A glimmer of hope!  I’ve heard that executives at a few of the other broadcast options we are reaching out to have taken note of the huge fan response.  The tweets, the comments, even the petitions (https://t.co/5bqcMXdpSI – which, frankly,  won’t convince Syfy to change their minds but still serves a great purpose) have caught the attention of the decision makers.  However, grabbing their attention is one thing; convincing them is something else.  That’s going to take a lot more fan noise – so keep it up, especially during this most crucial week.  Let them know how much Dark Matter means to you!  See if we can net us another season or two.

At this point, the biggest thing we’ve got working against us is time.  The longer this goes, the more likely we are to lose some of our greatest assets –

CREW: I’ve often said that Dark Matter owes an enormous debt to the people behind the scenes.  Everyone from painters to PA’s, designers to department heads – these incredibly talented individuals are the heart of our show.  These are people with families to support who can’t afford to wait and see how things play out.  They are, like every one of you, a part of our extended Dark Matter family and I hate the thought of losing any of them.

CAST: They’re in much the same boat.  It’s unfair of us to ask them to wait indefinitely, let other opportunities pass them by, as things drag out.

SETS: We rent the stages which hold our various sets.  The longer they sit idle, the more money is lost and, sooner or later, a decision must be made. The costs of rebuilding would be prohibitive, so once those sets come down, that will in effect be it.

But, as I said, all is not lost.  Moving forward, I’m going to use this blog to keep you apprised of the fan campaigns to save the show and, specifically, the plans of what I will hitherto refer to as The Dark Committee, made up of fans like you who are spearheading these campaigns.  For instance…

September 4, 2017: The Dark Matter Latest!

I already mentioned this one in yesterday’s blog entry, but here’s reminder that fandom will be gathering for a tweetstorm under the #TeamRaza hashtag this Friday.  Someone has suggested having a Dark Matter re-watch party where fans worldwide will rescreen Episode 1.  I’ll be there and I’m sure many of the cast will be there as well so, if you can make it, please join us.  If you can watch on Netflix, all the better!

And, finally, a daily update from the Dark Committee –September 4, 2017: The Dark Matter Latest!

84 thoughts on “September 4, 2017: The Dark Matter latest!

  1. It does indeed sound promising that those executives have taken note – a step in the right direction. Let’s hope for everyone’s sake that it works out!

  2. It’s great to hear that our fan response is being heard and folks are taking notice. We’ll continue to do as much as we possibly can to get every one of our Raza Family all back together again. We are indeed #TeamRaza

  3. I love “The Dark Committee”. It sounds so ominous, omnipotent, and all the other om-ish words out there!

  4. Hi, can’t we just raise funds by fans or something. This show has amazing crew cast and so many other things. I’m really happy to see man behind this show. Thanks.

  5. Please please please give a link to a donation page? Even if it only helps towards 1 episode its still better than 0 episodes

  6. Oh, I didn’t think about everyone finding new jobs. Makes sense though. I’ll keep re-tweeting.

  7. Hitting Netflix hard. Used their request page and sent an email. Fingers crossed.

  8. Thanks for update. As a fan from Scotland I want to say thanks for all your hard work so as not leave people around the globe disappointed.
    Personally I did not think another Sci fi would touch Stargate Atlantis but the crew of Raza had me at 1,2,3,4,5,6 and Android.
    Why can’t the station see they have a hit and they will coin it in if they are fair.
    I read somewhere Sci if will generally be 5 series”s roughly 12/13 episodes per series.
    Is there no one in their office who should be pointing out that #DarkMatterDarkmatters has the potential to be fleshed out way beyond that?
    I swear if the station does not see sense I will un-tune them from every device I have.
    Love fae Scotland to all the other #DarkMatterDarkMatters fans.

  9. Well, that’s encouraging! I hate to get my hopes up, it’s so easy to get disappointed, but what the heck!

    I’m just getting home from my NH weekend (what crappy weather) so tomorrow, I’ll try to do my part in the campaign in earnest! I’m totally up for the Netflix mass-rewatch. I was thinking of bingeing it again soon anyway. I’ve already sent an email to the noted Netflix address and of course have been tweeting.

    I love “The Dark Committee” too! Sounds like a group one would not want to screw around with.

  10. Hi Joe:

    I”ve been in email and phone discussions all weekend with various comic labels supporting the NewScience101 STEM & STEAM open access education network in social media to see if they want to take a shot at trying to finish the Dark Matter story in comic ( only if it doesn’t pan out trying to get it back on TV via a different network).
    Some conversations actually were fairly promising.
    All have been instructed to get in touch with Jay Firestone to discss legalities, costs if they can work out someway to offer DM a new home.

    Hope you are hanging in there and have now managed at least a little bit of sleep since the news. So good to see all the fans rallying and doing their part to save this wonderful story and its truly amazing cast and crew.

    As you know, I’ve always been one to try walking a mile in the other persons shoes, and dig a bit deeper to try to understand an action
    before passing any ‘final’ judgements on fellow human beings.

    Thus, although I too am guilty
    of initially having an emotionally impulsive reaction of white hot rage,
    declaring SYFY the villain here,
    I decided to consult with a couple pals
    who work at other U.S based Television networks.

    They told me, for U.S, ‘over all’ ratings are not necessarily
    what kills a show
    and that I should have a look at the live ratings
    ‘peaks and valleys’ from episode to episode,
    during a shows season run.

    If the show has ‘too many’ peaks and valleys in its live ratings,
    from episode to episode during a season
    (does not maintain a steady, or mostly gains, live viewership in its targeted demographic),
    it makes it much more difficult to sell to new advertisers.

    Having, now had a look at which episodes rated highest in the U.S
    live viewing for SYFy’s targeted 18-34 yr old demographic
    its becoming slightly more evident,
    Dark Matter was simply too artistic/ complex for most of them.
    Those younger U.S live viewers were not seeking ‘meatier’
    arts n entertainment on their Friday nights.
    They just wanted to come home after an overly long day at work
    and experience an easy emotional escape from their stress
    without having to watch an episode 2-3 x
    just to understand what took place or notice what they missed.

    This DOES NOT MEAN the story wasn’t amazing
    or that spaceship based operas are a harder sell.
    In fact, —> Just the opposite.
    Dark Matter is an absolutely BEYOND BRILLIANT WORK OF ART!
    DM drew in a rather massive international arts crowd that were seeking
    genuine art n entertainment on television over the more basic distraction.
    Writers & other artists types absolutely loved it! As did I.
    (And will hopefully get the chance to continue loving it).

    Between your amazing sets & costumes this year and all the little twists n turns and such clever things as
    Shaw starting out as TWO’s creator/mother, then becoming her wife/lover, then Shaw creating Android/Suki which ‘technically speaking’ makes her TWO’s sister…. And having Sarah transform from being human to VR/hologram, to an embodied android with a human conscious…
    you left no stone unturned in exploring nature vs nurture.
    Heck! you even thought to have TWO, suddenly prefer men when she woke up with no memory of her lesbian past!
    The complexities you pulled off in this story were mind blowing!
    You also brought together an amazing group of cast, crew and fans and we quickly & easily became a true family.
    You gave everyone a chance to showcase their artistic talents, including the fans and gave a voice to the audience in the show’s creation in more ways than one.

    “All of us” have played a part in DM’s creation and “all of us” will stick together now to help save it whatever way we each can.

    Seems the solution here is NOT to try to ‘re-shop’ DM to syfy
    but to seek out other avenues
    as I can see the majority of fans are doing.
    Yes, Netflix might be an option. Comics, another
    or even shopping it as a web series.
    All of which will be easier said than done, as far as money & legal concerns go
    but they are at least ‘do-able’ and I’m sure ALL the fans would be more than happy to help pitch in $$ and promotion RT’s to aide a kick starter campaign if need be.

    Either way… I know this is an overwhelming and a scary exhausting time for you right now,
    having just moved across the country with no job, no permanent home and not knowing where life is going to take you next
    but please know your loving loyal blog family will be here to help you get thru this whatever way we can.

    Sending oodles of Hugs, Love and better day thoughts
    to you and the girls. xo

  11. I too would subscribe to Netflix if they picked up Dark Matter. Netflix would be my new hero!

  12. What about a go fund me page to pay the rental for the studio space until a final decision is made?

  13. I sent an email to pr@netflix.com and this is the email I got back from them “Thank you for your message. If this is press-related, we do our best to respond to most media requests within a few hours. Please note: we do not monitor this inbox during weekends.

    If your matter is regarding customer service, please refer to help.netflix.com for alternative contact information. We do not respond to customer service related issues through this email address.

    If this is regarding a sponsorship request, someone will contact you if it’s of interest.

    If you are submitting a film for consideration: unfortunately, we do not accept or review unsolicited materials or ideas. For that reason, we will not consider any materials or ideas we receive that were not specifically requested by Netflix or submitted via an aggregator or established agent through the appropriate channels.

    Thank you,
    Netflix PR Team”.
    Apparently it’s only monitored for press-related inquiries.

  14. So disappointed to hear DM is being canceled!! It is one of my most favorite shows! I urge the decision makers to reconsider. Please don’t cancel!!!

  15. Even here in Australia there are many Dark Matter fans who have been saddened by the cancellation of this show, many of our SYFY programs are just crap but Dark Matter is certainly not one of those

  16. email off to Netflix and filled out the form. Keep those suggestion coming on how the Dark Matter Family can help.

  17. If dark matter doesn’t get picked up by someone will you be able to continue it in its original comic form?

  18. I like dark matter so please.think about canel the show do season 4 and 5

  19. Your screening party sounds like fun. Unfortunately , since my accident, I have made mention of it, I am on Long Term Dis. I am in contact with my company but am yet to determine my traveling status eligibility. Where are you planning this party? and what time? Wish I could make plans but getting back into the working world is my priority. It is troubling since I am taking a online course to get better and use my free time that requires cognitive skills.

  20. I not only wrote to netflix, but just for Dark Matter, I used my first hashtag ever to post the message and beg friends to write, call and help on Facebook.

    Sadly, not sure how much my twitter would do but those here who are following Stargate actors… how about asking them to share also?

  21. I think we should reach out to the fandoms of other Syfy shows, particularly Killjoys, The Expanse and Wynonna Earp, and encourage them to join in our effort. There’s probably a lot of overlap already, but to the extent the fandoms don’t overlap, perhaps we could increase the numbers of people helping in the effort to continue Dark Matter. We could all do this on a one-to-one basis with people we know, but perhaps “the Dark Committee” could reach out via Reddit, Facebook and other venues. Our approach could be that we’re like-minded people who enjoy similar shows, and that keeping actual sci fi on the air is a good thing for all of us. And they might need our help someday. Anyway, the more people we can involve, the better. It would be super-awesome if the showrunners for the other shows would be willing to publicly support our efforts, perhaps through a tweet or two.

  22. Dear Mr Mazzolli : How aboutstarting a good old fashioned letter writing campaign? It would show networks and even the SciFi channel that we fabs are serious on our support Of Dark Matter.

  23. The Dark Matter is one of those unique shows that touches on some of the deep aspects of humanity’s ability to find out it’s true purpose.
    I hope they keep it alive for a while longer.

  24. I was super bummed to see that Dark Matter was cancelled. I has been my favorite show on SYFY. I have watched the channel for years and have enjoyed so many shows over the years. Dark Matter is one of them. Let’s get it Back!!

  25. I tweeted some of this, so excuse repetitiveness. Longmire was a series that had a successful transition from A&E to Netflix. Viewers known as the Posse blew up twitter. Try contacting some of their folks for inside tips. They too were a highly viewed program cut short by their network and picked up thankfully by Netflix.
    Actor Lou Diamond Phillips, Author Craig Johnson, Writer Tony Tost are a few names that may know some tips. I think Dark Matter would be an asset to Netflix.

  26. dark matter needs to stay or go to Netflix plz .it’s a fantastic show with a great cast and it deserves many more seasons

  27. Syfy kills all the great shows. That had left me baffled for years, as of late it does not surprise me anymore. In fact I have come to expect it. I hope we can find a more stable network to take control and give the teams of extraordinary people making this wonderful entertainment possible a means to sustain a prolonged career and actually see the rewards of their great works.

  28. Dark Matter is my favorite. For an hour it takes me away from real life. I love the show. I would watch Dark Matter first even though it on after kill joys.

  29. What about a croudfounding? I don’t know how much would cost to produce a new season, but there is already 24k people ready to give a hand (according to change.org) . If each one gives 10$ that would be 240k wich i believe that are some strong numbers. Maybe some rewards like signed dvds, visiting the studios, have some fun with the cast…. that would raise up some money.

    Keep working hard, but also give a chance to your fandom, maybe we can make a new season possible :).

  30. Crazy not to keep this amazing series going. Someone out there please take it on.

  31. This is wrong. Dark Matter is my favorite show. Finally got a show to replace Stargate Atlantis and it gets taken off. I have lost it for Sufi.


    I hope we at least get to see a conclusion to the end of season three’s craziness!

    Love the show! The wife and I watch it every week!

  33. Let the #Raza finish up they’re journey. All these fans tune in every week to see #teamRaza. Give us two more seasons, don’t end it like this.

  34. Dark Matter is a great show for escapism! It lets us get away from all of craziness going on around us today in the real world, if only for an hour.

  35. Bonjour,
    je suis très déçu pour vous, d’abord, et nous , ensuite,. Nous sommes entre 2 périodes de vacances. J’espère que les nouvelles serons bonnes dans 2 semaines. C’est une vrai honte que les diffuseurs ne soient pas plus intéressés par la bonne science fiction. Les zombies, les x-men et le super hero à la la Marvel, c’est bien mais ce n’est pas de la sci-fi. J’espère que vous pourrez continuer à porter brillamment le flambeau.

  36. A selfish cry for help. I just signed for sling TV solely to watch season 3 of dark matter. Syfy only has last half of season on demand. Netflix only has season 2. Where can I get first half of season 3?

    1. Dark Matter’s third season will be available, in its entirety, on US Netflix at the end of this month.

  37. Do the fans not matter at all we want Dark Matter ,we want Dark Matter, we want Dark Matter, we want Dark Matter,. If not Syfy how about the CW, Fox or FX somebody. We Want Dark Matter!!!!!!!!

  38. I’m with you #teamraza, really annoyed I might not det to see what happens, a final season or two could get everything get wrapped up.

  39. My family loves Dark Matter!!!! We are huge Raza fans. Please don’t cancel it!!

  40. Loving the name “dark committee”. Makes me feel like I should wear my blackest of robes and sits sinisterly behind a screen with a handful of pop-corn rewatching all the seasons. I’ll see if I can’t get a few friends on board with it.

    Besides, Ferrous Corps–I mean Syfy can’t just leave me hanging without closure at all. Make friends with Trauggott and the Mikkei Compound. Sounds like a plan!

  41. The only show i’ve ever rewatched from the begining…
    Such a great show….great story lines..really great cast..2-6… 1 was a bit of a whiner…lol
    The Dark Ship armada … come on people…
    Great TV.
    .save Dark Matter !!!!

  42. Please please allow Dark Matter to continue. My husband works out of town and comes home on Friday and watching Dark Matter is kind of our thing.

  43. Never had Netflix, but if they pick up Dark Matter that would be a huge incintive for me to do so. Dark Matter is probably my favorite show, period.

  44. I also think Dark Matter would be a good fit for the CW network. Just drop the “shits” from the dialogue. Would be a great companion show with the 100!

  45. If killjoys is still running so should dark matter as it a raw better show and story line. I”m in. The UK and want to see the show continue for a fourth series as you can’t leave a cliff hanger like that and not finish without a finial season.

  46. A glimmer of hope is better than not anything I really hope this pays of and another broadcast partner takes the raza crew much further. I have faith and hope the cast and crew do to. Keep the RAZA DREAM ALIVE.

  47. I really like darkmatter and anxiously awaited each season and the more people I told about the show they also liked it seven other viewers besides me

  48. I hope someone other than Netflix can save DM. I can’t afford to subscribe to yet another streaming service. I already subscribe to Amazon and BT TV.

  49. My wife and I Love this Show!!! Please don’t disappear prematurely like “Firefly”. I think I may need to be sick. Cheers to the cast and crew… Bring on the Raza!!!

  50. The problem about who’s watching and who isn’t comes about the IQ of the viewer and the money they have to buy the sponsors product. There is apparently more people with lower IQ watching reality shows than a great tv series like DM. The viewers who have an IQ over the average (100) have more money but are not enough in numbers to save the show. If I were in position as a product sponsor paying for a tv production/series I would not be as interested in the numbers as I would be in the viewers who have the money to spend on my product. The higher the educated the viewer the more the income and more likely to buy my product.

  51. I already have netflix . I happy Netflix pick up season 4 of dark Matter. Please Netflix Save Dark Matter

  52. From Holland :
    DM is way better than Killjoys. Storywise and actingwise.
    DO NOT KILL OFF this show !!

  53. Hope all is not lost, Dark Matter should continue as there are so many questions yet to be answered, please continue with series 4 and 5 as planned. Hope Dark Matter becomes available on UHD Blue Ray in the near future.

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