So I’ve been asked to comment on this recent “breaking news” regarding a rumored sale of MGM to Disney…

Yes, there’s a possibility this could happen but, in fairness, we’ve heard similar rumors in the past that never panned out. Β Still, I find it interesting as Disney would be a good fit for one of the most family friendly sci-fi franchises in television history.

In other Stargate-related news…

From the Stargate: SG-1 first season vault….Img_3139-1 Img_3140-1 Img_3141-1 Img_3142-1 Img_3143-1 Img_3144-1 Img_3145-1 Img_3146-1 Img_3147-1 Sg1-1-ep-2 Sg1-2-ep-1 Sg1-3-ep-2 Sg1-4-ep-1 Sg1-5-ep-2 Sg1-6-ep-2 Sg1-7-ep-2 Sg1-8-ep-2 Sg1-9-ep-2

This makes me nostalgic for my D&D days…

12 thoughts on “February 12, 2021: An All Stargate Blog Entry!

  1. I’m not sure how I feel about SG going to Disney. It seems weird, but on the other hand they certainly have the money to put into a new series. New SW series are coming out of the woodwork everywhere, it seems.

    Can’t wait for the “stargate” and Perseverance to land on Mars this coming week! You can bet I’ll be following it live!

  2. Honestly I hope Disney doesn’t buy MGM. Star Wars has been a well documented disaster.

  3. Always enjoy the artwork, but the equestrian in me extra appreciates these gems πŸ™‚

      1. I also asked her to share an Amazon Wishlist, Venmo & Paypay. I’ll share those if available.

  4. Really hope Disney doesn’t buy it. It would most likey ruin it if they decide not to have the usual writers and directors and not do it their way. Then the community would NOT watch it.

  5. I really hope not. I already pay too much just to have basic cable. I don’t want to pay for another service please.

  6. Ah, artwork from the episode most people love to hate. I, on the other hand, loved Carter’s kick butt attitude and the humor in this episode. Strong, smart women rule the world and men just don’t want to admit it! πŸ˜‰

    Thanks again for sharing the artwork! I love seeing the creative process.

    Not a fan of Disney on any level. Walt would be ashamed of what his company has become. Stargate moving to Disney would most likely fail unless they employ the same creative people behind the franchise’s past success. The fans won’t stand behind anything less. That has already been proven by the doomed prequel series.

  7. Thanks for sharing so much Stargate artwork. Reminds me I need to do a complete Stargate re-watch … after I finish my ST:VOY re-watch, I guess. (Plus all the new stuff! I hope one of your new projects breaks through to the public soon after I finish The Expanse.)

    That tweet from Shatner is hilarious; his Twitter feed is a mine of … something; it’s all over the place (I don’t follow it, but check in on it every few months or half-year).

    Hmmm … I’m not going to get excited about rumors, but I think it’s possible Disney could do a good job with the Stargate franchise.

    I read all your posts (well, nearly all; like, back in the old days, I used to travel and then I would miss some), but often a day or several after you post them. I don’t always have the time (or energy) to respond, but I definitely enjoy them and appreciate that you write for us every day.

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