I can neither confirm nor deny ny of the accusations being made against me.

Of course, I could just stay at the Iimperial Hotel and come visit every now and then.

Alas, there will be no Christmas in Montreal this year (like last year).  Given the recently announced shutdowns, lockdowns, and general panic, I have elected to cancel my planned trip.  Instead, I will be skyping in to one of your family meals so that I can virtually spend the holidays with YOU!

So, how are your holidays looking?

Today’s Yes/No…

And a little some things from the Stargate vault…

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12 thoughts on “December 23, 2021: Change of plans! I’m spending Christmas with YOU!

  1. FaceTime or Zoom here, no Skype. Enjoy spending Christmas in your PJs, Joe; that’s how I’m spending my 65th birthday (so far).

  2. My holidays are looking very, very quiet. It looks like I may even be having Christmas dinner here by myself. Aaaannnd, I’m kind of okay with that? Like everywhere, cases are going way up here so no traveling anywhere for me either. I usually go to both my friends’ in PEI and my brother’s place in NS sometime over the holidays, but that’s not happening for a while. Even though I got my booster this past Monday, I don’t feel totally comfortable getting together with any family here.


  3. You’re welcome to call me. I’ve got 2 pounds of smoked turkey and ham and a chocolate fudge pie with charred marshmallows on time.

  4. Yeah, I read that public transportation – planes, trains, subways, buses – you should avoid at all costs right now. I will be at home just me and my dog, refusing to cook, relaxing, eating anything I want, when I want, spending less money, and enjoying the no stress. For once.

  5. Happy Birthday Gilder! Demand separate presents for your birthday and Christmas! I’m sure you know the drill.

  6. It’s Christmas Day lunch at my sister’s tomorrow. I’m cooking pigs in blankets and stuffing balls. My other sister is bringing some rotisserie chickens and Mum is bringing pavlova. The forecast is for a mostly sunny 21°C so it should be a nice day.

  7. I’m sorry about your canceled trip. With all the technology and a two beautiful girls at home, you’ll be fine. What kind of meal are you planning? I know it’s last minute but both of you are excellent cooks. Will you do traditional or do something unique? I know one family that serves lobster.

    We’re making a traditional meal (turkey, dressing and etc) today. Tomorrow, we’ll just watch movies and eat leftovers. We like a chill Christmas. Have you tried a panni with cranberry sauce, gravy, turkey and dressing? Pretty tasty!

    I saw my Mom on Thanksgiving but I’ll probably make a quick visit next week to see her. She’s still doing volunteer work but gets easily confused. I can see the age creeping up on her (86). My Mom has always been a pistol and it’s pulled her through hard times. Here’s a picture of my Mom (16 yrs old) and Grandmother. My Grandmother was American Indian. I can see that ancestry in my Mom. https://twitter.com/jertam/status/1474381190346031106

    Oh, I saw this last year and it was a great dark humor film. If you haven’t seen “Fatman”, check out the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWfPGIMDhNw

  8. Just me and the cats for Christmas, but my lovely next door neighbors have promised me a plate with all the trimmings. I can’t complain because I am safe and looking forward to celebrating the birth of Christ with music and special TV shows. It is supposed to be near 70, which is 20 degrees above normal. Perhaps I’ll work in the yard for a bit, too.

    Merry Christmas Joe, Akemi, Suji, and fellow followers. May you and your loved ones enjoy a safe and happy holiday full of love and joy.

    Happy birthday, Gilder!

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