












I was looking forward to this all week – dinner at Fuel with Carl, Marty G. and Marty G. senior (a.k.a. John). We enjoyed the chef’s six course dinner, a fantastic meal with some truly stand-out dishes. Half the table started with an hearty pork terrine with shaved truffles while the other half had the roasted beet and pig’s ear salad with perigod truffle vinaigrette. I offered my neighbor Carl half of my terrine in exchange for half of his salad. Carl, to no one’s surprise, elected to show great generosity by giving me the entire portion. Well, while the thought of eating pig’s ear may have made Carl leery, I had no such qualms and greatly enjoyed the texture and taste of the thinly sliced pork and beet accompaniment. One of my favorite dishes of the evening – among many. Next up – the soups. A Polderside Duck consommé for half the table, and an out-of-this-world crab bisque for the other. I’ve had the consommé before and enjoyed it, but the bisque was unbeatable. Carl kept stealing spoonfuls from my serving whenever I let my guard down. On his fourth attempt, I actually caught him with a stinging rap of my spoon against his third knuckle. That kept him on his side of the table – for a while anyway. We followed with the seafood course – an ahi tuna dish for half the table, the chilled Dungeness crab with tangerine, red chili, and peppercress for the other. The tuna was very good but, this time, Carl’s dish got the nod and it was my turn to pinch a couple of forkfuls from his plate (“Hey, Carl, is that guy out there keying your car? You’d better go check to make sure.”). Next up was the foie gras course for all except Carl. Martin had the torchon, I had the foie gras and duck confit terrrine, while John had his foie just the way he enjoys it – pan-fried. A bite of my wonderful melt-in-your-mouth terrine was wasted on Carl who almost gagged (Heathen!) and redirected his attention to his Jeruselam Artichoke risotto (which he liked a lot) and house-smoked Polderside duck (that he adored). This was followed by what I at the time considered the dish of the night: truffled pork sausage and seared scallop served atop a bed of atypically tasty lentils. The sausage was nothing short of unbelievable. Carl, wide-eyed and too busy chewing, nodded emphatically in agreement. The sausage was going to be damn hard to beat. But Chef Belcham did it by bringing out the big gun: the whole deep-fried duck. Although I’d enjoyed this particular dish with mom, sis, and Fondy over the Christmas holidays (I believe I crowned it be best duck dish ever), it was a first time for everyone else. And, not surprisingly, they were all blown away. John, who’d declared himself stuffed prior to having the dish set down in front of him took one bite and informed us “It’ll take a while, but I’m finishing the whole thing.” And it did take a while. And he did. A mix-up in the four different desserts thankfully landed me the incredibly rich Manjari chocolate terrine. John had the fresh green apple tart, Martin the crispy ginger pudding, and Carl the roasted dulce de leche pound cake with pumpkin confit – but it was my terrine they were eyeing.   All-around class act Marty G. used his magician training to pick up the bill without Carl or I even noticing.  Just for that: no notes on his next script!   

According to Tom, the restaurant looks like it’s going to be busy both April 1st and 3rd. I’m also considering hosting my annual chocolate party at Fuel, following a blow-the-doors-off dinner with a take-no-prisoners assortment of the world’s finest exotic chocolates. I’ve already started working on the guest list. If you want to check out pics of last year’s chocolate soirée, click on the link:


Another episode aired, another line from the teaser poem revealed. The reference to Midway = “Two warriors head off an incursion on Earth.” Simple, no?

Today’s entry is dedicated to LLB’s sister Barb.

Today’s mailbag:

Ascended Tauri writes: “Based on your posted picture, is ‘The Daedalus Variations’ slated to air as No.4 in Season 5?”

Answer: At present, yes it is.

Allie writes: “You mentioned at one point that Midway was scraped because it was going to be too expensive. How did you manage to scale the episode down and allow it to be resurrected?”

Answer: It was never scrapped, merely reconsidered at the idea stage. The actual entry/exit chamber was the big concern because building it would have pretty much crippled our budget. So we found a way to compromise, have the VFX crew work their magic in one of our standing sets (The SGC gate room) and play most of the action in the adjoining corridors.

Wraithfodder writes: “MIDWAY was great, but the very tail end- as in next week’s episode – sucked, only because there’s SciFi saying “You’ll never guess what happens in the last five minutes” and then they SHOW the viewer. Do you have any input with these people??”

Answer: Trust me. We’ve made suggestions, special requests, bitched and complained. But, in the end, there’s not much we can do. It’s their network and their promos.

Lea writes: “And I don’t think that’s the placenta he’s holding there!”

Answer: Damnit! We ordered a baby, a placenta, two orders of fries, and an apple turnover, but received a baby, an umbilical cord, two orders of fries, and a raspberry pop tart instead. We’re looking into the mix-up.

Lea also writes: “ Any chance that there will also be some serious Rodney McKay whump in season 5, apart from such silly “I have a splinter” stuff?”

Answer: Yes, very possible.

Amanda writes: “I was just wondering if there is any possibility to bring the season run up to 22 episodes again. I’m guessing they were dropped down to 20 per season due to the need for 40 scripts per year for both shows.. but now that it’s only SGA, is there any possibility of getting those extra 2 back?”

Answer: That was a network decision.

NovaLuna writes: “were the sets for the Midway station the same as those used for the Daedalus or Odyssey?”

Answer: Good eye. Yes, they were.

Kyle of California writes: “I also see more MGM movies on BluRay wich leads me to believe that SG episodes will release on BluRay in the HD format.. But who know’s SciFi has a say in things… I don’t know… It’s only a speculation. Perhaps Mr. Mallozzi knows? But I would chose to believe that if he did he would be kind enough to inform us avid and loving readers of his blog.”

Answer: Hey, Kyle, thanks for the very informative post. Re: MGM. I’m not sure (and not sure why the dvd’s have yet to be be released in either format) but will look into it this week.

Deena writes: “Any juicy Ba’al/Qetesh scenes in Continuum?”

Answer: Possibly, yes.

Yazid writes: “ Who take the photo near Jack’s home?”

Answer: Daniel’s picture could have been taken at one of many formal events. As for the Jack/San pic, that was taken by Teal’c while he was parasailing on the lake with Daniel.

Maren Siever writes: “ Are deleted scenes on the season 3 box and if so only only certain boxes?”

Answer: I don’t believe there are.

Ben writes: “And also is there any word about a third SG1 movie? Or SGU?”

Answer: Nothing on the former.

Shawna writes: “Food, water, medical supplies…and no way to relieve themselves. What, did they use bottles or something?”

Answer: Nope. As with most long jumper flights, they go right in the back, then have everyone either pile into the cockpit area and seal it off, or hold on tight at which point the ramp is lowered and rapid decompression takes place, effectively clearing out any unwanted material. It’s a bit of a pain, but very effective.

Shiran writes: “Please tell me you’re going to hire a real one at some point!”

Answer: Actually, we’re just going to use a lot of forced perspective like they did in LOTR and have Marty G. play the baby. He’s off getting his scalp waxed as we speak.

Carol Z writes: “Thanks for the pics Joe, but, um-m… the link with Daniel & Cassie photos seems to not work.”

Answer: It’s working now.

Jack Baker writes: “I was wondering if you were involved in any way with the ill-fated game Stargate SG1: The Alliance. If you were, I don’t suppose you could give us a little bit more information about the new villains, the Haaken, especially since the game is dead and buried.”

Answer: Sorry, Jack. I had nothing to do with SG-1: The Alliance game and don’t know anything about the Haaken.

LLB writes: “How cool is it that people send you chocolate? I sometimes wonder how famous people handle getting stuff like that. Any fear that someone is trying to poison you?”

Answer: I make it a point to walk around the production offices first, offering them to my co-workers. I will then wait half an hour and do the rounds again. If everyone seems okay, THEN I’ll try the chocolates myself.

LLB also writes: “Next up, White Queen (assuming you mean Emma Frost and not some other comic character I don’t recognize) isn’t evil anymore; does she really belong in your gallery of villains? Though I guess the evil-ness of Catwoman could be debated, too…”

Answer: Yes, I was going to bring up Catwoman – and, frankly, Deadpool as well. Criminal pasts count. And a super villain does not necessarily have to be evil. Although it certainly helps.

C writes: “Are you offering gentle nudges in one direction or the other regarding the dreads, or are you just sitting back for a wait-and-see?”

Answer: I’m not doing any nudging. I told Jason that the decision is his.

Gate Geek writes: “That baby just scares me.”

Answer: Really? As far as babies go, I thought this one was about par for the course.

Jonno writes: “Love the blog – entertaining and witty. But I’ll have to take you up on the public slap you gave GateWorld, and ask – what was the point?”

Answer: I have always been a supporter of Gateworld and consider it the premiere site for Stargate fans online. In fact, I was the one who suggested to MGM Marketing several years back, that they look toward establishing some sort of working relationship with Darren and Gateworld. As I explained to Darren in a recent email – My comment in yesterday’s blog entry was not intended as a blast at Gateworld, but as an example of how fan expectations can be raised or unintentionally misguided by a misinterpretation of the source. Gateworld’s attributing of the non-existent quote was simply another link in a developing chain. While I could have contacted them about the article in question, at that point it was already too late. It had been published and my apparent words officially reinforced. The point of my commentary was not to critique Gateworld but to go on record now, before the episode airs, and make it clear that I had been misquoted. Asking for a quiet retraction would not have solved the problem.

Crazymom writes: “ During our family discussion following the episode, we agreed that while Todd might have led a strike force using information he got while on Atlantis, he wouldn’t have given the information to someone else, at least not voluntarily. He is intent on gathering a power base of his own, and we couldn’t see him letting someone else take that credit.”

Answer: Interesting theory. Let’s see how that plays out the next time they cross paths with Todd. Next episode.

121 thoughts on “February 16, 2008:

  1. Hey Joe, I-BAM! Oh, that was a good one. Anyway-POW! Yeah! Sorry, it’s just that I’m watching Monk and after all these years it’s finally got-BOOSH!-exciting for me. Monk pays off. Who would have thought it?

    BANG! Go Monk!

  2. I liked Midway. But when they went to Earth, where was Landry? Shouldn’t he have been there?

  3. you tantalise so with your descriptions of Fuel dinners 🙂

    I really enjoyed Midway. It was so nice to see Teal’c again, and I thought the Teal’c/Ronan dynamic was fantastic.

    I also noticed it was the Daedalus set but I figured that since it was the same people who built the Daedalus (And Odyssey, etc), the tech would look the same.. wouldn’t it?

    I have to give a big tsk tsk to Rodney.. for once again underestimating the Wraith’s ability to crack his codes. (You’d think that after requiring Wraith help on other occasions, he’d get that idea by now.)

  4. Okay, Midway rocked! I’m not sure I agree it’s the best episode of the season [Lifeline, BAMSR and maybe Adrift top it out] but none-the-less a great episode. Thanks and well done to all involved.

    Teyla’s return was much appreciated and her experience with Coolidge makes me wonder how Vala’s interview went.

    Loved the end scene with Shep and Ronon.

    The only nit I can really pick is with Kavanaugh. I was excited when I heard he’d be back but he, like so many scientists, ended up being comic relief.

    That aside, wonderful ep.

    Can’t wait for next week’s!

  5. I’ve been wanting to go to a Stargate convention, but it has to be in the summer because of school. I’ve looked it up but can’t find anything. Do you know if there are any conventions during the summer.

  6. You made my mouth water with your descriptions of dinner Joe. Not that you don’t usually, but it sounded particularly delicious this time.

    Oh, and I have to say, Carl stealing food from you sounds suspiciously like what my sister does, and I have a similar reaction with spoon or fork on knuckles. Of course it’s fine if you’re the one sampling their food, but if they try and get to yours without you knowing…

    And your talk of chocolate reminded me that I wanted to ask you something:

    What types of chocolate are you eating at the moment?

    Amz (Amy..heh)

  7. HA! I was right about my “toilet theory”! 😀
    This is what I posted on GW:
    But, realistically, what they could do is have everyone move to the front compartment while the person who needs to use the toilet(for number 2, as 1 would be easier – some bottles or something; they DID say they had water on board ), then he’d move to the front, seal the compartment, then vent the atmosphere in the back. Problem solved.
    Oh, I’m sooooo smart! 😛

  8. Oh, and re:

    Lea also writes: “ Any chance that there will also be some serious Rodney McKay whump in season 5, apart from such silly “I have a splinter” stuff?”

    Answer: Yes, very possible.

    *SQUEEEEEEEEEE* *Cough* Um, I mean, if by “possible”, you mean “definitely”, thank you from the bottom of my McKay-whump lovin’ heart.

    @pm 5 ~ the San Diego Comicon and Dragon*Con both have very strong Stargate presences (or Dragon did last year, at any rate — we’ll see how things go for this year as it gets closer). Comicon is in July, Dragon is at the very end of August/beginning of September.

    Also, Creation has a Stargate con in Chicago in August (although, given mutterings I’ve heard, I would not really recommend that one — hell, it’s right around my brithday and it’s my hometown, and yet I currently have no interest in going).

  9. I actually guessed the answer to the no-facilities-in-a-jumper problem. I assumed the emergency supplies would include copious amounts of disposable bags, toilet paper, and baby-wipe type cleaning cloths.

    Even so, Ronon is a far braver person than I am, opening then going into a jumper filled with 6 men who hadn’t showered or changed clothes in several days.

    And how many days was it? Before the Asgard upgrades to the Daedalus, it took, I think, 18 days to get from Earth to Atlantis, making it logical to assume 9 days to get to Midway Station. With the Asgard upgrades, is it a quicker trip now?

    Anne Teldy

  10. Emma Frost and not some other comic character I don’t recognize) isn’t evil anymore

    Technically Emma is still evil–she’s just evil with the X-Men rather than against them.

  11. Hi Joe!

    Is the third SG series coming this year?

    (Is it even in writing or pre-production stages?)

  12. I did wonder about that chocolate I sent, whether you would actually be able to try it. I hoped so. At any rate, it was kindly meant. 🙂

    Well, to be honest, I’m one of the few that didn’t really like Midway that well. I am hoping for an episode I will enjoy more next week. And wow, you really think Sci-Fi would have learned a thing or two about not spoiling episodes by now. But then, this is the network that airs Flash Gordon, so I do wonder about them sometimes.

    Take care.

  13. Ack, sorry for the second post but I was wondering: Re: Midway – Were those supposed to be noise-cancelling headphones Shep was wearing in the puddlejumper at the end.

  14. Those are some great pics of dinner. In reference to your chocolate party last year, the pictures were incredible. I can only imagine what you’re considering for this year’s spread. Do you have any particular inspiration for throwing chocolate parties? When it comes time to choose the food (or treats as the case may be), how do you decide what to present?

  15. One question, are you aware McKay and Teal’c have never actually met each other? In 48 hours Teal’c was stuck in the gate, in Redemption Teal’c was off world, in Moebius Teal’c wasn’t on the team, in Peg project Teal’c was in the Milky way. Road not taken Teal’c wasn’t there either. And same again in Midway they didn’t meet each other and no where they have in between. Is this something you are aware of for two major characters who have both crossed over into each others shows having not met each other?

    And yes, Gateworld is a popular site and posts a lot of news, but there are various factors why I don’t think they’re a good site, at all. They post spoilers as news without warning, they post items as news which they’ve posted before simply so they have news (see the recent Carson Beckett or Alicia Vega news stories), they act as if America is the only country to get the show (I.e. ruthlessly promoting the show when America gets it, but when other countries get it first they virtually ignore it), and their forums are honestly a mess, they usually have two-three threads on the same thing going at the same time. Gateworld is not a great site imo, and there are better. On sites I frequent they have quite a bad reputation, for reasons like this. I’ve seen news items they’ve posted saying certain things, then checked their source for them and the impression they give there is completely different. I didn’t take the comment against Gateworlds news item as bad as simply, it’s time someone said something. I know the producers have supported Gateworld, but they should take more time in checking what they post sometimes, and if a producer calls them on it, then too damn right if they were wrong in something. People shouldn’t complain if you honestly have seen something they have directly misquoted saying it’s the truth.

  16. Hey Joe,

    First, I loved Midway…. Kudos to Carl!!! Second, I can’t wait for dinner at Fuel on April 3rd. With each description of your meals at Fuel, I get more and more excited. I don’t know if my taste buds can take any more anticipation. I moved to the Puget Sound area in April 2007, and I’m learning my way around the Great NW, but I still think of the times when I lived in Philadelphia and would partake of the many diverse restaurants in the Tri-State area. A large group of us from work use to go out to a different restaurant every other month or so and try everything we could on the menu! We’d all order a different menu item and then we pass the plates around, tasting and savoring the chef’s creations. It was a fun way to get together and share an evening of food, fun and interesting conversations. We called our group “The TASTEBUDS”, because we tasted as many new food items as possible and were we “Buddies” after all…. Hence Tastebuds!!! I miss my friends in Philly and I think that is one reason why I am looking forward to this meal at Fuel so much!

    I know you and Marty plan on being at both dinners in April and we are all so happy to hear that is confirmed. However, I want to ask a favor… would you and Marty please have a nice 8×10 photo taken of yourselves ‘together’ and have copies available to hand out and sign for us ‘personally’ that evening? I hope that this is not too much to ask for, because, lets face it, the Writers & Producers are the real heroes of SGA. IMHO! Thanks for listening! Hope you agree with my suggestion, because it would be wonderful to have such a nice memento of the evening.

    Thanks for everything! Including today’s pictures of the tasty dinner. Blessings Abound!

    Patricia Lee

    Ps… is there anyway to get on your “guest list” for the annual chocolate party? Gotta ask, even if the answer is no way! Can’t blame a gal for trying…

  17. Holy crap. I think I’ve died and gone to chocolate heaven. I don’t believe I started following your blog until later last year, so I didn’t get to see that post regarding your chocolate tasting event. OMG. While I recognized most of the brands, there was one that I did not recognize – what is the one that had samples of something in little white jars of some kind. What the heck is in those and what company produces those lovely looking chocolates?! I thought I read on the vellum insert something that started with a “D” but skimming your list, I didn’t see anything that looked unfamiliar to me. Help!

    BTW – this has to be the best season of SGA yet – every episode has been entertaining and wonderful to watch. LOVE it! Kudos to all!

  18. Hey Joe!

    I just have to ask this, that food look amazing, but judging by the prices at Fuel, how much did your meal cost with all those dishes?!

    I really wish I could attend the Fuel dinner (would love to meet you in person. 🙂 ), but not living in the Vancouver-area prevents that. Nonetheless, I thank you for giving fans like me the opportunity to enjoy a nice dinner with you and Marty. 🙂

    Thanks as always!

    – Enzo Aquarius

    PS – Loved “Midway”, indeed!

  19. Answer: Daniel’s picture could have been taken at one of many formal events. As for the Jack/San pic, that was taken by Teal’c while he was parasailing on the lake with Daniel.

    If you look closely, you notice what appears to be Daniel(? okay, it could be a crew member…) in the background of that picture? If memory serves me correctly from a recent viewing of that episode, Daniel & Teal’c are wandering around the corner of the front of Jack’s property when we see Sam & Jack in that similar angle… Sorry, I thought of this yesterday when I first saw the pic… and thought of it again when I read your response… just my observation 🙂

    Kristy-Ann 🙂

  20. It looked like Jason Momoa got smacked in the eye in that last scene of Midway on the jumper(and earlier scenes with the fight between Ronon and Teal’c). Was that a real black eye or just makeup?

  21. hi, joe,

    will there be any sam/jack ship in s5 of atlantis?

    (notice a theme? :P)

    sally 🙂

  22. Another yummy looking dinner. AND free.

    I want Joe M & the other writers to know that while I came to it as a fan of SG1, I love Stargate Atlantis & its characters all for itself- I don’t NEED SG1 characters to make it a better show for me. I just think its great when it happens because its cool to see long established (fave) characters continue within the Stargate universe and interact with newer (fave) characters, currently based in Atlantis. What makes a great TV episode- for me- is a good story coupled with good character portrayal.

    My top 3 SGA eps so far, per season:
    1) The Storm, The Defiant One, Hot Zone
    2) Duet, The Intruder, Trinity
    3) Sateda, McKay/Mrs Miller, Echoes
    4) Doppelganger, Tabula Rasa, Outcast

    My top SGA characters by degree because its impossible to choose one over the other
    1) Sheppard & McKay
    2) Zelenka & Lorne
    3) Teyla & Ronon
    4) Beckett & Grodin

  23. Saw Midway, loved it to pieces.

    Eating dinner right now, so I’ll make this quick:

    Link to review: Link

    Some questions:

    1. Where was the initial scenes with the Wraith filmed? You know, the badland-ish place? It’s beautiful.

    2. The Wraith leader in this episode; shouldn’t he be dead? I mean, he was in that cloning facility when that hive ship crashed into it in Spoils of War, no?

    Thanks in advance!

  24. Hi.

    I just revisited GateWorld’s article re: the return of the beloved Carson Beckett, and found that it been updated to include an apology for mis-stating a quote attributed to you from another information source.

    However, in the retraction, it is stated, and I quote: “Our original report stated that Joseph Mallozzi had indicated that Beckett’s return would not involve a clone. In fact, what he ruled out was a time-traveling Beckett or an alternate universe double.” It reads, to me, that , while alternate/time-travelling Becketts are off the table, a clone, a Beckett “in the flesh”, is a very strong possibility.

    As you posted yesterday, you did wish to address the matter directly, as an explanation of the mis-quote would result in a major spoiler for the episode in question.

    Has GateWorld’s retraction inadverdantly resulted in the spoiling of a major plot point?



  25. “Ben writes: “And also is there any word about a third SG1 movie? Or SGU?”

    Answer: Nothing on the former.”

    So, With the strike being over and Wright and Cooper back in the fold, What is the word on SGU?

  26. hey Joe,
    grr did you have to tell us about the dinner? and even post some pics? nah I’m just kidding, I actually enjoy reading those stories. but now I’m hungry! 😀 and Martin G can do magic tricks? who’d have thought. thanks for confirming the line from the teaser poem even though I pretty much guessed it was that one.

    I was kind of disappointed to see Carson in the SCI FI promo for The Kindred but hopefully it will at least attract more viewers. which reminds me, do you have any numbers for Midway? by the way I’m really enjoying Spambait, great idea 🙂

    Midway was a cool episode. I loved the fighting but also the talking. to let Ronon point out Teal’c’s ‘Indeed’ was ingenious, I couldn’t stop laughing. anyway Im really looking forward to The Kindred, it will be interesting to see how you guys managed to bring back Carson. although this issue will probably be addressed in Part 2 right?

    last but not least I just read a Gateworld interview with Amanda Tapping where she says ‘The timeline for the movies may be slightly different than what we thought. There’s a little hint for you.’ hm I wonder if this has anything to do with Sam’s departure in early season 5?

  27. Midway was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Yes! Wonderful action, loved the fights, the interaction between Teal’c and Ronon and lots of Sheppard being smart and McKay 🙂 🙂 🙂 And Teyla being so right. Go Teyla! Keep up the good work.

    I’m sure this is the HUGE topic of discussion re: Todd. But I thought when he first came on the base, McKay made a comment about making a laptop *away from the network* with *only* the code one it. So…. why would McKay have been so careless to let him access something that had more classified info on it after doing this??

  28. I have a question for you Joe have you ever written something on your lap top and then when you went to close it instead of clicking on Yes for save you click No and it disappears quicker than a vote for Hillary Clinton?

    As its 5am here I feel I can’t phone anyone that I know in a desperate attempt to retrieve my 2500 words which are lost in a huge void somewhere. I’m sure they would have won me many (in my dreams) awards.

    I have tried to reconstruct the salient points from memory but it’s not the same.

    What I want to know is why it doesn’t happen when you’ve written crap but only with the good stuff the bits you look at and think my god I’m a bloody genius that actually works.

    Sorry to be a pain but I’m still mopping up the tears as I post!


  29. Joe, here’s a candidate for your super-villains action figure collection. The super annoying Ambush Bug. Don’t of there is really a figure available, but there’s a minimate figure. There’s a new Ambush Bug series coming in July.

    Too bad you couldn’t have an Ambush Bug type character on SGA. Someone who is super annoying, silly & un-killable. Don’t think any of the show’s stars wants to share billing with a walking parody. LOL

  30. how could teal’c have taken the jack / sam pic when he is in the background helping daniel with the cooler? I dont really care, just thought i would point that out. I like your explaination though, amusing possibility.

  31. “Answer: Nope. As with most long jumper flights, they go right in the back, then have everyone either pile into the cockpit area and seal it off, or hold on tight at which point the ramp is lowered and rapid decompression takes place, effectively clearing out any unwanted material. It’s a bit of a pain, but very effective”
    Ooooohhhh, that is so NOT TRUE! blechhhhhh

  32. So, your exact words were:
    NO Alternate Universe
    NO ascension? correct?
    By the way, I’m really looking forward to the next three episodes. Anymore info on The Last Man?

  33. Hay Joe,
    I know you have been very busy so in case you missed my question I’ll post it one more time.

    Do you think it may be possible, that we could get a featurette on the entire process of The Creation Of An Episode in the season 5 DVD box set? From the first discussions of an episode, to the first draft, the first script, and final copy. Maybe even show how the cast may slightly change the lines while shooting. I know we have seen some aspects of this process in previous DVD’s but I think it would be pretty interesting to actually see the entire process from start to finish.

    Oh and by the way how is that “GDO” working for ya now? I am surprised no one else picked up on saying GDO.


  34. Thanks so much for the dedication and answering my questions! I’m telling all my family to make sure they check it out. 🙂

    I just have one problem with your explanation for facilities in the jumpers. If you’re emptying the air out of half the jumper every time someone goes potty, aren’t you going to run out of air eventually? It wouldn’t be wise to be flushing often when you’re stuck in the void between galaxies for an unknown period of time… I guess maybe I don’t understand how airlocks work, but it seems to me that if you empty the atmosphere first to save it for later you’re not going to get any kind of decompression to blow the crap out the back. 🙂 It would make more sense for them to use whatever astronauts do. To be honest, I wouldn’t want to go in front of anyone anyway so I’d want them all in the other half anyway. They’d still need something to go in because they can’t really be standing back there going when the door opens, or at least I don’t think I could concentrate on going while fighting to hold on. I just don’t think a person can hold on for decompression or survive the exposure, Ford just made it in 38 minutes because he went through the gate really soon after opening the hatch…

    Oh wait, I just remembered this is all pretend and it doesn’t matter how it works. 😉

  35. Hey Joe,

    Just watched Midway and enjoyed it very much.

    Since the mailbag is back, thought I’d ask again about something that piqued my curiosity re the creative process for SGA. When you guys plant a seed (such as the potentially “addictive” aspects on getting your life returned by a Wraith, as suggested by Larrin’s comment in S4 Travelers) which may not pay off in story arc for quite some time (i.e. as you implied in a previous mailbag, in an episode the following season “Broken Ties”), do you already have the whole arc in mind from the outset? Or do you go back and mine some of these potential story lines only when you are spinning ideas for the next season?

    Congrats on a great season so far, looking forward to even better next year…


  36. Hi again Mr M!
    Greetings from Tipperary! Looking forward to dinner in Fuel. Had a great chat with Tom at Fuel, turns out he’s a big fan of Cashel Blue….this is produced about 30 minutes away from where I type!
    By the way…Have you seem the front cover of this month’s (February 2008) National Geographic?? Check it out….Apophis, back again!!!!!

    Best wishes


  37. On his fourth attempt, I actually caught him with a stinging rap of my spoon against his third knuckle.

    Carl’s dish got the nod and it was my turn to pinch a couple of forkfuls from his plate (“Hey, Carl, is that guy out there keying your car? You’d better go check to make sure.”).

    Now now boys… LOL. Dinner with you lot would be fun..reminds me of some of the antics of my childhood.

    Again mentioning Midway, it seemed as though this episode was a checklist for all the fans’ wishes..

    Whumping – check
    humourous banter – check
    showing how team members have bonded – check

    Brilliant episode and hope to see more of ‘what’s not to like’ Ronon laughing.

  38. Hey wait! Second comment here..

    Just looked at the old pics of the chocolate soiree you linked us to and noticed some Macca’s on the kitchen bench.. (McDonald’s)

    Who committed such sacrilege!!??

  39. How delicious your food pictures look seems to be proportional to how hungry I am… I’m afraid most of it isn’t something I’d eat, but I really appreciate the use of the under appreciated animal parts such as pig ears. As I once told a friend, people eat those “gross” parts all the time in hamburgers and hot dogs and think nothing of it, but if you point that out to them they yell at you and tell you that just because you’re vegetarian doesn’t mean you can accuse other people of eating disgusting– Anyway, it’s nice that people are taking those underused parts and elevating them to culinary excellence.

  40. Thanks for answering my question! I think that the entry/exit chamber looks wonderful, props to the VFX crew! I just watched it again and I have to say I really think that Midway is one of my favorite Stargate episodes, regardless of series. A few other thoughts on it:

    During the betting scene, I thought it was great that the kind of money being thrown in there was from several different countries. Excellent little tidbit. What really made it great though was Sheppard. I could be wrong, but I would assume that he would bet with American money. Yet, he clearly took back Euros (at least one of them was a Euro) from Chuck. Very savvy, given the exchange rate these days, hehe.

    Teal’c was fed on by a wraith, poor guy. You know, he’s already, what, 150 (counting Unending)? How many more years does he have to lose? Sheesh.

    Really, my only nitpick on the episode is I find it hard to believe that Sheppard could have suited up in time, when he was clearly having a rough time of it. But that’s the only nitpick.

    Once again, excellent episode. I loved seeing the SGC again. I wonder, have any decisions been made about the SGC sets? Since SG-1 is done and the two movies are finished shooting, I’m wondering if you’re going to be able to keep any of the sets or have to dismantle them all.

    Also, I love your descriptions of food, today’s was particularly memorable. Makes me very hungry. I, personally had a lovely dinner of mac and cheese. Ahh, the poor life of a college student…

  41. Answer: Daniel’s picture could have been taken at one of many formal events. As for the Jack/San pic, that was taken by Teal’c while he was parasailing on the lake with Daniel.

    Now THAT I’d like to see a picture of.

    Answer: Nope. As with most long jumper flights, they go right in the back, then have everyone either pile into the cockpit area and seal it off, or hold on tight at which point the ramp is lowered and rapid decompression takes place, effectively clearing out any unwanted material. It’s a bit of a pain, but very effective.

    Well, leave it to the Ancients to think up unnecessarily complex solutions to simple problems.

    Have you guys brought on any new writers for the new season, or are you going to? (Sounds like everyone’s pretty settled, so I wouldn’t imagine so, but I’m curious.)

  42. dasNdanger said:

    The actor who played Todd in BAMSR is Brendan Penny (Chris Heyerdahl, who normally portrays Todd and created the character in Common Ground, was not available at the time). Penny then switched roles (at the very end of BAMSR, and in SoW) from ‘Todd’, to the Wraith with the chin tattoo who betrayed Todd (I believe he was the Wraith who was at the control station during the replicator battle, the one who helped with the birthing scene in SoW, and the one in Midway at the control center).

    So, the Wraith who betrayed Todd, and was the second in command during the siege on Midway, was portrayed by the same actor who was Todd in BAMSR.

    Das, thanks so much for that explanation. Having been a bit out of it during Midway, I missed things that I’ll have to make sure I catch next week; but at least now I understand what was going on with the Wraith. I appreciate your taking the time to make all of that clear.

    Joe, thanks for the great pics and a very entertaining account of your dinner. The whole food-poaching thing was very funny. (As was your remark about using the “Gimli the Dwarf” filming strategy in order to have Martin G. play the baby. – Nice to see the pic of his dad.)

  43. Robbie said: “how could teal’c have taken the jack / sam pic when he is in the background helping daniel with the cooler? I dont really care, just thought i would point that out. I like your explaination though, amusing possibility.”

    Maybe Cam or Vala took it from the other side of the pond? I mean, if a picture of a fanatasy Daniel can be used why not a picture by people from a fantasy?

    Oh, there was one question I’ve been meaning to ask; any chance we’ll be seeing more of the nurse from ‘Sunday’ etc in season Five? Will she get a name?

  44. “Oh, there was one question I’ve been meaning to ask; any chance we’ll be seeing more of the nurse from ‘Sunday’ etc in season Five? Will she get a name?”

    Sorry, that should be ‘surname’ since we know her first name. Can’t type, I should really get some sleep.


  45. That was taken by Teal’c while he was parasailing on the lake with Daniel.

    You, sir, are evil. Hilarious, but evil.

    What sort of formal, tux-with-pink-flower-worthy events to you envision Daniel having occasion to attend?

    Ooh…there should be Cassie Gets Married fic, like, yesterday (because as wonderful as it sounds…it just would not work so much on Atlantis.)

  46. thank you for answering my question. I was close to buying another set of season 3 just for deleted scenes… and if you’re going to tell me NOW that there are deleted scenes, I won’t believe you ;o)

    I see that I’m not the only one suffering from theft of food when out eating with friends. I’ll try the same trick with the spoon and the third knuckle next time :o).

    As for the question about disposing of unwanted things during a loong stay on a puddle jumper: There are some who believe in a loo in the jumper. I’ve never seen such a thing in a jumper before but it would make sense, wouldn’t it? I mean they often spend hours of travelling time in those things. 15 hours in “the defiant one” for example and in “SPoils of war” was also a long jumper travel.
    But where the hell did Sheppard get those earphones from? He can’t have carried them with him all the time and why would he find them in a space suit? You can’t tell me that they belong to the standard puddle jumper equipment!
    I can already see the inscription: “In case of emergency when your stuck with nerdy scientists!” *rofl* :o))))

  47. Hey Joe, Midway was fantastic. Please congratulate the team for me.

    Have you ever considered having a wheelchair user or someone with another form of physical disability as a guest star on Atlantis? For example, as a scientist?
    I ask only because it is one of the few things we haven’t seen on Stargate really.

    Chris (UNSRM)

  48. Boy, do those guys at Monk know how to write a series finale.

    I agree with what some dude said about Gateworld. The forums are indeed a mess, and I couldn’t actually find any info on why Dean/Richard/Anderson left the show when I looked on there (still don’t know).

    Which is the main reason I come here. Here the posts are moderated, so there’s no “OMG i luv sam crater!!!” posts. Also, there’s no swearing allowed there, which I don’t condone. 3st, it’s true, the news they post often ruins the episode for me. 4rd, everyone has really unoriginal names on there, like “Daniel” or “Some other character”, which, in my experience, usually shows a lack of creativity. Eightly, what’s the point of having so many separate forums for SG-1? There’s a “character and relationships” forum, a “Something Else” forum, even two forums for different seasons. There doesn’t seem to be a “General/Off-topic” discussion forum, just a billion forums for Stargate, which makes it really hard to get involved in the community there. All it needs is an SG-1 forum, an SGA forum, maybe a turd forum, and an Off-topic one. Get more organized.

    So yeah, I come here, intelligent people, lively discussion, and info straight from the horse’s mouth (didn’t somebody already use that expression?)

  49. You know the more I rewatch SG1 and hear Walter’s name the more I am reminded of Radar from Mash. coincidence? Just once I’d like to hear him say “Incoming” a second before the gate goes off and the alarms sound.

  50. Its a nice sunny day and frost covers the ground as I sit here awaiting delivery of youngest son’s puddlejumper which should be here around lunch time.
    Lovely food pics btw and descriptions made me feel very hungry indeed. Good to see you’re not wasting away in Fondy’s absence.

  51. Joe, In regards as to WHY the show hasn’t released on a HD format yet: Not to many series have released on it yet.. The ONLY one I can currently even think of at the moment is Heroes… Wich I believe is being all messed up by the much needed writers strike. Is that even still happening? But none the less. The HD formats seem to be more popular with movies and Heroes fans.

    And I realised just now while watching the SGA premiere that the DHD base looks the same in both the Pegasus and Milky Way Galaxy.. Go me for being a fan and totally disregarding all these SEASONS that the DHD looked the same up until last friday nights “Midway” lol. Speaking of.. I’m guessing the new Midway Station will include an iris? 😛 😛

  52. I hate to say it Joe, but the pic of you and Carl looks kinda creepy! Really, the way you are eyeing each other send shivers up my spine! ARRGHH~!!!!

    Please post a better one to help erase that memory!


    Patricia Lee

  53. “Lea also writes: Any chance that there will also be some serious Rodney McKay whump in season 5, apart from such silly “I have a splinter” stuff?
    Answer: Yes, very possible.”

    SQUEEEEE! Thanks for answering and special thanks for THIS kind of answer! 🙂 Now I’m hopeful and happy!! Good news for the McKay whump fans! 🙂

    I enjoyed ‘Midway’ a lot btw, and I’m not even a big Ronon fan. But the ep just felt right, it’s hard to explain. Everything was the way it should be, people acted and reacted like I expected the characters to. Sheppard was a real leader, and Rodney wasn’t used as a comic relief but showed that he can be competent in the field and has learnt a lot. Great stuff!

    And yay, Kavanagh has a first name now! 🙂

  54. I’ve just watched Midway and have a question. How come the Wraith are much easier to kill/disable than they were when we first encountered them?
    Oh yeah, and Kavanaugh is still a tw*t! Please let the wraith consume him at your earliest convenience.The man is totally unsuited to the Stargate program at least in my couch potato omniscient opinion. Oh yeah, Season 5 needs more female input, can we please see Freda the cleaning lady, maybe a storyline from her no-nonsense POV.
    It occurs to me that I have all together too much time on my hands so I’m off to conquer some distant galaxy just as soon as I’ve brought the laundry in off the washing line and picked up the poop.

  55. Lea also writes: “ Any chance that there will also be some serious Rodney McKay whump in season 5, apart from such silly “I have a splinter” stuff?”

    Answer: Yes, very possible.

    Yay! Doing my happy, happy, joy, joy dance.

    Tuesday is my birthday (42, but who’s counting). Any chance of getting a shout out?

    I rewatched Midway last night and noticed a lot of little things that really make an episode.

    Rodney was shown to be a competent fighter, not only in the fire fight with the Wraith, but after as well. In “THe Defiant One” it took him forever to reload, here he did it on the fly. Also, when they were on the way to the jumper, Rodney was clearly in command. It was nice to see how he has grown as a warrior-in-training.

    Ronan shoving Kavanaugh aside and walking past everyone to get to Rodney, his teammate.

    The last scene with Ronan and John. Gosh, I love when Jason Momoa smiles.

    Teal’c, after passing probably dozens of people on the way to the control room, still stopping to check on Walter. A nice little thing that shows that Walter is part of the group.

    The look on Rodney face when he thought he had killed John. That spoke volumes for their friendship, which leads me to make a prediction for your poem and “The Last Man.”

    possible spoilers (although I’m probably totally off the mark here)

    The line “As the death of a loved one spurs McKay into action” refers to “The Last Man.” If John is thrown 10,000 years into the future, he is “dead” to all of his friends. Having suffered through Carson’s and Elizabeth’s deaths, Rodney would be devastated losing John too. This would probably work better if Carson hadn’t come back, but I still have this feeling.

  56. Answer: Nope. As with most long jumper flights, they go right in the back, then have everyone either pile into the cockpit area and seal it off, or hold on tight at which point the ramp is lowered and rapid decompression takes place, effectively clearing out any unwanted material. It’s a bit of a pain, but very effective.

    Hm, but imho this is very ineffective. This very special Puddle Jumper was designed as a lifeboat, so it should be able to keep a lot of people alive for a fair amount of time. Wasting 2/3 of the current oxygen for blasting “unwanted material” out into space doesn’t make much sense. Why didn’t they install a toilet under the benches in the back compartment? Maybe on the left side which wasn’t shown during the episode. Maybe like they are build into small RVs. With this possibility there is no waste of air (and they need a lot of air to breath for some days) and with a decent recycling system there is also no waste of water. If the jumper would really look after a few days as we saw it there has to be some kind of recycling system for water because the air would be steamy just due to the water they all breath out.

    Oh, and by the way: Midway was GREAT!!! A half season 5 with episodes like this one, please. And at the other half I’d like to have fabulous stand alone episodes like Tabula Rasa or Trio. Oh, and a general more present story arc would be really nice.

    OK, I shut up.

    Disclaimer: English is not my native language and I hope I didn’t mess up too much while dealing with technical terms.

  57. You taunt my straining credit cards with another dinner at Fuel. ::sigh:: I would happily partake of any of those dishes; although I’m with Carl on the foie gras.

    Since you’ve pretty much explored much of the chocolate world, thanks to your parties, I will ask you for recommendations.

    I’m having a 40th birthday blow-out next month and was thinking of making chocolate gift bags for my guests. However, buying chocolate from Vosges for 50 people would be way out of my budget. Any intriguing, yet not-so-expensive, chocolate finds that you might recommend? Otherwise, I’m going with Lindt.

  58. Very nice work. Midway was seriously one of the best Atlantis episodes of all time. Man, it was sweet.

  59. Really enjoyed Midway. One of my favorites of this season, along with Doppelganger, Travelers, and Harmony. Few questions:

    1) Is there a time frame for when Jason has to decide if he wants to wear the hair or not? I know for continuity’s sake he has to wear it for the season 5 premiere, but is the show’s explanation for the haircut going to be an entire scene or just one or two lines something like :
    Sheppard: Hey, you got a haircut.
    Ronon: Yeah.
    Sheppard: Well, it looks…nice.
    Ronon: Thanks. You’re the first guy who’s noticed.
    Sheppard: No one else noticed?
    Ronon: All the women on the base noticed. Your just the first guy who noticed.
    Sheppard: Oh.

    2)Any chance of seeing a meeting between Chuck (the Atlantis tech) and Walter Harriman? I mean, who doesn’t want to see the two Gateroom Guardians off on their own adventure?

    3) Is Bob Picardo going to have to wear a suit and tie as the new commander of Atlantis, or does he get one of the official Atlantis uniforms? Wier wasn’t really big on them, but Carter has worn hers most of the time. I remember Woolsey wearing one (though I think only in one scene) in an early episode of season 3. Will he get the same outfit again, or will he get a new style of uniform?

  60. oh yes! I always have more to say but I never remember it until the next day.

    1) I was really happy to see Gary Jones back in Midway. 🙂 To me, the GateRoom will always include Walter.
    2) Similarly, I noticed when Sam specifically said “Chuck” when asking the tech to dial the gate on Atlantis. As Chuck has been floating around in the news (I find it amusing how small characters like that get latched onto) but not really named, it made me smile. a lot.
    3) The little scene of Teal’c and Ronan watching slapstick TV was *priceless* and quick to make it into one of my favourite little SGA moments.

    I have to say that before it was brought up (to me, a few weeks ago when I first heard mention of Midway), I hadn’t really correlated Teal’c and Ronan. They’ve always been two very, very separate characters to me. Ronan has never felt like the “token alien” to me, maybe because Teyla also is and was around first. Or maybe because I still think of the Earthians as the Aliens in Atlantis? I don’t know. But they are SO DIFFERENT, and I think having them together only magnified this.

    4) Thanks for putting up with our constant blather!

  61. Hi’ Jo !

    Coooool photos^^

    Bad news for French communityof Stargate : the only public channel which was broadcasting Stargate SG1 & Atlantis decided to cancel the show for bad ratings !
    I can’t imagine it…so we have to be at the same time like american ( US, Can etc..) fan. Pffff very bad decision.

    I’ve a little question concerning your dogs and Stargate Atlantis :

    Will your dogs play in a Stargate Atlantis for the 5th season in an Earth scene ? Maybe dogs crossing the way, or eating sausages near a hot dog seller in the street, or in the bottom of the screen or simply at home of a character…Hope you will answer this question !^^

  62. Daniel and Teal’c parasailing? *LOL* I would love to see that.

    As far as season 5, is it possible that Sam and Daniel will be guesting in an episode together?


  63. Hey Joe! How come you didn’t tell us Cookie Monster was doing an interview on NPR.com?

    You probably didn’t want us all running to New York to try to get at him for his brilliant comments and witty advisement he gives to all of us.

    You shall be forgiven. Just tell us next time!!

  64. So Joe the King of snark says that the Puddle Jumper decompresses to evacuate the unwanted bodily fluids and everyone believes him???

    No one ever heard of urine bottles or water tight plastic bags that seal the waste away?

    True the female anatomy is not conducive with many of these forms of waste disposal but we ladies are stalwarts of the pioneering spirit and would fore go our toilet for the good of the group.

    May I add that altruism does not include giving up soft toilet paper or hand cream, the line has to be drawn somewhere.

    It would be such a waste of resources and atmosphere to decompress the jumper just to clean house.

    And if rescue was a long way off that urine after distillation would come in mighty handy as drinking water!


  65. WOOHOO,Teyla was in Midway…Even if it was only a couple of minutes but after 3 weeks without any Teyla it was so good to finally see her again and Rachel was just simply glowing….Yup Pregnancy sure does agree with her…Oh and the wardrobe department have sure outdone themselves with Teyla’s Maternity clothes,she looks simply stunning:D

    I really liked Midway,i must admit though i didn’t think i was gonna like it but just goes to show you can’t judge a book by it’s cover…That would have been so cool to see,a very Pregnant Teyla beat up the IOA guy,i would pay good Money to see that and the bit at the end in the Puddlejumper when Shep locks himself in the Cockpit then Ronon comes in and tries to wake him up,i think he was enjoying that a little too much,that was hilarious i LLOL…

    Anywho some questions..
    1. Is there gonna be any Teyla Whump in S5,i sure hope so,i do like my Teyla whump?

    2. Teyla isn’t gonna miss out on any eps next season is she,i miss her when she’s not there?

    3. Is there gonna be any John and Teyla sparring in S5,it’s been a while since i’ve seen her beat up Shep ;)?

    4. What’s the right spelling for Teyla’s Boyfriends name…It’s been spelt Kanan and Kanaan,is any of them the right spelling?

    5. Who is the Actor that’s gonna be playing Kanan?

  66. How do you view female character’s in the world of Atlantis? Some have accused the show of featuring Sheppard to appeal to the male fan-boy demographic, while not supporting the female characters. Thoughts?

  67. PS–Baron Destructo would be proud…I turned in a scammer on MySpace. What’s sad is that several people did not recognize the red flags and added him as a “friend”.

  68. RE: shiningwit: “How come the Wraith are much easier to kill/disable than they were when we first encountered them?”

    I thought the wraith went down faster because instead of using the ever so un-popular P90 that doesnt even shoot bullets of real shells (in real life). The P90 is a much less effective weapon than the (VERY SURPRISED TO SEE) Hekler and Koch G36’s they had on the Midway station, wich fires a 5.56x45mm NATO round as opposed to the P90’s tiny and VERY INACCURATE little pellet out of a paper shell thingy. Any weapon using a paper shell will be less effective than a weapon using “brass” shells. I’m sure the show already recieved a ton of letters from the fans about the inaccurate display of the P90 in the episode on the weapons trade with free jaffa wear Carter was showing off the P90 and obliterating a tree that was like 75 yards away or something. So I wont have at it with that dead horse.. I’ll just kick it in the shins and be on my merry way 😛 The P90 is only popular in very close quarter shooting scenarios due to its rate of fire. But then again more people will chose the MP5 over it in those cases.

    Just me being lengthy and informative again.

  69. Midway was a great episode! It would’ve been nice to see a Teyla and Teal’c scene, but that didn’t lower my opinion of the episode one bit. I’ve always seen those two as more similar than Ronon and Teal’c

    Unless I heard incorrectly, Sam said that Teal’c “was” a member of SG-1 for over 10 years. Does that mean that he’s left the team?

  70. sally rather predictably asked: is there any sam/jack ship in ‘continuum’?

    Yes Joe, a confirmation one way or another would be much appreciated so that those of us who are nauseated by the whole idea can save our selves the trouble of pre-ordering it.

  71. Not being an expert on firearms but having an interest in most things here goes.

    I always thought the P90 was the weapon of choice on Star Gate because it was so versatile being able to fire in semi automatic and continues fire mode.

    That plus the advantage of loading from the top and ejecting bullets from the hollow pistol grip (no shells bouncing in front of the actors faces) seemed to make it a good choice.

    But reading Kyle_Of_California comments confused me which believe me is easy.

    He said “the P90’s tiny and VERY INACCURATE little pellet out of a paper shell thingy.”

    Surly the SS190 cartridge which has the more conventional full metal, plated steel jacket, lead core and steel/aluminum penetrator could not be described as a ‘paper shell thingy’?
    Several other projectiles have also been developed for the new cartridge, including the L191 tracer round and a subsonic SB193 bullet are these used on SGA at all?

    If I’m wrong please don’t ‘shoot me down’, from another perspective I have always found the P90 an esthetically pleasing weapon.

    Pauline…okay it’s a slow day.

  72. Hi Joe,
    Would really love to see Rodney training with Teyla, maybe going through some stretching exercises-that would be hilarious! Think about it, it would be funny!! After all we saw Rodney training with Ronon-which was hilarious, now it’s Teyla’s turn. Hope to see it in the next season!

  73. Hello Joseph =) Me revoila! Content de me revoir? ^^ lol!
    Moi oui =D!

    J’ai passée un super week end!!Jespert que vous aussi!!

    aller je vais au lit, je passerais demain, gros kisou, je vous adore!

    ps: Carl and you, charmante photo♥

  74. Was it just convenient story telling that Coolidge was able to recover from the stun weapon so much sooner than anyone else at the SGC or is that something to be worried about?

  75. Question re:Midway iris codes – do they automatically send the IDC when the wormhole engages or did the wraith happen to know both sets of IDC’s (pegasus and midway)? surely an automatic code would be against security protocols in the (obvious in hindsight)event the wraith would attempt such a thing as overrun Midway to get to Earth…

    BTW – loved that scene with Ronon waking Shephard in the jumper – loved it!! great reaction from JoeF there.

  76. I would like to also add my congratulations for Midway-that was an excellent episode-your and your fellow writers, producers, etc are once again continuing your strong tradition of finishing on a strong note for your season.

    I do have however have a pick….yes it is Trio-I liked the episode-what I didn’t like was that of all the dialogue you and your fellows decided to leave in the episode-you kept the one where Rodney said that Sam would show her -may I say it??-boobs-to some 8-10 year old boys, should they rescue them. Now, I suppose that some might have found it amusing, but I did not. I would like to ask you how well you felt it would have gone over if Sam had told 8-10 year old girls that Rodney would show another body part to them, if they rescued them. That would certainly have caused a major upset and accusations of pedophilia.

    I suppose complaining about it now is rather moot, but it certainly offended my sensibilities and would ask that perhaps next time the idea of some juvenile humor comes up you think about it more than at the moment and wonder if it is actually appropriate.

    Thank you.

  77. Anne Teldy Said:
    And how many days was it? Before the Asgard upgrades to the Daedalus, it took, I think, 18 days to get from Earth to Atlantis, making it logical to assume 9 days to get to Midway Station. With the Asgard upgrades, is it a quicker trip now?

    I was thinking about this and two things immediately sprung to mind:

    1) The Midway Station is, if I remember correctly, halfway between the two galaxies, not the two planets (surely Earth and Lantea aren’t exactly the same distance inside their respective galaxies as each other?), though I could be wrong about this (it’s not clear from the transcript, but I think the image on the screen that McKay is pointing at makes it look like it is halfway between the two galaxies).

    2) The 18 days established in Intruder was from Earth to Lantea and not the new planet.

    But yes, with the Asgard upgrades it could be even faster regardless of the above!

    Care to answer, Joe?!

    And as for the very possibly on the Rodney whump, oh please, please, please! Not just mental whumpage (which I love) but physical as well. Please!

    Or do I need to organise some chocolates?!!!

  78. Hey Joe, I just wanted to say how exciting it is to see Picardo stretch his acting abilities on Stargate even further! I think he’ll make a definite impression on the show (If anyone has seen ANY of his work on Voyager, then they’re in for a treat in stargate.)

    One thing, please let him sing an Opera song. Sam can be the viking woman in the tower. He can be the viking king. With an axe.

    Just kidding. 🙂

  79. And another thing. Was that “indoor plumbing” that we almost saw in Teal’c and Ronon’s shared quarters on Midway? Or am I tripping still?

  80. I wasn’t sure if I would like Midway or not. Crossover eps can be tricky and often come off gimicky. Then I watched the episode.

    And LOVED it.

    The episode is the perfect example of everything that is fun about the Stargate franchise. I really hope we get to see Teal’c and Ronon in another episode together. They were great. The only thing I can complain about were the scenes with Sam. There wasn’t anything wrong with them. In fact, Amanda Tapping’s expressions were hilarious. The scenes with her just made me kind of sad since I know Sam won’t be around much next year…

    So who had the idea to have Ronon and Teal’c watch the Three Stooges?

  81. A oui j’allais oublier la boite question, 2 nouvelle question vous sont arrivées.

    sga-stargate-sg1 dit:
    Es ce que l’on entendra reparler un jour du lieutenat ford ?

    sosolafan dit:
    Quel personnage de stagate vous ressemblele plus en carractere?

    Voila, bonne nuit a demain =)

  82. Heya Joe,

    I love the fact that you wrote a list of websites you like to cruise when you should be working! Considering that I, like most people here, find I am often distracted at work by a new post on your blog!!

    Quick question if you are only just receiving the baby and placenta does that mean we shouldn’t look forward to Teyla going in to labour any time in the next few weeks before the end of season four??

  83. Do human clones have a “life force” that would satisfy a hungry Wraith?

  84. Just wanted to support Pauline’s comments about the P90. Kyle_Of_California was surprised to see the G36, but Cam Mitchell used it all the time on SG-1, which I was very pleased to see.

    While Kyle was correct that one of the P90’s claim to fame is its rate of fire (900 rpm compared to G36’s 750), another major one is the 50 round magazine. The P90 is also a 5.7 x 28 mm caliber weapon, and I’ve never heard of the 90 firing “paper thingy” rounds. In fact, I’ve heard it described as a slimmed down version of the NATO standard round.

    In truth, comparing the G36 to the P90 is like comparing apples and oranges. One is an assault rifle/light machine gun/carbine and the other is a submachine gun. And I think Kyle’s point was that G36 would drop a Wraith easier because it has much more stopping power as an assault rifle, which I agree with. I would love to see M-16s, M-4s, and more G36s on SG.

    Still, what the 90 lacks in stopping power, it makes up for by *ahem* pumping their guts full of lead.


  85. In response to MarkB’s inquiry:

    “Oh, there was one question I’ve been meaning to ask; any chance we’ll be seeing more of the nurse from ‘Sunday’ etc in season Five? Will she get a name?”

    That’s actress Linda Ko, and she’s co-starring in the new ABC Family TV series, Samurai Girl.



  86. Um-m… sorry Joe, I know you are a dedicated, passionate foodie, but today’s food pics do nothing for me. Everything looks undercooked or half raw. Is it supposed to look that way? The duck appears deep fried — is it? No offense, but I doubt I’d eat anything here pictured. Glad you & your guests enjoyed it all though!

    I guess I will content myself with toasted English muffins with salted butter & grape jam, baked 3 cheese macaroni, BBQ chicken wings and garlic butter Brussels sprouts which are my favorite foods, (not necessarily in same meal). Wash it down with a Guinness or hot cup of Irish tea and I’m good. On special occasions I’ll have a t-bone steak and glass of Cabernet Souvignon. So, I’m not entirely lost, am I?

    What is with the running gag of someone ALWAYS saying “Oh crap” in every SGA episode?

    Thanks, and be well.
    Carol Z

  87. Pauline:
    you are correct ma’am. The current P90’s do use a brass jacket. I had the fortune one day of getting to play with some weapons on an air force base under watch of some friends of mine that have friends in high places about 8 years ago. The P90 they had at the time used a paper shell covering a 28mm pellet like bullet I believe they referred to it as the SS90 Prototype ammunition. This has since been changed since then to my understanding and they are currently using the SS190 Ball wich is a little bit heavier, more accurate and known to be armor piercing. And for those wondering my favorite weapon I played with that day was the M60 machine gun. I believe Teal’c was seen using one in an episode. Then I believe he decided to drop it for the Goa’uld heavy weapon from a downed Glider. You know.. because Teal’c is the mother-fucken man and hes just savage like that.

  88. Hi Joe!

    Busy weekend so have not been able to pop in and say how much I enjoued Midway. Really excellent episode with great action, humour, tension etc etc etc. Just generally enjoyed every minute of it! 😀

    However, am hoping you can settle a raging fandom debate! (“What, again?!” you may ask..)

    In the final scene, when Ronon wakes Sheppard (btw, pretty much of all fandom is squeeing over that scene – so much fun! :D) the general consensus from watching the scene (ok, possibly more than a few times) is that Sheppard says, “I almost shot myself with the stunner!” However, closed captioning (and GW’s transcript) suggests he said, “I almost shot em myself with the stunner” (meaning the folks in the rear compartment.) Can you let us know which is correct? Pretty please? 😀

  89. Quick question. Will Jewel keep the bangs we saw her sporting on the People’s Choice Awards, or keep the hairstyle we saw on season four?

  90. I’m confused by the latest article on GW about the “continuity” being proposed to have Sam return to SG-1 and that Continuum comes after her exit in S5.


    Is she returning to SG-1? That just doesn’t make any sense and seems to be a demotion to the character’s position after having been a commander of a base.

    And, to be honest, I can’t imagine the team breaking up just because Carter left. The team has continued on when it has lost other members before.

    Is that article just mere speculation? Is Tapping actually hinting that Carter is returning to SG-1 because the rest of the team can’t manage without here and that is what you are planning to do with her character at the start of S5?

  91. Hey Joe,
    Midway was a great episode. I especially loved the few and cute friendship moments between Sheppard and McKay. So my question is: Are you planning some episode for those two in S5? Something similar to The Defiant one? Not funny like Harmony, but much more serious, where you could show us more aspects of this friendship?
    Thanks much for your answer.

  92. Alipeeps said

    In the final scene, when Ronon wakes Sheppard (btw, pretty much of all fandom is squeeing over that scene – so much fun! :D) the general consensus from watching the scene (ok, possibly more than a few times) is that Sheppard says, “I almost shot myself with the stunner!” However, closed captioning (and GW’s transcript) suggests he said, “I almost shot em myself with the stunner” (meaning the folks in the rear compartment.) Can you let us know which is correct? Pretty please?

    I rewatched that scene several time sand am going with the “shot myself group” (not shot ‘them’) 😉 Fan transcripts can be a bit fuzzy 😉

  93. Hi Joe,

    and congrats on “Midway”, it was a really cool episode.

    I do have a question though; Why was it necessary to blow up the station? I mean every time the team finds a way to communicate with Earth, it is taken away. They have come across dozens of ZPMs but never managed to hold on to a single one. Now the Midway station gave them a chance to keep in touch with Earth without the 3-4 weeks space travel. So why was it so necessary to take that away too?


  94. @alipeep ~ I too heard it as “I almost shot myself”, but even if that turns out to be wrong and closed-captioning is right in this instance, closed-captioning is *often* wrong in general — I would never call it reliable. 🙂

    Even subtitles, which, unlike closed-captioning, are done by the production company, are often wrong. I sometimes watch DVDs with them, and have to laugh at how often lines are simplified, or even completely changed. 😀

  95. Debi they actually posted the entire 4 page interview including audio (which I think is always good because you can hear their laughter and tone of voice) this evening and it will clear up any misconceptions you have. As far as Continuum and S5 there is no indication as to when it takes place and no spoilers really given in the interview. As always it’s left up to your interpretation.

  96. Hi Joe,

    I have to confess I’m a little unsure how to word my question, because it’s based on some pretty sensitive topics, but it’s been niggling in the back of my mind incessantly and I don’t think it’s going to go away until I at least register my opinion.

    Having seen Midway and Trio, which were solid episodes for sure, I personally have seen quite a bit of backlash for scenes which in last week’s episode were deemed sexist and in Midway degrading toward men of color (I’m speaking specifically of the fight between Teal’c and Ronon, which had a lot of really unfortunate implications). I’d be very disbelieving of the idea that anyone on your writing staff is harboring ill feelings towards women or people of color, and that leaves me wondering if these miscommunications are the result of a writing staff that is composed solely of adult white males.

    And yes, humor is a personal thing, but this goes a bit beyond that and I can’t help but think that having a different perspective during the development phase of each episode wouldn’t go amiss. Are these kinds of concerns something you worry about, and how do you and your writing staff work to avoid them?

  97. Saphire said: I liked Midway. But when they went to Earth, where was Landry? Shouldn’t he have been there?

    Landry was on annual leave – lying on a beach in Tahiti, working on his tan.

  98. wolfenm said: Even subtitles, which, unlike closed-captioning, are done by the production company, are often wrong. I sometimes watch DVDs with them, and have to laugh at how often lines are simplified, or even completely changed.

    I sometimes switch on the subtitles because of pronunciation differences (what I hear with my Australian ear isn’t always what the American actor is saying!) – I noticed on the subtitles for “Rising”, when the gate tech has sent the MALP through to Atlantis, the subtitles had him saying: “Switching to zero locks!” … instead of “zero lux” – the setting on a camera for low-light situations. Tsk.

    Usually, though, I prefer to turn on the French subtitles and yell, “That’s not what they said!” when they use an “interpretation” instead of direct translation. It is actually necessary to interpret, though – many things just don’t translate between languages!

  99. riley wrote:

    Usually, though, I prefer to turn on the French subtitles and yell, “That’s not what they said!” when they use an “interpretation” instead of direct translation. It is actually necessary to interpret, though – many things just don’t translate between languages!

    My niece used to listen to the American version of the Harry Potter novels while reading the text of the UK versions. She had the same reaction many times with an added “why’d they change that?”

    Anne Teldy

  100. narellefromaus said: Did someone mention Tahiti? mmmmmholiday.

    Well, if you’re heading over there keep an eye out for Landry! I hear he favours the ‘mankini’.

  101. I’m probably one of a small minority who was delighted to see the midway station blown to bits…. I liked it better when Atlantis didn’t have such easy access to earth.

  102. I’ve noticed that in Season Four, the SGC conference room seems to have been replaced with the smaller one, where Ronon’s meeting with the IOA was shot. Atlantis used the SGC conference room set several times in previous seasons, which makes me wonder why it’s no longer being used. Was the second level of the SGC gate room set torn down when SG-1 wrapped? If not, why would you go to the expense of building or reworking an old set when an existing, far more iconic set would work perfectly?

  103. It’s just so sad that I can’t stay awake long enough for the update. First sign of aging: not being able to stay awake through the next time zone.

  104. somesmoothlie Said:

    “Having seen Midway…I personally have seen quite a bit of backlash for scenes …in Midway degrading toward men of color (I’m speaking specifically of the fight between Teal’c and Ronon, which had a lot of really unfortunate implications).”

    What exactly was degrading and had unfortunate implications in that scene? I saw two warriors fighting each other. If you saw something else it may be that you are the one who has a bit of a problem with skin color. Just sayin’.

  105. Midway was wonderful! Extreme kudos for you guys on that episode. A great mix of dramatic and humor, I loved it. And the Ronon/Shep scene at the end–so cute!!!

    My theory for puddlejumper bathrooms–one of the bench cushions flips up and there’s an outhouse-like toilet hidden under it. Put the cushion back down, flip a switch and the mess vents into space, problem solved!

  106. Loved Teal’c and Ronon watching The Three Stooges–without cracking a smile! That’s how I watch them;) Jay Leno said the difference between men and women is that men find The Three Stooges funny and women don’t !

  107. Umm…. this might sound like a stupid question, but why not invite a couple of funny actors along with you to Fuel. Fans would go CRAZY!!!!! Just an idea.


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