A bittersweet trip back to the site of my previous series, Dark Matter, today as we start early prep on this new show.  I have, to the best of my ability, sought to reassemble the same behind-the-scenes team that made DM such a great experience.  If all goes as planned, I’ll be moving back into my old office and those 65+ bottles of whiskey will be adorning the shelves once again.  But FIRST – we have a lot of work to do.  9 of the first season’s 10 scripts are in play (Yours truly will be doing the honors on the finale, but only after those first nine are in solid shape), and all of the pieces of the production puzzle are slowly coming together.

On this day, we did a walk-thru of the stages with Production Designer Ian Brock and Rick Fernandez, Construction…

January 10, 2019: Back In My Old Stomping Grounds!

 Awww.   I missed these three: Production Manager Kathy Lang, Rick, and Ian.

These phone and lamp collections have coming along nicely since we vacated the offices.

January 10, 2019: Back In My Old Stomping Grounds!

Happy memories.

January 10, 2019: Back In My Old Stomping Grounds!

Hard to believe this space once held the infirmary, mess hall, and training room.

January 10, 2019: Back In My Old Stomping Grounds!

Production Designer Ian Brock has a plan.

This area feels so cavernous and empty without The Raza.

I had very mixed feelings about this visit.  It’ll be nice to be back in production with familiar faces and on familiar ground, but I won’t be satisfied until we return to shoot that proper Dark Matter finale.

25 thoughts on “January 10, 2019: Back in my old stomping grounds!

  1. Looking forward to your new show! I’m with you, the world, for me, will not be right until Dark Matter gets the ending to the story that it deserves!

  2. Please don’t take this the wrong way because I’m excited about the new show, but it would be great to see the Raza sets being rebuilt to finish the tale.

  3. “It’ll be nice to be back in production with familiar faces and on familiar ground, but I won’t be satisfied until we return to shoot that proper Dark Matter finale.”


    I can’t wait to smell the fresh sawdust from the set builders of your new show.

  4. Ahhh yes, the bottles of old friends. I was watching the Orville on Fox tonight. A supporting actor Robert Picardo, aka Woolsey, as on. Due you have plans to include him? I don’t have time to watch syfy and a remake of the War Warrior (as if played in a loop). I did see the two part show of the Rookie.

  5. That must be strange indeed. Is that Galactic Authority prop still there? Wow! I need to catch up on your blog (again!! How many times have I said that this in 2018 and now in 2019) so I follow things and what project is leading you back here. I know you understand but I hated to be away. It’s hard to do the WordPress thing on my phone and its just until recently that I’ve been able to sit in my desk chair for short periods of time again.

    It will be great when you can come back and finish up Dark Matter. I am going to think positively about that. It needs to be completed. It was so unfair.

    On the plus side to anyone interested, my second surgery seems to have gone well (although since they didn’t find the leak I could be doing this dance again). Apparently they “threw” a whole bunch of surgical glue on my spinal cord hoping to plug the CSF leak they couldn’t see after an hour of observing. They are hoping to have gotten it sealed up and yes, the neurosurgeon said the word “threw.” Inspires a lot of confidence. So there is a small chance if my body finds a way around the surgical glue I could be doing this again but let’s think of positive thoughts. I can’t go through having my back opened up a third time. While the first 24 hours were brutal and Jeff said he had never heard me scream like that before, not even in the 29-hour childbirth without any epidural, I was able to get up and get around a lot quicker than the first surgery so that was a good thing. I walked about 0.8 of a mile today in about 26 minutes. That’s progress though.

  6. Oh nice ! Can’t wait to see what you guys will build in that place. That must be very fun and exciting indeed, except for the bittersweet feeling of course. New adventure! Yay!

  7. Ugh, I have mixed emotions too about seeing these spaces. It’s wonderful to see work progressing on the new show but remembering once what was is kind of painful. The GA sign in particular is a bit of a hit. Still, great memories though. Hopefully, to be repeated!

    Looking forward to seeing the progress on the new show!

  8. I think a video blog entry of the whiskey tasting, all 65+ bottles, would be good!!
    Same as the sweet and savoury treats from a while ago with Ivan!

  9. Any idea / update on a Dark Matter wrap up film, finale, series, comic book ( once you get unnamed show up and running ! )

  10. Must be like going to see the home your grew up in and seeing other people are living there, and your favorite tree was cut down.

  11. Can’t wait! Loved DM and hoping this one gets a green light to stay around longer.

  12. Whoa! I was confused at first. Reading this I thought the photos were old pictures. So you got Ian back. Very exciting. I will be sending him an email. I want to help with the new show too. Even if I can’t be on location to drink with you in person. 🙂

  13. I’m very excited for the new show. For DM I don’t want just a finale, I think DM deserves a full blown movie, the universe is rich with stories and the characters are fully developed. Best of all there’s already a baked in fan base. Still sour about DM.

  14. wow. Did not see that one coming. So Prodigy is handling the production of UF?
    Yep. Definitely experiencing mixed emotions about it here, as well and it will be interesting to see how Mr Thorne and Mr Firestone get on once the production enters its second season.
    On the other hand. … There is, as you say, that comfort of familiarity
    and having the absolute delight of watching the shelves in your designated whisky & whiskey room gradually refill with all those wonderful bottles.
    ETA on when we finally get to learn the title and basic plot ??

    @PBMOM Sending love and hugs your way
    today and everyday.
    Keep up all the great work on your recovery. XO

    1. Nope, not a Prodigy production. We’re using their offices and stage space.

  15. @PBMom … sending love and light, but not hugs because screw that with back trauma. I hope they got it and you’re on the way to recovery.

    That GA sign belongs in a loving home. Not mine, my walls are full ceiling to floor with art and rugs and schtuff. But someone out there would surely adore it.

  16. Fantastic news. Seems as though everything is coming together. Exciting times for sure. I also received my Suji pin earlier; today is a good day.

  17. I spent the last few weeks watching wonderful Trek shorts as I wait for Discovery and the new Picard show. Sci fi shows have longevity and great fans, so I have no doubt DM return. So curious about this new show, can’t wait! Toronto seems like true home for your crew!

  18. @Joe In that case, ((((YAY!))) Bring it on, eh! XO

    eases somewhat hunched shoulders and breathes small sigh of relief 😀

    And am so glad Mr Ian is on board to once again share with us his amazing creativity. XO

  19. UF : Unresolved Finales : Each week being a different final episode, for all the shows that SyFy cancelled prematurely.

    .. and can we get that Quantum Leap movie that SyFy’s been teasing us with for years, too?

  20. Glad to hear you won’t be satisfied until you get to do the Dark Matter finale. I have everything crossed that it will happen. Thank you for keeping the dream alive.

  21. Enjoyed this post! And I, too, won’t be satisfied without the final seasons and finale that you envisioned! Like Farscape, Dark Matter was stopped prematurely by people that don’t get great Sci-fi!

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