Well, I’ve finally made some headway on that feature I planned to write…back in 2020.  After innumerable non-starts and false starts, I actually sat down and made the magic happen.  About 30 pages in and I have a fairly detailed game plan for what lies ahead.  The plan is to have a draft ready to go top of June.  To be honest, I’ll probably be done in early May but will need a good three weeks to come up with a title.

Today’s Yes/No

Meanwhile, on the home front…

3 thoughts on “April 19, 2022: Finally! Progress!

  1. YAY! Congrats! Much looking forward to hearing the details of your story line. XO

    I’m sure you know we’ll be here if you need help coming up with a title.

  2. Yes, AH the difficulty of finding a title, tell me about it! For most of my wife’s Hélène Labrie sculptures, I have to find the title, she doesn’t know anything about creativity, I do the hardest part and she doesn’t even realize it!

  3. I’ve written some short stories, and finding a title is always the last and hardest part.

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