Alright, Dark Matter fans, here we go again!

Join fans around the world as we watch and live tweet Dark Matter Episode 10 with actor Marc Bendavid, John Stead, and yours truly.  We’ll be kicking things off at 3 ET! Please double check the time in your area.

So, here’s a detailed breakdown of how it’s going to work.  Everything you need to know about how to take part.

STEP #1: Sign up for a twitter account and make sure to follow me @BaronDestructo, @marcbendavid, and @SouthCampFilms.

STEP #2: Sign up for an instagram account and make sure to follow @marcbendavid  and @southcampfilms.  [Note: If you’re using a desktop/laptop version of Chrome, you’ll need to download the Instagram Story extension.  – Thanks to Don R. Bell for this tip]

STEP #3: Cue up Dark Matter Episode 10, whether you’re watching it on dvd, Netflix, Amazon Prime, or other means.

STEP #4: Make sure you’re following me on twitter.  Keep an eye out because at the appointed time (3:00 p.m. ET) I’ll tweet GO! which is your signal to press play.

STEP #5: Watch and tweet, engage with Marc, John, me, and Dark Matter fans around the world.  For first time tweeters, just hit this icon at the bottom left of your screen –

And then write a message in the pop-up box (making sure not to go over the 240 character limit).  Hit SEND and you’re done!

Please include the hashtag #DarkMatter in all of your messages so we can find your tweets.

STEP #6: Once the episode is over, head on over to Marc Bendavid’s instagram page. Once you see his icon on the left hand top of the page indicate he has gone live (you’ll see the word LIVE) OR if you see an icon indicating he has gone live (you’ll see the word LIVE) just click on his face and you’ll be transported to a live videostream of Marc and John.  They’ll be answering your questions for about 30-45 minutes.

STEP #7: There is no step 7.  We’re done.  But prepare to do it all over again next when I have a few more Dark Matter guests lined up for a rewatch or two!


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