6 thoughts on “December 8, 2019: Suji Sunday!

  1. They look especially cute today! I Luv them soooo much!! 🐶🐾💕💋

  2. Oh the doggies are so cute and they are getting old. My dog was almost 18 years old when she has passed away. She was a mixed dog with black and white fur, but I knew every piee of grey hair on her as she was mine.

    Back to Stargate. If you have got so much concept arts in your hands, why do they not publish them in a book version? I am sure fans would be impressed to have “Art of Stargate : Concept Arts” book. You could add some funny stories, maybe a set comparsion with the actual episode scree shots etc.

  3. I always love the doggie pics!

    My hubby and I did our best for Stargate Friday night. I achieved twitter jail… 🙂

    I found a new show that’s a dark drama, “Reprisal” on Hulu. https://uproxx.com/tv/abigail-spencer-interview-reprisal/ I’m on episode 8 and would recommend it to viewers that don’t mind violence. It has a dark humor about it too. The cast is excellent!

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