Many of you know Robert C. Cooper as a writer and/or Executive Producer on such shows as Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: Universe, and Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency.  Well, his new project, Unspeakable, sees him reunite with a number of familiar faces including Paul McGillion, Lexa Doig, Aaron, Douglas, and Michael Shanks on a poignant eight-part limited series.

About the show

Unspeakable is set to premiere January 9th, 2019 .

It’s an important project for Rob, one he’s been trying to get made for years, and I hope you’ll all take the time to check it out when the time comes.

So we’ve booked our first trip to Japan in two years.  We’ll be gone for ten days – which means that Suji will be without us for TEN WHOLE DAYS!  She and Lulu will be in great hands, but I do wonder how she’ll do without us to boss around.

Our ten day trip will come at the tail end of my fantasy football league regular season – and just in time for the playoffs!  How, you’re no doubt wondering, are the Snow Monkeys doing?  Well, I’m glad you asked.  Across both leagues…

October 25, 2018: Robert Cooper’s New Series!

October 25, 2018: Robert Cooper’s New Series!

Is it possible?  A double championship for my Snow Monkeys?

I’m feeling it!

12 thoughts on “October 25, 2018: Robert Cooper’s new series!

  1. But how wil US audiences see this new production? It does sound very interesting.

    Hope your Japan trip goes smoothly
    Suji will be upset, but she will eventually forgive you both. 🐶

  2. I will definitely be watching Unspeakable. He spoke in interviews why this is so personal for him. Oh wait–will this only be a Canadian broadcast or is it going to be for the US, too. I’ll have to go look. Ten days in Japan. Congratulations. How is your leg doing? I hope it heals in time for you. Nothing worse than needing to walk around and not being able to do that very well. I bet Lulu and Suji will do great. It’s always nerve-racking to leave you fur kids.

  3. I’ll definitely check out Unspeakable – looks very interesting, and pretty intense.

    SO glad you got to book the Japan trip. Suji and Lulu will be fine, I’m sure. You’re probably going to have to train her on how to use her IG account before you go, though. We can’t be deprived of Suji pics for that long!

    Looks like the Snow Monkeys are kickin’-A!

  4. Oh, in other news, I’m headed down (again) to the Grand Canyon tomorrow! My backpacking trip down doesn’t actually start until Monday. Looking forward to it, though dropping the birds off with some family that takes care of them while I”m away always makes me feel bad. Zoie (the Meyers parrot) really knows now when she’s headed there what’s going on, and sticks to me like glue. 🙁

  5. I will definitely try to catch Unspeakable. My friend’s family suffered a similar fate here in the U.S. Her father had hereditary hemophilia, and contracted HIV via a tainted blood transfusion. To add to their anguish following his death, his wife took her own life. This medical disaster has literally destroyed whole families, on both sides of the border.

    Congratulations on the upcoming trip to Japan. I know you both must miss it. Suji is a tough old gal. She will power through.

  6. Will Suji’s servant be staying in your condo? 😉

    Vid wouldn’t load for me but I’ll try later.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Congratulations to Mr. Cooper on Unspeakable! The video wouldn’t load but I’ll definitely look for the show on Sundance here in the U.S. My husband is a two-time cancer survivor and contracted Hep C from one of the countless blood transfusions he received during rigorous chemotherapy at a major U.S. hospital back in the 80’s. The disease didn’t even have its own name back then (was referred to as “Hepatitis Non-A, Non-B”) and transfusions weren’t tested for it. I’d watch each bag slowly drip into his arm and wonder if this was the one that might contain the HIV virus–never occurred me to worry about Hep C.

    We didn’t find out he was infected until about 15 years ago, when a new doctor taking a health history asked if he’d ever had any transfusions and/or been tested for Hep C. Of all the doctors and myriad medical tests and health complication follow-ups over the years, no one had ever once mentioned it! And guess what–we did the simple blood test and he was positive. Fortunately his viral load isn’t very high, so he’s not on meds at the moment. But he has to have a liver biopsy every 5 years to keep an eye on things.

    The moral of this long comment–please, if you’ve ever had a blood transfusion, even just ONE, go get tested for Hep C asap! Don’t assume like we did that when my husband went in for the hundreds of blood tests he’s had over the years that any of them automatically included the test for Hep C. This disease can be treated and lives saved.

  8. Woohoo Japan! Exciting! I’ll be visiting too.
    I heard bartender Yamazaki san at Star Bar Ginza left and might have opened his own bar somewhere in Ginza. Might want to give it a visit. 🙂

  9. Looking forward to Unspeakable. As for Suji and Lulu, they’ll be fine without you, but they’ll undoubtedly make you pay for leaving them. 🙂 My cats always pull that stuff when the hubby and I leave. They’ll snuggle with the kids (youngest daughter and her husband) but they let us know how upset they areto have to deal with the grandson for daaaaysss. (They love snuggling with his parents though)

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