hope there can be some kind of Dark Matter movie to have some kind of closure. But even if there isn’t, that’s okay too. Maybe there is something new out there for you to explore that you would have never even considered before! Thank you for all your great work.

  77. when Fox killed Firefly we got Serenity for the big screen….. how likely is that for Dark Matter…… even a TV movie like Farscape the peacekeeper wars? Something to tie up all the loose ends

  78. Dark Matter was absolutely the only “sci-fi” worth watching on the so-called “Sci-Fi” channel. Everything else is just horror and gore — so bad that we DVR’d Dark Matter every week so we could skip the gruesome ads for other shows. The show deserves to live, just like Firefly did (I often thought it was the closest anything ever came to the ensemble spirit of that short-lived show) — and of course, it gets cancelled too. Done with cable TV.

  79. Seriously Sc-Fy?? You just canceled your best show!! Joe, please try and keep the show going elsewhere!! Netflix perhaps? Please!!

  80. ” Syfy declined to comment.” Yeah no guts…
    Joe , so really sorry to hear this news, didn’t see it coming. The cast, crew, every single individual involved in this amazing show did and absolute fabulous job and I offer my thanks.

  81. The story line needs to closed out!!!! god I’m pissed Joe and Paul busted butt to make this great show……I am so disappointed

  82. You, your fellow producers, the crew and cast all deserved better.


    If Netflix or someone else doesn’t pick it up, maybe consider continuing the story in comic book or book form (assuming the various “rights” wouldn’t interfere).

  83. They cancelled the wrong show; it was the only one I looked forward to each week. I am devastated. Its like one of my friends suddenly died.

  84. Syfy really is dropping the ball. Dark Matter is the only show I watch in their current line up of shows. Syfy’s other shows are pretty much junk. Pretty heartbroken. The storyline , writing and the cast are phenomenal. Think we need to send SyFy executives some Hot Chocolate – like when everyone sent the executives nuts when they canceled Jericho during after a cliffhanger season ending.

    Like the man says- We deserved better.

  85. Well, that’s pretty crappy news to wake up to!

    Joe, you and Jay assembled an awesome team of cast and crew and gave us three years of wonderful science fiction TV. With the numbers you were getting I find the decision to cancel baffling.

    I’m sure SyFy have their reasons . . . some of them might even be good reasons . . . but once, just once, I’d like a show that I watch religiously to actually finish its story!

    Looking on the bright side, at least I can cancel my Foxtel subscription now that I don’t need the SyFy channel anymore. I’ll make sure I let them know why I’m cancelling.

  86. SyFy pulled yet again another Lucy and Charlie Brown move. I for one am getting really tired of investing time into their products only to get the carpet yanked out in the end.

    Done with Syfy and their corporate overloaded management team. Drive another nail Boys and Girls!

    Why bother?

    1. These networks need to shitcan their stupid A. I. PROJECTION MODELS.

      Typical elite fucks

  87. SyFy have cancelled the best original Sci-Fi show to grace our screens since the end of Stargate? – I am gutted and my heart sank as I was sure they would at least give us five seasons.

    I was so looking forward to seeing where the black ships storyline went. Season 3 was brilliant and the cast were on point every single episode and they cancel it?

    I really really hope there is a twist to this it’s renewed or another channel takes it up because you have a great classic show on your hands here. It’s way too early to finish Dark Matter. SyFy, have a reality check and give it at least another two seasons that it deserves!

    Perhaps the android can stand in the directors office and repeat the word “boobs” all day until they change their minds.

    God damn it, this is depressing news. I hope it’s not the end.

  88. This is awful. I am so disappointed. Thanks all the amazing hard work you and the cast and crew have put into this show.

  89. It doesn’t surprise me with how SyFy had been handling it on their App and VOD services (where I’d typically watch it). They removed episodes pretty quickly for both Dark Matter and 12 Monkeys while leaving complete seasons up for other shows. It was pretty frustrating not being able to watch episodes due to them disappearing.

    Sorry to see it go. It would be nice if someone else would pick it up, preferably not a network.

  90. Take the last 2 seasons to netflix, they picked up Longmire when it was abruptly canceled so it could be properly wrapped up.

  91. Utter and total disappointment in Syfy.

    My partner and I stumbled upon Dark Matter on Netflix last year, about a month or so before season 2 premiered. We’d had such bad luck finding something engaging, entertaining, well-written, compelling, and diverse to watch.

    But then we discovered Dark Matter. Binge-watched the first season over the course of two weekends and then, as luck would have it, we discovered the season 2 premiere was coming up.

    We’ve been huge fans of the show, it was such a joy and so refreshing among so many cookie-cutter, formulaic tv shows.

    There was so much story left to tell and I’m sorry you and your crew won’t get the opportunity to show it to us.

    Thanks again, Joe. To you and all your crew. Great work, good show. Team Raza!

    (Fingers crossed for a revival or for Syfy to come to their senses).

  92. So sad and so sorry 🙁 I love Dark Matter, it’s a really great show. Characters are the most important thing to me in any show, and the people from Dark Matter are really great. Hopefully something changes!

  93. This is extremely disappointing to see SyFy turning it’s back on another amazing show. Why they continuously walk away from incredible stories that truly represent what Sci-Fi is, is beyond understanding. They continue to add to their reputation of not allowing creators to properly conclude their incredible stories. Making more and more loyal fans disappointed and disenfranchised.

    Thank you for helping create some of the most intriguing, incredible and thrilling stories that continue to be some of my all time favorites. Please extend thanks to your co-creator, the crew, and the amazing cast for bringing this incredible story to life. Thank you!

    P.S. Please do not give up on bringing this amazing show to reality.

  94. You can tell from all these comments that Dark Matter will be missed. I’m truly sorry for you and all the cast/crew. I’m still shaking my head about Syfy’s decision. With all the talent on the show, I’m sure everyone will land on their feet but still. It’s a bitter pill.

  95. I wish I could offer some words that would convey my disappointment with this decision. I have lost so many of my favorite shows that coincidently were projects of yours. There are just no words.

  96. Joe, I am so sorry. Dark Matter was an excellent, clean, family show. Perfectly cast and very entertaining. Thank you so much for your vision and hard work. And a special thank you to your awesome crew and cast.

    Perhaps in your next series you should include some sharks.

  97. Hello Joseph –> as a hardcore fan of your show Dark Matter, I’m very saddened the show has been cancelled and ended before its time. The universe you created (characters, technologies and stories) is an amazing one and I’d love to see this show get the fourth season – and proper conclusion it deserves. I have started a petition for NBC Universal and Syfy to give the show a 4th season, or at least a 2 hour finale where the story can be properly wrapped up. The petition is below — is there someone (some group) specifically at NBC Universal and SYFY that it can be addressed to? I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this incredibly enjoyable show —
    i’d love to see it get the ending it deserves!

  98. Stunned. Sad. Deeply disappointed. And heartbroken for you, Joe, especially. Still haven’t fully wrapped my mind around this yet, but feeling bereft that such a great story with multi-dimensional characters and class-act storytelling will now go unfulfilled. Please let the cast and crew and production team know how grateful we are for three terrific seasons. This was one of the few must-watch-TV shows we looked forward to every week. The Raza Crew felt like family. I’m done with Syfy.

  99. I came back to SyFy ONLY because of my love for your and Paul’s work on the Stargate franchise… I quickly fell in love with Dark Matter and the crew (always a fan of Roger Cross). The world needs intelligent, well-balanced sci-fi that can make a person think yet remain accessible and easy to consume. So sorry to hear this. I hope that Dark Matter will get finish its story in some form… soon.

  100. Hi Joe,

    I’m rather upset and disappointed that Dark Matter was cancelled. I find it quite hypocritical since SyFy had just rebranded itself with a new tagline: It’s a Fan thing. If that is truly what they are aiming for, then as a fan, I say that it’s a lie because they have cancelled one of the best shows that I have seen on television in years. I’ve read many comments on social media about the displeasure of having the show cancelled. And I can honestly say that I am truly just as confused as to why it was cancelled. You and everyone that has had a hand in bringing the Dark Matter universe to life deserve to tell the story to its fullest extent.

    As a current TV/Film major in college, it is very upsetting to see this diverse show cancelled. We need more shows like Dark Matter!!! Your imagination was not limited by any means to create this show.

    I want to say thank you to you, Paul and Jay for bringing this story to us fans. I would also like to thank Marc, Melissa, Anthony, Alex, Jodelle, Roger and Zoie for bringing the characters to life. Each of the characters has resonated with me, and I will carry them with me as I begin my journey into the industry.

    What caused Dark Matter to be cancelled? Will you find a way to tell/show what should’ve been the last 2 seasons to us, the fans? We would love to see how this epic space drama (of the greatest crew ever) ends.

    I’m sorry we couldn’t get the show renewed, but it has been an incredible 3 years of feelings, plot twists, and epic cliffhangers.


  101. no puede ser… una de las mejores series de sci-fi no puede ser cancelada, hay que hacer algo.
    ¿qué se puede hacer para que la serie continué?
    ¿qué se necesita para convencer a los directivos del canal de continuar con la serie?

  102. WTF!! I’ve only seen S1 and S2 as I watch on NETFLIX (can’t see paying 80 USD for 5 channels that I might watch, including SciFi but not Syfy so much). The show is entertaining and well thought out with bad guys that you really like (that aren’t really bad). With the strong numbers I was sure you had this in the bag, at least for season 4.

  103. Damn! Another one of my favorite shows is axed while the lesser show owned by the company gets renewed! I’m so sorry Joe.

    I did go and message Netflix along with Amazon and Hulu that I would subscribe to their services for the 2 years if they picked up Dark Matter. I don’t subscribe to any but I would to get Dark Matter.

    Now to call Comcast and shut off the cable, your show was pretty much the only thing keeping me from pulling the plug. 200 channels and nothing to watch.

  104. I don’t know how this is even possible… this season seriously hit it out of the park and gave us the sci-fi smorgasboard we’ve been waiting for! I think this is the first time I’ve ever been geuinely angry at a network for eliminating a show.

  105. Sorry Joe :(. Dark Matter is one of my favorite shows. Are you go going to try and find another network?

  106. Joseph, I eventually watch all sci-fi space shows, and I finish them. Even shows like Andromeda, where the showrunner got canned early & the show never really recovered. My point is that Dark Matter is real gem, IMO easily sitting up there with Babylon 5, Deep Space Nine and Battlestar Galactica in terms of the best gritty sci-fi. You took that Stargate experience and refined your craft, and I was hooked from episode 1.

    The performance of the Raza Crew was stellar; such strong character growth and juicy hooks at the end of each episode leaving me wanting more. I loved so much about it, from the sound design/score, the brief but ominous title card, to the mortality of the characters and the moral grey areas the Raza Crew had to navigate through.

    Season 3 was strong. I don’t think you could’ve written a better show. You and Paul, and the rest of the team on down the line made an amazing show. Whatever the executives at SyFy were thinking… well… they clearly weren’t thinking.

    Thank you so much for Dark Matter. I really hope you and Paul are able to shop it to Netflix/Hulu/Amazon, but I know that can be a hard road legally, and staff wise, since every one will be looking for other work.

    Dark Matter lives on in the hearts of the fans. Thanks again; I look forward to your future projects.

  107. I’m really crushed by this news. I have no words. Thank you, Joe, for this show and for casting such excellent people to bring it to life. What petition can I sign, crowdfunding site to donate to, or butt to kick to keep it going or at the very least have episodes of closure?

  108. Well no zombies, vampires, living dead creatures, INTELAGELANT writing, self invasive sense of humor, TOO Canadian like, no self emoted sexual laden humor. Stalled for viewership, lacking any story line with reason or self deprecation. No wonder there was not a spot on the overly intelligent beyond my simple comprehension with a cognitive inability of a TBI, lacking more time than a working person and no financial restraint like an overdue student loan. Is it any wonder why it could not find a spot on the Network that promotes its self as beyond normal and avant guard depictions?

  109. NONONO!!!!! This is a HUGE mistake! Oh hell. Let me join the chorus of Ya’ll were GREAT from day one, acting, writing, directing, blogging, ENTERTAINING… DAMN this is sad.
    Bless each and every one of you for your dedication and imagination. I am richer for it. We all are.

  110. What the hell is wrong with Syfy? I’m so sorry, Joe, for you and for us.

    Okay. Now who do we call/write/email to complain LOUDLY and get them to bring it back. Dark Matter is an excellent show and deserves to be continued.

  111. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!! Dammit-I went looking for the new episode, realized I saw the season ender and found out it was cancelled. CRAP! I loved the show. Maybe we can get a movie? Something!!! ANYTHING!!!!!

  112. Not to be difficult or combative, but is the Netflix page that keeps getting linked to for producing shows for the network or for airing shows that are already out there? Just want to be sure I’ve got the facts straight. If it’s the former I’ll go fill out that form as many times as I can. I’m all for Netflix taking on Dark Matter the way they did Longmire, as one of their own. I’ve been tweeting at them tonight and will continue to do so. (I’m @catsliketenn19)

    @Joe I’m sure you’d love to start production on Season 4. What do you think about your show becoming a Netflix Original? Got any other ideas that we can help with?

    I’m in a militant mood tonight. Mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore!

  113. Well that’s just stupid. Dark Matter was an excellent show with all the right elements.

    So what happened? Did zombies eat the brains of the execs at SyFy?

    Very disappointing and so sorry to hear this news.

  114. Am so disappointed. Friday nights when Dark Matter and Killjoys are on is the only time I watch Syfy anymore. Great writing and a wonderful cast.

  115. I’m so sad to hear this. I really loved your show! Was so looking forward to season 4 of Dark Matter.

  116. I’ve have a lot of words to say about SYFY, but they’re not nice, so I’ll hold my tongue. The fact that it took them so long to announce a renewal I’m afraid didn’t bode well for the show.

    I, like everyone here, are crushed by the news, and so sad that you didn’t get to fulfill your dreams. We all know it was brilliant, SFFY didn’t have a clue.

    I’m off to Colorado tomorrow for a few days, up in the mountains and I won’t have access to a computer. But I just want to say how much it was appreciated that you, Akemi, the cast and crew worked your hearts out each season, and it showed every week. Thank you all for what you gave us.

  117. I can’t begin to describe how dissapointed in scifi I am. Joe, you did a fantastic job with Dark Matter. And the ending to season 3 was nothing short of spectacular. Thank you for bringing three years of a very enjoyable show. I only wish there could have been two more.

  118. Hi Joe, I’ve been following your blogs for years. Since the beginning of universe. That’s awful new, may I ask what there justification for the cancellation was please?

  119. So sorry, Joe. Syfy just isn’t what it once was. Can’t wait to see what’s next for you, though!


  120. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    This sucks. Really, really sucks.

  121. I’m so sorry Joe. Those folks at Syfy specialize in shooting themselves in the foot. 🙁

  122. Joe,
    Can’t believe that SYFY has cancelled yet another incredibly awesome show well before it’s time. How can they renew Killjoys and not D.M.? I want to thank all the cast and crew who make the show the bundle of epic awesomeness that it was.
    Is there anyone we can write about this? We need to find a way to change their mind. Timeless was cancelled by NBC and a couple days later got renewed. There has to be a way to get the idiots at SYFY to change their mind.

    If not, hope there is some way you can get the last 2 seasons on some other network.

  123. Why is it cancelled??? That’s one of the best shows you have (along with KillJoys). It’s not fair to us fans. The acting was perfect, the storyline had us wanting more…who makes these decisions? THEY need to be canceled.
    What a shame. SYFY needs to know that there’s so little people wanting to watch reruns of underworld, lake placid or the incredibly rediculous Sharknado. I think I’ll bail now after the finale of Killjoys, I have a feeling that’ll be another great show you’ll ax. Thank you, no thank you.

  124. Who are the idiots who signed off on this? This is a show that inspired kids about what could be, even though it may seem impossible in current times. Yeah, keep supporting Kardashian-Cooking show bullshit, but God forbid we keep a show about imaginable technology that results from science… Awful call, your hurting the whole channel/brand. Disgraceful.

  125. I just saw this news. Surprising to say the least. This show was so much better than Killjoys and W. Earp. Killjoys has turned into a confusing show full of too many non-funny jokes. Earp is just poorly written and directed, for the most part. DM’s characters grew together as a family and us with them. Now we won’t be allowed to be with our interstellar family any more. Sucks.

  126. The only reason I and many fans even watch the syfy channel. All the other syfy shows are poor in writing and concept. I hope those in charge hear the fans and reverse their decision. There is so much more to enjoy.

    1. Thogar tweeted this morning.

      #DarkMatter fans. I was told the @netflix content form is ineffective, but phone calls are logged & fwded to their Eval Dept. 1-866-579-7172

  127. So, so sorry to hear this. You all deserved better.

    Thank you for three great years of a great story, and thanks especially for taking the time to share so many the behind-the-scenes gems through your blog. I’ll miss this show, and I’ll miss getting to say hello to the cast at Comic-Con–fantastic talents, amazing ensemble chemistry, and really fun, wonderful, people.

    Best wishes to all going forward, and looking forward to whatever comes next (preferably sooner rather than later, but whenever the time is right).

  128. I’m absolutely bummed. Dark Matter was one of those rare shows that started off strong and just kept getting better and better with every episode. I was and still am invested in these wild characters, and the multiple complex storylines. I’m gonna miss this show terribly.

  129. Came to check comments… raw emotions, support… then you get one person critiquing and another one suggesting hackers take down syfy. Wow. Well, letting that go…

    I’m not surprised at the support and disappointment. I just hope there is some way to either get this picked up with another backer or something.

    So much for syfy and commitment to quality shows.

  130. Just wanted to say this show was one of my top 5 of recent years. I honestly looked forward to every episode. Watched it live if I could otherwise on SyFy the next day! Hope we can revive it somehow if not on TV to finish your masterpiece.

  131. Fu**k you #Syfy you gave me an “amazing” birthday present! Syfy if you are reading this,i hope your company will die out!!!!!!!!!!!

  132. Well I’m still stunned about this. I’m not in the demographics (I’m 63) so I may hold little influence. Dark matter was one of only two shows we (the wife and I) watched from Syfy. It was one of the most intriguing and imaginative shows we can remember. The writing was good, characters were great, actors exemplary, and story arc totally gripping. We couldn’t wait to see how things moved forward. We are busy folks raising grandchildren and don’t have much time for tv. DM was one of our few favorite shows on cable. Just think back and wonder what it would have been like to have had Babylon 5 cut short. It took the years to tell the complete story. Dark matter has now been robbed of what it could have been if allowed to complete. Our hats off to those actors, writers, and crew who worked their buns off to deliver a top notch character study.
    Yes we are sad tonight. Thank you Dark Matter for the story you gave us.

  133. I am so disappointed. Really got in to this show. I loved all the characters and actors. SyFy just loves to drop fans in the dirt! DM was the only show I watched on the I am done.

  134. Hey Joe, I am so sorry to hear this. I know it takes time to process, but hope you guys find a way to keep making the show via other means (like Netflix). If not, I’ll happily buy any comics/graphic novel that helps finish the story (along with tons of other folks). Best of luck to you guys, the cast, and crew. Thank you for sharing the stories, we enjoyed them immensely.

  135. Devastated. This is really, really not deserved. Dark Matter is incredible and I loved it! I will be looking out for the best way to put my efforts into any future support for the show.

  136. Nooooo way!!
    That was the last thing that I expected. Your show was doing so well and it was really, really great. I’m very sorry to hear, man. 🙁

  137. I know am only privy to the public figures and not the profit margins but compared to other Friday series, even on channels which do not tout themselves as dedicated to the fans, DM seemed to be doing OK in the ratings for a Friday show. Good luck with your other projects as DM was a good one, more twists than we usually get from the blandishments of some other TV series. Came across as a good team effort, the acting and script work had a fluidity and ease of viewing. Damn those boardroom politics or is that boringroom?

  138. What?! I just can’t believe this. Such a great show! I hope a way around this can be found with another network but if not then thank you to everyone involved in creating it. So gutted.

  139. One of the best shows that I have ever seen on Syfi. I loved every one of the cast members.
    Am I surprised? Not really….Syfi has done this many times in the past with other good shows.
    The people that run Syfi don’t give a crap about good science fiction programs.
    Example…how the hell is wrestling even considered to be science fiction?

    They should be stripped of the name Syfi!

    I would hope maybe a Dark Matter movie could be made in the future?

    Thanks for screwing it up again Syfi ! YOU SUCK!

  140. WHAT?! This can’t be true, I decline to believe it! I WANT TO KNOW-no-SEE WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE BLACK SHIPS COME. Please, there must be something I(or we) could do! Please try, at least to get Netflix to pick it up where SyFy dropped it.. PLEASE!

  141. I can’t believe it! Dark Matter has become
    my favorite SyFy show. The writing is great, a wonderful cast, great characters, twists and turns, fun comedic scenes, it has everything. I’m heart broken. I agree with another comment about SyFy going to an all horror line-up. Besides The Expanse and 12 Monkeys, which is in its final season, all that’s left in original programming is bad horror. Please take Dark Matter to Netflix or Amazon! We want to find out what happens to the crew of the Raza, who are the Accelerated, is Carina the daughter of Two & Dr. Shaw, who is Five’s sister, what is the Double Deception, did Six end up in the other universe, what about the Android Uprising, where did Portia take Three and why?? So many questions and more, so many great plot lines! Disappointed beyond belief. Will keep hoping for a revival or a renewal based on fan support.

  142. Joe, I am so sorry. This was your baby and SyFy dumped it out with the bath water. Short sighted and incredibly stupid. Sometimes, certain people just need a good slap. What a frustrating event.

    Consider this a huge group hug from all your fans and supporters. (((HUG)))

  143. Let’s do a petition to Cancel SyFy and move every show to netflix, that would be fair enough, they’re not SyFy anymore, are unstable and cancel sci-fi shows right when they become great. Just Google up SyFy and look on the shows they have, DM is the second hit after expanse.. they must be hallucinating

  144. I’m so sad and dissapointed … still I crying … they cancelled my fav. show since Stargate
    I hate syfy soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much

  145. Such an awesome show. So sad to hear its been cancelled. So many awesome scifi concepts all rolled into one series.

  146. This is just classic SYFY behavior! Why the HELL!!!!!!!!!!!! Great characters, great writers, fabulous plot and character development. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there anything fans can do or is it a lost cause? There are other shows on SYFY that are not in the same ballpark as Dark Matter. You will go on to do even bigger things with better networks. God willing. So sorry.

  147. Dark matter needs to be saved, syfi have got this wrong. Another channel could step in or even Netflix or amazon, but we need more. Great cast, story and action, it’s easy to loose yourself within watching an episode, but without having to overtime at the same time. Please fight!

  148. I cant believe what a waste it is to develope such an interesting universe of original characters and storylines, not to mention the superb cast, and just great science fiction, and throw away so many possibilities. I have never been hooked on any show from SyFy the way I have with Dark Matter. In fact I gave up on the channel when they dropped a bunch of other favorites of mine. I need to blink to a better parallel universe where this show continues

  149. No!!! Ruined my weekend. ;( Dark Matter was my number one favorite of all the ongoing shows that I watch. It had stable ratings, how could they??? And all the while utter crap like Z Nation goes on! Is there any hope it can continue on Netflix or maybe get funded by the viewers, like on Kickstarter? Please, it cannot be the end of yet another wonderful sci-fi series. Considering that it even has no actual ending. This is utter disrespect for the fans. I notice all the really worthwhile shows get cancelled on SyFy. Let the channel die, it doesn’t care for sci-fi at all.

  150. Sir, this tears my heart out. I loved the crew of the Raza and looked forward to Friday nights to watch the episodes. I was so intrigued with where you were heading into Season 4. Between the war and the Black Ships and those already infested…well, lets just say there was a certain show on HBO about a place called Westeros that “almost” kept my interest as much as Dark Matter did. You should be very proud of what you accomplished and I pray we get to see the final two seasons (or more if things changed) so we can know that our favorite heroes get the ending they deserve, Godspeed Raza!

  151. Dark Matter is only show I’ve ever watched on the Syfy channel. This feels like Firefly (TV series) short ending all over again. Both shows we’re awesome. But the fans and producers of Firefly series raised money to make a movie to truly end the story the way the writer wanted it to.

  152. Thanks for the show.
    I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.
    I’ve also enjoyed following the larger journey from Gate to Matter via Transporter, and whatever that Horror idea was.
    It’s been a rough ride, but I’m sure the story will continue, somehow.

    *hugs to all involved*

  153. II don’t understand why DM is cancelled and KJ’s gets renewed; I’ve nothing agaist KJ’s but DM was, I think, the stronger show both in story and world creation. Hopefully Amazon or Netflix can be persuaded to pick up season four but if not, thanks for three very enjoyable seasons Joe and the crew of The Raza.

  154. No, please un-cancel Dark Matter!!!! Please Syfy, don’t cancel dark matter. Mr. Joseph Mallozzi could you ask Netflix to make Season 4 of Dark Matter???
    Please Bring back Dark Matter!!!!!!

  155. Syfy’s decision making is really weird to me as a viewer. Killjoys has worse ratings and is overall a trash SciFi show. It gets two new seasons, while Dark Matter is being cancelled.

    I always thought, ratings where the biggest factor for a show to be renewed. And didn’t they say, that they wanted to get back to their roots with more Science Fiction shows? This is doing the exact opposite of that.

    I really don’t know what the execs of Syfy are smoking in their offices.
    Well, at least we still have The Expanse. For now…

  156. I have been a huge fan of this show since the beginning. It saddens me that a show such as dark matter has been cancelled is disheartening. I would like to know what would it take to revive this show and press on.

  157. Oh, bugger! I love Dark Matter and having it cancelled now really sucks. If they can renew Killjoys (which I don’t really like) for two more seasons then they could at least give Dark Matter a half season more – 4-6 episodes – to wrap things up. :-/

  158. Please consider returning the show on some other platform like a web series, Amazon, FB, or Netflix!

  159. What the hell?! After the in my humble opinion good ratings I was sure they would renew it (think everyone here was). Worse is that there are other shows not half as good as this one and they got renewed… – …I just do not understand the people responsible and their reasoning behind this BS. They did the same with other shows (e.g. Caprica,…). Maybe the powers to be do not get good SF at all?!?

    I hate this – really do 🙁 I am so unhappy now!

    Any chance it can be shopped to another network? If not, is there any chance that you Mr. Mallozzi at least be willing to share with us how the story would have gone on?

  160. Sadly, not surprising. Its typical of a tv network to cancel the good shows.

  161. I’m devastated. Dark Matter was one of my main go-to TV shows and now SyFy Friday will be incomplete. I don’t understand this at all.

    If there’s any legitimate campaign to bring it to Netflix or some other provider just so we can get a satisfying non-cliffhanger-y ending, I’ll be on board 100% of the way.

  162. And that’s what, two days after you moved to Toronto to work more easily?
    I ran out of curse words to describe this bastardy. Particularly considering that the awful, AWFUL Crinjoys got a fourth season.

  163. Also Joseph, why do u rely only on Syfy? Find other company that will support and continue the show!

  164. I want you to finish telling the story you planned Joe. Another channel could pick it up? A comic, a book if nothing else?

    Please don’t just end it on a permanent cliffhanger.

  165. A-hole studio execs do not understand sci-fi or respect it’s fans. And the so-called SyFy network is a joke. They should go back to professional wrestling broadcasts. Maybe genuine fans should crowd-fund their own network.

  166. That’s a real bummer! 😕 Maybe another network (or web-based platform) will want to pick it up! It’s such a great show! Off to rewatch the first three episodes, anyway. 😁

  167. Heartbreaking. What an absolute shame. I watched after dark and when the cast said goodbye at the end I had a sick feeling in my stomach that it may be the last time I saw them interact 😢 I hope the show can be picked up elsewhere and if not everyone involved goes on to great things!

  168. OMG, sorry to hear the bad news – loved the show.
    Please dont leave us Fans hanging though, please please please give us the story arc you had planned out. Maybe release a e-comic book online or graphic novel ?

  169. Jo I’m so sorry I cannot believe that they cancelled Dark Matter . It’s just like SGU right when it getting really good bam all done SYFY really has lost its way it’s a
    Horror Chanel not a SYFY Chanel anymore between Blood Drive and sharknaddow. It can’t get any more dum program .

  170. I’m sorry; I know you said you’d field questions later, but… Any chance of asking Netflix, Hulu or even Amazon Prime to rescue the show? Netflix already has 2 seasons, and they’ve rescued shows before. Please try!

  171. Well, crap.

    I’m really sorry to hear this, Joe. You and the rest of the cast and crew were making some of the best television out there. To say that I’m going to miss it is a bit of an understatement. Maybe Netflix will go “hey, Syfy/Space just cancelled s show worth continuing to make” and pick up where they left off — well, it would be nice if it was that simple, eh?

    Thank you, Joe, and the rest of the Raza crew.

  172. Hi Joseph,

    Please don’t give up on Dark Matter. I have had a look at SyFy’s ratings figures for the year and have come to the conclusion that their executives are morons. Cancelling a show which was performing relatively well, especially at such a high point in it’s story, and over shows which had MUCH lower ratings, just makes no sense. This will now be, what, the third time they’ve pulled this crap on you? You need to stop doing business with them and take your shows elsewhere.

    I really hope you can find a new home for Dark Matter, perhaps on a streaming platform like Netflix or Amazon Prime. They’d be silly not to take it up, it has an established story and audience, and could potentially reach millions more viewers on those platforms. But, more importantly, you will be able to complete the story that you have worked so hard on these past few years.

    All the best.


  173. This stinks. Please shop it around to Netflix, Hulu, etc. While I didn’t care for the android actress and 2 kept getting larger by the minute, the rest of the cast did a good job.

  174. So sorry to hear the news, sorry for you and all involved in bringing the story to life, but also sorry for everyone else like myself who enjoy good sci fi. I can only hope that there is a change of heart in the syfy camp, obviously logic doesn’t seem to play much part in their decisions.

  175. So sorry to hear about this. I feel so terrible, from everyone who worked on that show to everyone who watched and enjoyed the show, including myself.

    I thank everyone for all their work and effort on this show, it is greatly appreciated. This mirrored Nolan’s POI, one of my all-time favorite shows, in all the good ways, acting, production quality, pacing, multi-threaded / complex plots/stories, action, smart humor, mystery and so much more, and still got cancelled 🙁

    I wish everyone the best of luck, and maybe just a little hope that Amazon or Netflix could pick this show up?

  176. As fans what can we do to get it moved. Or is this a lost cause? I would love to help.


  177. This is terrible!!! I loved that show. Dark Matter and The Expanse were the only 2 shows I watched on Syfy. And to end the series without wrapping up the story only makes it worse. I really hope you can find another network or streaming provider to pick up the series. Good luck to all.

  178. You know, SyFy lost all goodwill with me years ago on account of Stargate. I was willing to give them a chance if they did right by you and Dark Matter. Now, I’m pretty sure the people who run SyFy are… I have no polite words for them. I remember when SciFi first came on air, how excited I was for a channel that was dedicated to my favorite genre. Then they changed their name and became a bunch of (insert more impolite words here).

    I’m upset because you deserve to tell your story. I want to hear that story. I want to watch these incredibly talented actors breathe life into these vibrantly written scenes.

    I’m sorry Joe. 🙁

  179. Sorry for the cast & crew with the decision by SYFY.

    Sadly a leopard never changes its spots, SYFY again cancel a show prematurely.

    It looks like SYFY got a directive from Comcast/NBC to spend less. So they cancel some shows and replace them with more reality crap for the next season.

    Folks. SYFY will not release “Dark Matter” for someone else to play with. AFAIK none of the previous shows that SYFY cancel got move to a different network.

  180. What the FUCK??
    Sorry, I cannot say it politely.
    This doesn’t make sense. AGAIN a show I REALLY love. From start to finish…and they cancel it?? AGAIN??
    While renewing other stuff I don’t even want to comment on??

    When you do answer questions, Paul:
    Any chance to take this to another network??

    Good thing I am gonna get stoned tonight…this is a real shock. And I feel so cheated. Left hanging.
    I want to know how it continues!! I want to SEE IT!!!

  181. Very saddened by this news.

    My best wishes to you and the rest of the crew. Thank you all for a great show.

  182. SyFy canceled a great science fiction show (Dark Matter) and renewed a drab repetitive and drubbed down fantasy romp (Killjoys). It just figures.

  183. Let me add my voice to the chorus of disappointed fans. I’ve been watching both Killjoys and Dark Matter on Friday nights for the last three years, Dark Matter is my “go to” of the pair while Killjoys languishes in my backlog. And now I see Dark Matter is cancelled after the awesome cliffhanger ending of S3 while the other is renewed for two (albeit final) seasons? Argh! Like everyone else, hoping it gets resurrected elsewhere.

    ps. Love the android, thought she did an awesome job in the role. Heck, all of them did. 🙂


  184. Hi Joseph,

    I know, that’s not ideal either, but was it ever on the table to get at least one last shortened season like they did with Continuum and Nikita (final 4th seasons with 6 episodes). Or is it generally impossible to wrap Dark Matter up with only a few episodes?
    I for one would be open for any kind of continuation to just get some more of the Raza crew. Beside the story especially this excellent cast and how they filled their characters with life was what made Dark Matter so special for me.
    I already was getting some “Firefly vibes”, a cool ship and a fine crew out for space adventures … and now it’s just gone??? Still can’t get my mind around it …

    Many greetings!

    PS: If there’s the slightest chance to save Dark Matter, please fight for it, but if you honestly think, there is nothing left to do, just tell us, because then I prefer to try to close this open wound … because right now my great disappointment is changing to anger.

  185. This really pisses me off. I don’t usually get emotionally attached to characters on TV shows but I love the crew of the Raza. We got screwed over with Stargate Atlantis too. God damn it.

  186. i really hope you can find somewhere (netflix, perhaps?) to give us season 4…

    and the guys over at syfy wonder about ratings… no wonder people lose interest in syfy with that kind of a track record of cancelling good shows like this, you’d even become afraid to start watching in fear of liking the show and then seeing some high shot nitwit flush it down the drain

  187. Very disappointed to get the news about Dark Matter. One of the few shows that have no episodes sitting on the DVR because I’d watch them immediately. One of my favorite sci-fi shows on TV and one of the best in a long time. Loved the whole thing. Please try to get a pick-up from a different network or service… Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, someone.

  188. Oh No! I’ve always enjoyed this series since the first episode. It will be sorely missed.

    Please continue the story in some format, hopefully a movie to handle the cliff-hanger.

  189. Okay I noticed the borrowing from firefly, peacekeeper war and babylon 5. But, as a SiFi lover it is totally okay some “plots” get recycled, well I loved it.
    I missed such a «quebecan» show which central plot was all about «je me souviens», and this was unique, and fun.
    What are memories true, and faked worth?
    Amazing question.

  190. This is a way to stop watching the space channel. They put a show on. You get interested in. And then they cancel it. Like going to the movies. You get burned and you quit going. So i will be removing the space channel from my list of channels. And start streaming shows. You burn me. I burn you.

  191. I’m pretty pissed. Dark Matter started off amazing, and I will say season 1 was by far the best. Would have liked One to stick around longer, and the Four story line did start to drag, but the rest of the story really started to pick up in the second half of season 3 and was regaining momentum. On the other hand…the sister show, Killjoys, which I loved as well in season 1 and 2…is really starting to be a chore to watch this season. I’m shocked that of the two, Syfy chose DM to cancel.

    1. Glad that it is not just me who thinks Killjoys went all downhill in season 3, whereas Dark Matter was still going strong in its third year… – …I still can’t believe that they really cancelled Dark Matter

  192. This is absolutely unbelievable ! How is it possible a series such as this with such amazing potential and one of the best season finales ive seen in a sci-fi series gets canceled ? on what grounds ? How is it that crap shows get renewed on and on and SyFy doesn’t even grant the dignity of a tv-movie or even a 2 episode series finale to be made for a solid conclusion to a great show atleast? I am speechless and furious ! #Savedarkmatter

  193. This is very very sad news. The cast and chemistry is amazing.

    Please find a way to continoue this show. Netflix or otherwise.

  194. Joseph, thanks for everything–including the extra content that you provided us. Thank everyone involved with the creation and production of the 3 seasons of Dark Matter. Obviously, a number of people(myself included) would like to see how your vision plays out–in any other form. Comic book form?
    If you were to produce a few Dark Matter collectors items (Like a cool movie style poster), and the profits go to a charity like handicap international or autism self advocacy network, I’m sure people like me would jump at the change to buy one.

    Thanks again, & I look forward to your future projects.

    Very Sincerely,

    Steve Rice

  195. what u have cancled dark matter i love that show and was excited to see season 4

  196. The third season was the best yet. The show kept getting better and better. I need to know what happens. Maybe they’ll let you make a wrap-up movie? Thanks for the past three years.

  197. Damn. Dark Matter is fresh, it’s got great characters, it is one of the best new things I’ve seen in a few years now. I really hope you guys get picked up by someone else very quickly.

  198. The one show I love on Canadian Space Channel. And there cancelling it?
    They need to do an amazingly awesome final. Because when it hits DVD I’m buying it. They did this to Farscape years ago.
    Very sad day for Sci-fi fans

  199. Horrible news (and strange given the support just given to the sister show). Take a moment to sob quietly, then let determination replace it and tell us what we can do to help Dark Matter live on somewhere else.


  200. Absolutely fed up of shows like thus being cancelled. One day the tv companies might put viewers before profits! Nah, that will be when hell freezes over!

    Thanks to all involved in making the series, my husband and I really enjoy it and are gutted to see it go. Wish life would stop revolving around money so much. 😡

  201. Recmy last comment – tv companies refers to the likes of SyFy and not the production company.

  202. I’m totally done with Syfy from this point forward. They cancel incredible shows in favor of absolute garbage. Enough is enough.

  203. I’m sorry that you guys got paired with SyFy, since in my experience they have a history of not listening to the most important thing, their fans, when it comes to shows. For them to cancel Dark Matter after 3 seasons of very solid performance in ratings, just proves that fact. After their stunt they pulled with Warehouse 13 I gave them one more chance when I discovered Dark Matter, now I am done with Syfy, because I’m tired of them cancelling solid performing shows right as they are picking up steam. My only hope is that somehow DM can be picked up by another network or Netflix so the story can continue, if that’s even possible.

  204. Pitch it to Netflix or Amazon. SYFY does this crap all the time to good shows in favor of reality series or garbage movies/shows. I looked for to Darkmatter each week . You were breathing life back into the sci-fi genre with your show. Evidently SYFY has no clue what real sci-fi is.

  205. Thanks to you, the awesome actors, and the awesome crew…for a wonderful sci-fi series! You all WILL be missed! 😊👍🏻❤️😢

  206. For the last few months I have been telling EVERYONE that Dark Matter is the BEST SHOW out there, now this….???

  207. I’m very upset when I just heard Dark Matter was cancelled. First my favorite comedy tv show was cancelled and now this…I’m not happy when they cancelled other show, the where I watched. This show should continue more seasons and more story. Dark matter casts, you guys did a great job with this tv show and other who work on this show, they deserve better than this. I’ll never forget the show that I watched from the beginning with season 1.

  208. So sorry to hear this. Such a great show and a wonderful cast. Perhaps another network will pick up the show (Netflix).

  209. Pitch Netflix on season 4?! Greatest sci fi series since Stargate. So sad.

  210. I’ll wait for your full discussion, but I can only ask; “What in the hell are syfy management thinking?”

  211. Hi Joe,
    First of all I want to thank you and Paul for creating the BEST sci-fi space show in recent years, Prodigy Pictures, the crew and last but never ever least, the Raza Crew / cast of this amazing show. While admittedly Zoie and Android are my faves, I love ALL the ladies and gentlemen actors on Dark Matter. I can not say this about any other show. Even your guest stars and recurring stars all brought their A game each week. From every part of production, costumes, props, music, hair and makeup, stunts, effects, acting and more, you’ve managed together to create a unique and original show that kept me coming back every week for 3 years and always craving more. And the connecting with fans from you all via Twitter and other platforms, including After Dark, has been just incredible. It feels as if you are one big family, not just onscreen but offscreen too. This chemistry, energy and love is felt by fans everywhere and is what makes us so passionate about your show.

    I could go on and on but I just want to Thank You ALL from the bottom of my shattered and devastated heart. I am heartbroken and I know you’ve been probably asked 100x already but what can we do as fans to get this show to continue? Should we hashtag that spineless network, sign the petition, approach Netflix, just please advise us what to do so we can have season 4&5 soon? I will NEVER be able to say goodbye to Dark Matter and it’s cast. Not ever. And will fight with all I’ve got. My endless gratitude to you all, cheers, Georgia 🙂

  212. Are they nuts! The show is amazing! The cast was outstanding…so sad. Extremely disappointed, wishing you guys the best!

  213. GDI.
    I am sincerely going to miss the crew of the Raza. The Android in particular was my absolute favorite character.
    No reason for me to continue watching SyFy channel at all, now.

  214. such a pity, really enjoyed the show, sending thanks for the show from the U.K.

  215. this is proof that tv execs have no clue what the hell they are doing. They wonder why cable tv is going down the tubes…i hope another network is smart enough to pick it up…hey netflix…yoohoo…

  216. So sorry to hear that. Dark Matter was really innovative, well written, and very well acted. It was one of my favorite science fiction series of all time. I hope some other, more savvy, network picks it up and continues to run it. Thanks and congratulations to all of you involved in the production.

  217. Hi Joe,

    sorry to hear the bad news but I kinda was expecting it though.
    (Can’t say way, just had a bead feeling)
    Thank you for putting in so much work and effort in it! Really loved the show.
    Oh and also sorry, that you went through all the hustle to sell the house and move to Toronto. LA or Japan would have been a better choice but how could you know.

    Also sending good thoughts to Akemi and the Dogs.

  218. The only reason I ever even watched syfy channel. Such a wonderful show on such a horrible network, but then they do have the idiotic Wyonna Earp, I suppose I should have known. Quality and syfy channel don’t really belong in the same sentence.

  219. Yours was one of the best serie there was. It was a wonderful journey and you gave us so much, filling up our dreams and hope. Syfy got everything wrong. Dark Matter has become one of my three favorite series with Farscape and Firefly. At the same level, not any below. The cancellation announcement just destroyed my day and your disappointment you feel resounds in our very heart and we mourn together with you all. Thank you very much for this amazing adventure and to the whole crew, actors and technicians, everyone who made it possible so far. They can cancel everything they want we will ALWAYS be the crew of the Raza. Everyone of us. Always !

    1. Totally agree with Farscape, Firefly and Dark Matter being three great shows stopped too soon! Get ticked off at SyFy and Fox every time I think about the stupid decisions they make! Rarely watch either station anymore! These shows were the exception!

  220. I thought they were renewed for a fourth season. They left us in limbo in season 3. Why would Sifi do this! I love this show! I have never missed an episode and buy every season! This is not fair! Bring it back!

  221. I’m so sad. Dark Matter is the only show I watch on SyFy. Thank you for a wonderful adventure.

  222. fcking syfy channel. everytime there is a good tv show they cancel it. just because retarded people choose to watch stupid shows that doesnt require any brain work to make. fuck u all you. I’m really sorry for the dark matter 🙁

  223. Mr. Mallozzi (and your cast and crew) – very sad to hear the news. Was whole-heartedly hoping for renewal and the completion of the 5 year arc. Did our best to help promote (re-tweets etc.) and sad that we were (apparently) ignored by the “powers that be.” Thank you all for a highly enjoyable series.

  224. I can’t believe it. The show was brilliant! What a bunch of short sighted tosses.

  225. Dark Matter was the step in the right direction.
    SYFY once again cancels a great show in the genre I look for on a network supposedly dedicated to epic works of Sci-Fi with great casts and well written story lines like Dark Matter has provided for 3 seasons. You will be missed.

  226. I am so sorry. I love Dark Matter. SyFy has no other good shows and they left Dark Matter’s viewers hanging with a cliffhanger and no ending. I wish you could find a new channel for this show.

  227. They would have had much greater audience if not stranfled by the cable giants. I would have paid for streaming but it wasn’t offered.

  228. It was amazing and I’m disappointed to see it end, everyone who worked so hard to give us three seasons of this show, your amazing we love you ❤️

  229. No way? Seriously? I’m really sorry Mr. Mallozzi. It’s very sad, especially because we haven’t the appropriate final for this amazing show. I hope to see that incridible team again soon.

    Rip one, two, three, four, five, six and Android

  230. And yet again some asshat /suit bigshot looked at some idiots numbers and ruined another really good syfy show … Great Show and Great Characters This is a shitty thing to do !! shop it to another network and I will follow !!

  231. Nooooooo

    Cant believe it,dark matter is a brill show,been watching since day 1.

    So no doubt they will be putting shyte shows in instead.

    Not happy 😞😞

  232. It was an amazing show! I enjoyed every episode with its twist and turns. The cast could not have been better in there roles. Just one blink and it is over. Good luck to the cast and crew in future endevers.

  233. I can not believe this! I really liked this show. I own season 1 and 2. I am extremely disappointed in st fy or whoever canceled this show!

  234. I’m so sad, I loved watching Dark Matter, brilliant writing, acting and everything!

  235. Dammit!! Someone call NETFLIX! Netflix has picked up other shows that a network foolishly cancelled. They have a big, fat budget for their “Netflix Originals” portfolio. Surely they would at least take a look at Dark Matter, if SyFy wants to shoot itself in the foot.

    1. I agree, Dark Matters would thrive on Netflix or Amazon. Is there a possibility of the show continuing on one of these networks? I enjoyed this show along with Killjoys but I favored Dark Matters much more. From the beginning I was all in, as it were and now feel a loss which I hope will only be temporary.

  236. That stinks!! I really enjoy this show…. So bummed right now. Hope they change their minds and you all can rock on again!!!!

  237. Completely bummed with SyFy’s decision to cancel Dark Matter! The story line was getting increasingly more interesting and the characters/actors pulled it all together. Loved each one, but Three was my absolute favorite! SyFy has consistently stopped shows that I enjoy before it was time in my opinion! With all the different ways of viewership now-a-days you’d think they’d find better ways than tv ratings to decide to cancel a show! Because of it I typically don’t invest in shows until they’ve lasted for quite awhile. In this instance though the previews made me start it live from beginning. DARK MATTER IS AN EXCELLENT SHOW!

  238. This fan is disappointed as well. Fantastic cast, well-written stories and super visuals. I don’t know what else anyone could ask for. I would love to read the rest of the story if ya’ll novelize it. Shine on.

  239. This surely has must been said b4, but please Joe – fuck SYFY. Stay away from them when you pitch your future shows. Fans are purely in revolt against them at this stage. They don’t respect fanbases even tho they claim ‘#itsafanthing’

    Your writing skills deserve far better than their treachery.

    The worst feeling I have is that I couldn’t directly support Dark Matter when it aired in Australia, as cable here is a disgusting ripoff. (I’m sure they care nothing for netflix)

    At the end of the day though, going forward, syfy must be blacklisted. If you can’t tell a story with any security, then why should writers bother?

  240. Timeless was cancelled and then renewed after 3 days… so it is possible to get a reprieve.
    (and Timeless is not a high quality show)
    So sorry this happened – thinking of you.

  241. I am disappointed. With the rubbish Syfy…this is even an idiotic way to spell..makes they cancel a well crafted and intriguing show. My best to the cast and crew and yerself for doing a bang up job.

  242. This was truly an amazing show, reminded me of the farscape days…i was really looking forward for season 4 after that awesome season 3 finale…sad news

  243. Completely gutted by this news. One of my favourites of all time. One of those progs thst seemed just right. Ghey have history in ditching shows I know, but only 3 seasons????? Unbelievable.

  244. This deeply saddens me as I love Dark Matter, but can’t say I’m shocked. SyFy shows don’t last longer than 5 seasons, and you’re lucky to make it past 2-3 seasons. Hope everyone on the Dark Matter cast and crew find success elsewhere in the future, preferably not on the SyFy channel!

  245. Find another network or please do a movie

    I absolutely loved the show 💔

  246. Dear Joseph! you created a great story and some really sophisticaed characters! The show made my three Augusts, really cahnged my life,made it better.
    I can’t imagine that we’ll have no final finale.
    There’s gotta be some way.
    You are obviously a very talented and creative person and that’s why I hope you’ll find a way to tell the rest of the story.
    From Russia, with love

  247. I’m gutted to hear this news. The UK offered very little to us sci-fi fans and we rely on SYFY for great imaginative series like Dark Matter. For something so well written, produced and acted what possible excuse can they have..?! DM has no way run its course, unlike others that keep on being ground out. A sad, sad day for sci-fi..

  248. OMG. Another fantastic cast and crew bringing another show to a conclusion. I wonder if all the conspiracy theories out there draw conclusions that a sy fy channel doesn’t like it’s own programmes. Best wishes to you all for your future careers.

  249. I think I’m more sad about this than Stargate being cancelled. This show had so much more to give, I hope syfy or Netflix or SOMEBODY will give it another chance.

  250. I love Dark Matter and I am so sad to see it go! I looked forward to it. They should finish the story line for us die hard fans. I will miss this show .❤️

  251. I have difficulty understanding how show that is so good with so much critical acclaim can be cancelled. I realize that Syfy is driven my ratings and the show for some reason had low ratings. I put Dark Matter right next to the Expanse in terms of plot, acting-casting-characters, production etc. So why low ratings? Just wondering if Syfy could have given it a chance to develop in another time slot or some other mechanism to improve viewership.
    I am sad to see this series end and ending so abruptly. I am hoping that maybe Syfy or some other network might sell it or pick it up again on another network. if there is a ” save Dark Matter” petition or activity I would love two add my voice. Thanks for three great seasons of excellent science fiction.

  252. This is a huge disappointment. Killjoys 2 more seasons with a chance to wrap up, but Dark Matter left drifting and facing galactic scale annihilation? I liked then both, but Dork Matter was my favourite of the two. I’m so sad.

  253. Loved this show, was something different than other sci-fi genre programs, will miss the crew of the Raza, sux really

  254. Such a disappointment!!! Syfy does not have too many shows worth watching, and Dark Matter was worth every exciting minute. Hopefully, Netflix will pick it up.

  255. This is such a let down. Is it possible to at least push for one last movie episode to tie up the cliffhangers left off with this season?

  256. Joe, I am so sorry to hear this news. I loved this show and always looked forward to a new episode each week. I thought the last show was good and couldn’t wait for season 4 previews. Wish us viewers had more of a say when cancelling TV shows. Best of luck to you and the crew.

  257. Thank for an incredibly enjoyable three seasons. It was a wild ride. It IS sad that thought provoking and interesting sci-fi can’t find a home on the sci-fi channel.
    Thanks again.

  258. Are they serious?!?!? This is a very well written and relatable show. I am interested in the character’s lives, which for me is hard to do. Like Firefly it is gone too soon. Jeez, maybe they should not blame a show but the marketing for the audience numbers etc. I myself didn’t know about it till this year. But I was hooked and binge watched it. Sad day

  259. SyFy always cancels the good shows. Every time they do, they are wacking the audience by slicing the throat of a story we have invested so much time in attending to, and they destroy the product by denying it a proper ending for the future. It is like reading a library book only to find that someone ripped out the last chapter… it is evil. Why would they be so mean to their “customers”?

    Perhaps you can get the funding from others who have ethics to make a Serenity-like 2-hour wrap-up movie as was done with Firefly to protect the product and audience investment as a whole as the series proceeds into being a classic. It has become clear it is a waste of time to watch shows funded by SyFy.

  260. Yes, everyone deserved better. Another excellent TV show cancelled after three seasons without a proper series finale!! I will miss Dark Matter. Way to go SyFy!

  261. Wow, just, wow. Syfy has a knack for killing off the only good shows. I boycotted syfy when they cancelled SGU until I heard about The Expanse and Dark Matter. Other than that, there is nothing good to watch on that network. You should look into trying it on Netflix or one of the new original content Internet TV networks.

  262. SyFy did a great job here of cutting my viewing of shows on their network down to a third. I watched Killjoys only because it was on alongside Dark Matter. Without DM, no KJ for me, which means the only reason I might have to keep the network around is The Expanse.

    Kudos, SyFy. Kudos.

  263. After finishing 3rd season I looked up when will season 4 be aired as I thought it ended with such a game changer for the DM Universe and was dying to know… then I saw the cancellation note.. paraphrasing your words immense disappointment doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings. I really love the show and am sorry it went down this way.
    Few of us in the comments suggested Netflix to pick it up and I hope they will… or HBO because why not ?
    I am a big fan of your work, Stargate series and now DM so I really really wish for you to find a way to create more of what you’ve given us already, thank you for all you’ve done for us fans.

  264. So sad. We watched from the beginning. This seemed like a show with a single plot line but with great character development and wonderful stories, we were hooked. We looked so forward to Friday nights and were sad when season 3 ended. Little did we know that was the series. Here’s hoping SyFy reconsiders or someone else (looking at you NetFlix) picks it up.

  265. This is the best show by far on syfy. All fans should start some sort off petition to save it just like what happened with the tv show sorry joe was really looking forward to see where the story was going in the next season.i live in Scotland and am sure there is a hell ova lot more fans worldwide.

  266. Once again the SyFy channel proves it has its head up its ass! Finally there was once again a good Friday of television. Ever since they changed the spelling of the name the quality of shows has been crap. Seems like they prefer reality based shows. We the fans deserve better. We may not be a large viewing segment but we are loyal.

  267. Do you need ideas? I have a few, is it casting? Cast me? I wanted to kick some ass? Damn man! Now I need to figure out what’s next, specially since GOT season is over. So sad I tell yah! but don’t worry I’ve already written my end. Good luck on your next endeavors. It was great while it lasted.

  268. see, THIS is the reason why I dont believe in series anymore. it’s just maybe 1% of the series are brought to a decent end the rest is just thrown out just like that. Maybe we should boycott these stations…

  269. Dark Matter is undoubtedly the best TV series I have seen (at least as good as SG1 & SGA, maybe even better). Great characters, great setting, great plot, I have loved every episode. It have also inspired me to create better characters for my novels (not yet published).

  270. One of the few, (3) shows worth watching on SyFy. Very upset. Can’t they cancil te blood, guts and gor shows n stead!! Bring back Dark Matter. It was getting really, really good !!!

    How do I contact SyFy corporate ?


  271. I’m at a loss for words, and that doesn’t happen often.

    I am floored by such a decision. I didn’t expect Syfy’s management to be so shallow as to cancel great shows and keep stupid ones on air. I guess I missed the part where their pockets matter more than their clientele of educated sci-fi afficionadi.

    Kudos to you, Jos, and the cast and crew for many delectable hours I was always looking forward to. Dark Matter will sorely be missed.

    Blessed be.

  272. Totally pointless airing a multi season show and then not having the balls to follow it through.
    If SYFY keep doing this then another channel will take their viewers and syfy will end up showing reruns of the twilight zone.
    Tv is about loyalty and contiuity…. get a grip

  273. Not cool at all. Your show was a highlight in my viewing schedule. Look forward to understanding from you what happened, exactly. Perhaps there will be some kind of resolution in some other form?

  274. Mr. Mallozzi, I am very sad to read this. I hope there is some small chance at either an episode or two run to finish the series, or better yet a new network. Honestly, I wish you hadn’t invested with Syfy again since they have done this to you before, but I am an outsider and lack all the info.

    I wrote but I wish I had an actual person to vent my frustrations with. Thank you for telling us, and for all the hard work you do. Best wishes.

  275. I can’t believe it..
    It was and it is my favorite serie and i couldn’t wait to watch a 4th, 5th and 6th season. There’s so much to tell, that even a movie won’t be enough! omg i can’t believe it! And there’s not even a finale!
    This is the proof that tv networks don’t care about the whole story, told and untold, behind a show. They don’t care about fans and they don’t care about you, Joe, and this is sad, very sad.
    Thank you for all the hard work, but I’ll keep praying and hoping for a miracle… Who knows…
    Take care and keep rocking!

  276. Bad news, but I knew it. Dark Matter started very bad and first Season + half of second season was really annoying/slow. That’s probably why this series ended and not rly much knew about the Series wich means no good adverting for me. Iam sorry to hear it because I liked how it went at Season 3.

  277. Yeah we all do… WTF.. At least give the chance to wrap up the story. I honestly don’t care for killjoy nor van Helsing. What a disrespect to the audience. Sorry to hear that.

  278. Very disappointed!! This was a great show .i perchased these on iTunes thinking it was going to be a full series what a waste of money , no wonder pirate it’s not worth buying series anymore .

  279. I stopped watching Syfy years ago when they couldn’t figure out the new way people watched TV and they cancelled a bunch of good shows. I swore I would not come back. I came back for Dark Matter because the people from Stargate where behind it. I loved everything about Dark Matter. Well, Syfy you did it again. My guess is they partially own the show so we are not going to see it on another network/Netflix. To not even give the fans a half season to get some closure is all I need to know about SyFy. I have zero F’s to give anymore.

  280. SyFy, you pissed me off when you ditched SGU, but like a fool I came running back to you. Now, you’ve pissed me off again. What do you have in store for me next?

  281. It will not be the same without seeing the #razacrew Thank you for bringing us this incredible show and crew. Keep your heads up, maybe Netflix will step in. SyFy has done this to many good shows!! #DarkMatter 4ever

  282. I’m glad we got three years. I’m deeply disappointed we didn’t get four.

  283. This is so disappointing. This is one of the best science fiction shows in a long time. I just don’t understand why good shows like this get cancelled out of the blue. Will there be a campaign to protest this? They at least need to do some kind of finale to give the show closure.

  284. thats just not right at all,,was a great interesting show to be seen. going to miss such a short lived series

  285. Dark Matter rocks. This is one of THREE reasons I decided to give syfy another chance.

    Instead we get more wynonna earp, which sorry, is complete garbage.

  286. Why???? It is a great show! No wonder I didn’t see Friday’s episode on!!! Now I won’t home the ending to their story!😡
    To say that I’m incredibly disappointed would be an understatement for me as well.
    Hope some one picks it up (another station) so we can keep enjoying the show.

  287. One of our favourite shows. It is something different with fabulous characters. I like how the stories are not always black and white. Of course the sci-fi elements are great too…

  288. I’m so sad to hear the news! I will sign every petition I can find. I have already watched Dark Matter twice and love it so much. I grew up on Stargate SG1 and SGA and have watched each at least 3 or 4 times. Enjoyed SGU as well. I was so excited to hear Dark Matter was being produced by you and Paul. Thank you so much for creating shows that have brought me so much enjoyment!!! They all hold a very dear place in my heart.

  289. So all we get is WWF junk on SyFy, Star Trek on BBCA or H&I and FireFly on History channel???

  290. Bummer to the thousandth degree. I really liked the show and would have loved to see the future unfold for many of the characters. I felt that we were just getting started. Damn TV networks!!
    Wishing all the best for your future endevours and thanks for the excellent TV for you and your crew!

  291. Aw man, this really blows. I loved watching this show. Such a great story and interesting characters. It’s a shame that we will lose this one, but I do hope Syfy reconsider their cancelling a great program like yours. Thank you and the crew for all the hard work you put into this amazing world you created.

  292. I am so very sad for you and me 😭….I really Loved the show, Joe you are very talented, I will miss the crew….syfy you are making a mistake, how could you leave the fans with no ending to the story!

  293. Been watching Dark Matter for the last few months after “happening” upon an episode and got completely hooked. I found out that other people at work had a similar experience. As each episode progressed, the more the story was building; with secrets revealed and unexpected developments. This kept the show interesting and exciting. Now, sadly it’s been cancelled right at a season end cliff hanger. I agree with others who have called for a movie length finale to finish this high quality sci-fi which has a fantastic balance of intelligence, action, plot and humor. The series, writers and actors deserved for the series to have had better promotion and should be comforted that the demise is not for the lack of talent. At the very least we deserve satisfying conclusion … it would be a travesty to leave such a high quality show unfinished.

  294. I really don’t like the way Syfy executives just announce a cancellation without giving producers a final season to wrap up story plots for loyal viewers. Total DISRESPECT!!!!!

  295. Please post where we should send our hate mail. This is the last time I attempt to watch SyFy. They have lost a lifelong fan today. Please reach out to Netflix and try to get the ending this show deserves.

  296. NO! Dark Matters is one of the few shows that are consistently good. Plot lines are incredible, the characterizations are great, the mood gives you emotional and mental twists and turns. It asks the questions and leaves you to answer them. I am connected to the characters. They are real.

    I hope you are able to get the show produced somewhere else.

    To all those who have worked on the show, from actors and directors to set designers and costumers, to music. FANTASTIC! KUDOS! You made a wonderful show. Hopefully something will change and you will at least be able to bring the show to an conclusion.

    If not, I hope each and everyone of you continues and excels in your careers.

    Thank you for your work.

  297. I am so sad that this show got cancelled, just like I was when the same happened with Stargate. Looks like no show today can survive without the overrated love drama and of course pg13 scenes even if it is sci-fi.
    I do hope you come back with something new soon, maybe shorter series since the attention span of the dumbed-down masses has decreased so much?

  298. Doggone it! Dark Matter was the *first* SyFy original series I’ve watched since my bae Stargate Atlantis got abused and abruptly cancelled. I really enjoyed it. I guess I’m enjoying The Expanse now as well, but Dark Matter was just PURE FUN, an absolute pleasure from start to finish, and SyFy’s critically acclaimed shows never manage to do that.

    Probably my fault, though — I only watched when it got to Netflix, and that can’t have helped the ratings. Sorry. (I can’t wait to see Season 3, though!)

  299. Dark Matter is a character driven show where we the viewers actually can invest in the the character development. It was a redemption story which was showing that we can rise above our base instincts. It was fun and not yet lost its moorings. Do not follow many shows but cared about this one. I believe it will be one of those before their time shows which we will wonder what could have been in years to come as we watch the reruns.

  300. Say it ain’t so! Let Netflix pick it up for the final two seasons.! We can’t be left in the dark…

  301. I’m saddened to hear that. I watched all 3 seasons straight (ok season 2 first, then 1 and then 3). The last episode was terrific and left much to be anticipated but as an honest viewer who was surprisingly enamored with the first two seasons, Season 3 had some filler episodes. What made the show so watchable was the character development and what members of the cast really brought to life. It wasn’t too “smart” or hard to follow like the Expanse and it wasn’t as dumbed down as some of the shows on Syfy. However, the plot slowed down here and there with some mushy after-school special feeling spots and the over-arching storyline with the Raza crew vs Ryo Tetsuda took awhile to unfold. I’m no expert on what makes a show successful in terms of ratings or finances but if the filler was edited, Season 3 would have been great as 6-8 episodes. Still I agree with other fans here, Season 4 or a finale movie needs to happen.

  302. I was extremely worried this was going to happen. I don’t know who to be the most aggravated with though…did Syfy mislead the creators so that they felt safe to end in a huge cliffhanger? This is exactly the type of old show I avoid watching because of the lack of closure.

    Now, I assume Joe will eventually shed some light on what the final package may have looked like, but it won’t be the same. This was my favorite of the three on Friday night but I always believed the production cost was probably the most of them and that could end in this outcome.

    I’m thankful that Stargate Atlantis got to season 5 because there is closure…the worst thing Syfy could have done was give it a 6th season that ended on a cliffhanger and then canceled it…Joe, please do put some thought into any future shows wrapping up their seasons with some reasonable point of departure.

    Chuck was a show that had what seemed like a dozen series finale episodes and they always managed to do that with real skill in story telling. I’m not the creative genius you are Joe, and I love(d) Dark Matter, I wish there was an ending. Any chance of a wrap up movie in the not to distant future once the dust settles?

    Kudos to the cast, they were all great but I had a few I really enjoyed. Roger Cross is a favorite of mine and I always look forward to him showing up in my genre favorite programming. The two actors this show introduced to me that I enjoyed very much are Anthony Lemke and Jodelle Ferland. It was also great to see David Hewlett…I really miss Dr. Rodney McKay.

  303. Thrilled to see the support you are getting from fans now with all these comments here and on articles, facebook posts and elsewise. I have an interesting perspective to share. Dark Matter is aired in China via a volunteer translation service that appearently is able to do so for educational content reasons. It is a fairly popular show but for comparison Killjoys translation was discontinued out of lack of interest prior to this past summer. So if SyFy ever wanted to monetize their products in the largest market on earth they just discontinued one of their only means of promoting and popularizing their network in China and to the Chinese speaking world. Look forward to seeing the show up running via another platform, several petitions are up – everyone sign all of them – and there is a will. The way will become appearent. Syfy is literally stupid to death. Their stupidity is someone else’s opportunity.

  304. SciFi always cancels smart good shows. It is their dogma!
    Remember Stargate?
    SciFi you will always suck ! Dark Matter awesome crew.

  305. So sorry to hear about this, thought’s go out to those who made it all possible including all the behind the scene people….not forgetting those that it was their baby….for the actors as well a hell of a way to get told basically ‘your fired’…Damm you sci fi channel…..damm you all to hell…

  306. So much for the 7+ year journey….. I’m bummed….truly bummed! SyFy does it again! Killing a show that I’m hooked on….I should’ve known better with their track record…..SGU, Sanctuary, Helix… Dark Matter…definitely up there as one of my favs…..actually, bummed is a huge understatement….

    Thanks for the brief ride Joe, and thanks also to the cast, crew, writers, and everyone else involved in bringing this fine show to air…..I sincerely hope SyFy sees the light and reconsiders this foolhardy decision….

  307. Sad news and a total surprise 🙁 I can´t understand this decision, it’s the best scifi at the television right now. And they are not cancelling Killjoys?? Thanks for the many enjoyable moments and greetings from Spain. I’m going to miss the raza :'(

  308. Can’t say I’m surprised: SyFy has canceled every show I’ve actually watched, except BSG of course. It’s like losing Caprics all over again. This network is anyways breaking my heart I think I’ll just not even start watching anything on SyFy anymore. So sorry to hear this…

  309. Sad news as the story was really starting shine. Hoping that you funded by one of the big streaming company’s so you can finish the last two series.

  310. Absolutely gutted to hear this news. This was my favourite sci-fi show in recent years. Absolutely shocked by the decision to cancel it mid way through! Hope that another network picks it up.

  311. Killjoys renewed for two more seasons and Dark Matter cancelled. I wish it was the other way around. I would have even liked to hear the news, that both Dark Matter and Killjoys got one more final season instead of this. Anyway, thanks to the producers, writers, cast and crew for making a such a great show.

  312. Hmm is crowd sourcing for future seasons a possibility? Sad. If the two I thought dark matter was better than kill joys

  313. I only have time to watch one show, and Dark Matter was the best show in existence. To my amazment, the cast is just as entertaining and charming off stage. I felt so strongly connected to them, because of their hard work and efforts to make us feel important. The cast and writer of Dark Matter truly care about the viewers and the characters. I’ve never before seen such genuine care for the fans. I can’t tell you how sad I am to lose this. I feel like a part of me has been trampled on by Syfy. I’m done with Syfy, and I’m don’t with cable TV. I hope you guys can stick together and move the show.

  314. Im not much for science fiction, but Dark Matter managed to find a special place in my heart. Because of my wife, I was forcefully subjected to Killjoys as well, and the very idea that DM would be cancelled while KJ gets another two years, makes the mind reel!

    I hope that the Dark Matter cast and crew find new projects worthy of their talents quickly: they deserve no less.

  315. Maybe Netflix will pick the show up. I’ve seen that happen. I still would like to see more of what the does.

  316. I am sooo unhappy to hear this. I watched Dark Matter from the beginning and looked forward to watching the show Every Fri night.
    I loved the cast and episodes. I am Extremely disappointed. Dana Watson, Lewisville Tx
    62 yrs old.

  317. I’m really mad SyFy for cancelling this show, in all honesty it was only getting better and better and the third season was absolutely stellar! It’s a real shame they took this unfortunate decision. I’m guessing there’s no way to turn their decision around once it’s been made? It was the best Scifi on TV at the moment.

  318. I just don’t get it. Syfy doesn’t have many shows to watch as it is and now this madness!!!!!!

  319. We’ll that’s a bunch of Bullshit! I Love that show, I feel cheated now. I’m going to quit watching SyFy!

  320. the last time syfy pissed me off this much is when they cancelled Farscape and I stopped watching syfy for over 2 years because of it. Here is hoping netflix or someone else picks this up, I NEED to know what happens next.

  321. This news Suuuuuuuuuuuuucks. I am so sorry Joe. I watched faithfully and loved the show. Just one more Syfy let downs. AMC seems to be a much better network! 😉 But I know you have many more shows in your arsenal so keep that creative mind working and please don’t retire!!. I expect great things from you in the future. XXOO

  322. I hope you can find another home for it. It’s the only show I’ve ever had an alarm set on my phone to make sure I didn’t miss it. 🙁

  323. I am never watching Syfy ever again. There is no trust possible with them anymore.

  324. I would go with Netflix. They have lots of freedom and don’t have to worry about time slotting. I’ve been hinge watching all the seasons since they hit the service. You’ve combined so many ideas into one show. It’s a shame syfy made that decision. But DM was only acquired by Syfy. So for you it’s a plus. Now just pitching 2 more seasons. I would have hoped for more. But I’ll take what I can get. Let’s finish this story. I tell people at work and they are Interested in the show.

  325. Absolutely flabbergasted at hearing the very sad news, that Dark Matter the best Scfi show in years as been cancelled. I am utterly saddened and bewildered at SyFy’s decision to cancel the show, the characters, the acting and special effects with good story lines, made it the best Scfi series in many years, with good viewing figures and strong fan base, i just can’t believe they have done this, i just hope Netflix or Amazon could pick up the show, here’s hoping.

  326. I was so sad to hear this news. I love Dark Matter. The psychology of waking up with no memory of what a corrupt person you were, slowly finding out about it, and then realizing you have a second chance to change for the better is a facinating concept that explores the power of choice and the strength of the human spirit. If people make bad choices based on their past, their negative life experiences, can they make better choices if they can’t recall those traumas? Facinating idea. Also, the characters are fit, leather clad bad asses with fighting skills and big guns…can’t go wrong. I loved the character dynamics on this show, the unexpected emotional moments, the subtle humor, and the addition of a younger character (5), who though smart and capable on her own, seemed to soften all the other characters around her for the better. And the android…what an awesome take on a futuristic robot and played with such believability. Truly the heart of the ship. Syfy has made a terrible mistake canceling this show. To all the creative people who made this show happen, I extend heartfelt thanks, and I hope for it to be picked up by another network.

  327. This is incredibly sad news. I rarely take to social media but felt compelled to comment on it. Is there any way for another network or provider like Netflix or Amazon to pick up the show so that we can get closure on these great characters and their stories?

  328. I’m so gutted!! From Bedford England. Love the script love the cast please other channels pick up, it’s such a cool show. Funny, smart and exciting. I can’t say I watch too many shows which give me all three, including the BBC. The back staff and cast have done bought wrong fabulous professionals who have entertained me on Monday evening once the kids are bed. Please Season 4 !!!!!

  329. This is so sad… My brother was and is really into Killjoys, but my show was Dark Matter…
    Has SyFy employed some folks from CBS or more spacificly FOX??? That would explain a lot…

  330. Dark Matter doe matter! We can’t end it now! We need Netflix to pick the series up for the last 2 seasons!

  331. When my husband and I finished the season finale, we were so heart broken to know that our current favorite show had been axed. We were looking forward to at least another 8 seasons. There was so much story left to tell. He and I are crossing our fingers and hoping that Netflix or another channel will choose to pick this show up and do what Syfy wouldn’t-keep the brilliant stories and acting coming. Two and the crew are truly missed in our household.

  332. Ok, just watched the finale…
    You have to find a new home for Dark Matter…
    Amazon, Netflix… Kickstart…
    I’ll pony up some fundage…

  333. We the fans deserved better from SyFy! Why do all the good thought provoking shows from Farscape to to Firefly to Dark Matter get cancelled? I signed the petition! #raisetherasa!

  334. I rarely leave comments on a producer’s page. But I fear that if I don’t do it now, I might not have a chance to voice my own thoughts and opinions about this awful news.

    First off, I’d like to thank the Dark Matter team for creating such a wonderful series. For the first time, in a long time, I have ever felt defeat after hearing about the cancellation. It is ludicrous.

    This show is one of the few things that gets me looking forward to watching every week after a long day of work. The writing, the cast, heck–everything is great and entertaining. I might be able to understand had Syfy decided to bring in better shows…but in all honesty? This show is fresh. It’s a welcoming scene for me. Sadly, it seems the trend of floating generic materials on the air is the rule. Which, further sinks my spirits. As an aspiring writer, it only further paints a future of despair.

    For what it’s worth, should the team decides to indie it and release it on DVD, I’d buy it! In any case, I hope the petition can turn tides (First time I ever signed one, so I don’t know how effective it’ll be), if not…another network might pick it up? Sadly, the following words will be as empty as they come, but if I owned a TV network, I’d be more than glad to pick-it up. All-in-all, I wish your team good success. I really do hope that the petition will change the mind of Syfy.

  335. I am so disappointed in the cancellation of Dark Matter. This is like Firefly all over again, this show deserves another 2 seasons to wrap things up. I wish the cast the best of luck in their future endeavours. Please do whatever it takes to find another network to pick it up. Damn you SyFy….

  336. Upset disapointed to finish like it did after 3 seasons what was the point to watching it in first place if not going to give it a proper ending😣

  337. My favorite show of this year — I discovered it very late and after binging through the first 2 seasons, I was really looking forward to a nice wrap-up after the current season. These guys seem to have no idea how to keep their core audience happy…

  338. I’m gutted.. Good sci fi is hard to find these days and once again syfy cancel a great show

  339. fyrefly, stragate universe, dark matter … all great sci-fi series canceled becuse of managers decision, they want only money from advertisement in show time. we funs and later viewers ….

  340. Why can’t the show continue. It’s literally my favorite ever. And it has great ratings on both rotten tomatoes and imdb. I’m incredibly sad about this news

  341. Sons of B……!!
    This was such a great show, take great pride in that!
    Loved the show and I loved the characters.
    Maybe Netflix?? Let’s start a campaign!

  342. Goddamnit! This makes me so mad. Why do they always cancel the good scifi shows! This is one more in a long list. Firefly, Almost Human, and going back a ways, Space Above and Beyond.

  343. Forget Syfy they have no taste! Shop this to Netflix, Amazon and Spike. Spike brought back Shanara Chronicles for a second season they may be open to picking up this show. While I like Shanara Chronicles, Dark Matter is far superior.

  344. An incredible decision against viewers of a clearly popular show. It was en enjoyable experience to see a nice sci-fi classical manner. Great approach, simple, but nice plot, good side-stories, and actually good acting. Well, this is how SyFy losses its credibility and, in time, public. It was a self-destructive decision by SyFy, a “montezing” improvement that can turn into an income depleting one. Businesses are not run only on product, but on service too – to the client. Us. Great that SyFy found DM, but it’s just offending that it terminated a popular show. We watched, therefore voted for the show, on SyFy. SyFy takes it out, people will vote SyFy out. It’s just a matter of time. Short term thinking. And I agree with other and would welcome any other channel picking up this show & audience with it! Fingers crossed! And thank all of you for the work and dedication to us!

  345. Get it moved to netflix and continue so tired of”syfy” channel always cancels good shows and keeps the bad ones???? GO TO NETFLIX Joseph…..

  346. Just finished season 3 a little late. Horrible time to end the show while there clearly is a need for season 4. Hope to see it elsewhere but doubt it will happen–Hulu maybe?

  347. Oh come on? Man I am so sick and tired of getting really into a great show only for someone (wanted to use stronger language) to cancel it. This show was awesome just like “Firefly” was an awesome show and they went and cancelled it also, but they leave stupid showed like Dancing with the stars on for years.

  348. Really have enjoyed the show. Sorry for the bad news. Thanks for all the good stories

  349. What else can we do to help find Dark Matter a new home? I’ve requested Netflix pick it up. There has to be more we can do. This was such a great original show. It’s the first show I’ve gotten attached to since Firefly and Stargate. We must be given some direction to help get it back on the air. If I can assist in making any sort of marketing materials that would help with this let me know.

  350. This is very disappointing. We usually don’t find a series we all like as a family. There are so many channels and options to sift through. We only found this recently on Netflix and have been working through the series during family show night. We watch a couple episodes and all really enjoy the story , cinematography and acting. There are so many shows we watched for less than 10 minutes. The story lines where engaging and acting phenomenal.

  351. I loved this show and i just now found out it was caned after bing watching on netflix Any chance of a tv movie or contract with streaming sites like netflix

  352. Why on earth did they cancel it!?!?!? This is B.S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#÷###×#×#×#×!×!+!+!++!+#×%/÷/!%#%!/#@!#!!

  353. Actors and crew deserved better, viewers deserved better. It’s hard to trust getting vested in a new program knowing that the networks will pull it..

  354. Netflix needs to pick up this show and finish it! My life feels incomplete for now!

  355. Awww hell naw…..whyyy….I love this show more than star trek. So many answers I waited for….. with 2…3..4…5 and 6. 2’s baby. 3 and Sarah. How 4 fall as leader or come back to the Raza. We never met 5s sister. And 6 and really wanting him to meet his son when he grows up. The Android…my personal favorite…… please come back to my life

  356. This show is amazing and I want nothing more than for Netflix to pick this up. Not sure why Syfy chose to drop this considering it’s much better than 90% of the other shows in their lineup, and has the potential to do so much more now that all of the set-up/initial world-building is done.

  357. What the heck is the matter with the decision makers these days? Just how far removed are they from the end product of the creators, writers and actors? So Netflix picks it up, markets it a bit, and viewership picks up. But decisions are made on Syfy network numbers apparently which are premature. Really good shows have to mature and season three has set the stage for some serious character growth and plot development. Most shows proceed cautiously, not going too far out with their storyline trajectories in the event they are cancelled. Clearly the writers had so, so much more in store for us and went out on a limb. This adventure was just getting started. What more can you ask from a Sci Fi adventure: Aliens, Androids, time travel, alternative realities, alternative selves, the butterfly affect, defining what is society, what is family, what is life, where should are loyalties lie….This show had a light-hearted, fun approach to many serious topics. The writing and acting were really coalescing, coming close to the genius of the Battlestar Galactica reboot. Season 3 was amazing. Thank you Netflix for showing us 3 seasons. Now do the right thing and run with what is already a great recipe for success.

  358. I love Dark Matter and I’m extremely disappointed with its cancellation. I have no idea how SyFy is still in business, with all the moronic decisions they make. I hope Netflix picks up Dark Matter and runs with it.

  359. Great Series. I’m truly bummed out that this series has no ending. All stories deserve an ending. Events like these discourage me from enjoying other shows. I really thought this one was going all the way. And who wants to only read half a good book. Shame on Syfy. Fix overall Syfy viewership by giving all shows great endings and quality commercials I’d want to watch with less commercial breaks.

  360. Say what? Killjoys renewed but Dark matter cancelled……in what universe does that make any sense whatsoever!!?? So sorry Joseph, you worked hard to create an excellent series only to be let down once again by the networks. As for the fans, we can only hope DM find a home and soon.

  361. I’m not sure what has happened, but please, don’t cancel this show! It is so very much better than “The Expanse”. You have so much leeway with all the things you can do with the Raza and her crew! They are like family. Love Killjoys & Stargate. Best wishes to the cast members; hope to see you soon. Thank you for such a great series!! Long live the Raza & her very awesome crew!!!

  362. so…SyFy will continue to have Stupid Shit (non SiFi stuff) like the WWF, and Killjoys (whatever that is)
    instead of actual SiFi …..
    I knew there was a reason to no longer watch that channel

    1. SyFy only understands the ratings, so EVERYONE: please go IMDB / Metacritic and down vote Killjoys with the lowest score possible. Let’s at least make SyFy feel stupid.

  363. I will probably avoid watching anything on Syfy. I mean the idiots there cancel a series full of talent and potentially with a huge following they’re not only ignorant as to what is good but also ignorant as to what is profitable who wants to watch a station like that

  364. Hey Joseph, lets stop this long talking, cut the long story short, when are we getting Dark matter season 4. I want to know what happened to the dark Horse.
    All in all I appreciate your work… Good story line… Fantastic Characters… Let syfy stop this rating issue ’cause there is no point of airing a show the cant finish it. WTF**

  365. This is an incredible injustice. The writing and characters are fantastic. Where are you going to get better? They don’t grow on trees, you know. Words cannot capture my disappointment and anger. The syfi channel has produced some real meaningless stupid stuff. They start to really develop something and they ditch it. Somebody please tell me it wasn’t because they didn’t sell enough deodorant or clothes soap.

  366. Hi
    Just wondering if the tv producers won’t do a miniseries to end the dark matter series
    Then would you consider a set of graphic novels to conclude the show
    Or a set of books????
    Just a fan

  367. Joseph, please renew dark matter, I’m a late comer to the series but I can honestly say that it had me gripped, so please renew it to another channel, maybe universal or MTV, thanks an avid UK fan

  368. Recently I sat down to watch Netflix and found this show. And I have found this show, Dark Matter, to be a truly wonderful viewing experience. In fact, I believe it definitely ranks in my top six favorite tv shows…. To give you an idea of how good I think that is, my top four are: 1.Game of Thrones 2. Walking Dead 3. Sons of Anarchy 4. Daredevil.
    To list Dark Matter among my favorites such as these is truly saying something. The writing, the cast, the musical score, the drama and action is quite literally unreal in a very good way.
    Now, another one of my favorite shows, an animated DC show called Young Justice was cancelled after two seasons by cartoon network in 2014. It was then placed on Netflix and the fans flocked to watch it and leave good scores. It has since been renewed for season 3, due to the incredible fan response.
    This could be Dark Matter as well. Do not quit. Push forward and give the cast and fans a proper ending or even better, an ongoing continuation, to this incredible science fiction series.

  369. Hey, can you please tell me if you got an solution for Dark Matter season four? I really miss the series! Thx! Cheers!

    1. Depends what you mean by solution. If it’s a new home for show then, sadly, no. If it’s answers to a lot of the hanging questions then yes. Do a search on this blog for darkgate.

  370. Sucks. I loved he show. I’ll admit I’m outside the the age bracket they want. I’m 68. But I love intelligent syfy.

  371. I’m very disappointed that dark matter is not gonna come back i want it back please

  372. From now on I give up. Im gonna wait till all season that suppose to have a good complete finale. Many science fiction show I watch decided to cancel and wasted my time not to see the ending finale. It like reading first half of the book and once your half way through and noticed the other half is blank. No one would read the book knowingly it half of the book is blank is incomplete because it would be a waste of time

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