Quelle excitation!  A few days ago, Suji got the first-page feature in a Japanese dog magazine.  The Aiken No Tomo profile offered insight into her past (rescued a little over a year and a half ago), ailments (some rear leg weakness), likes (treats and walks), dislikes (vacuum cleaners and loud noises), and her Instagram page (newoldpugsuji).

The Suji Show!

At the same time, she was being spotlighted as part of a dog rescue pop-up event in at one of the major Shinjuku department stores.









At this rate, she’s going to be bigger than Tommy Lee Jones!

The Suji Show!

In a desire to strike while the iron is hot (and knowing how long these things take), I’m going to start pitching her as the star of her own show.  I figure we develop it for a year, have it greenlit, then go into production summer of 2019 for an early 2020 premiere.  It turns five seasons and then we cap it off with a movie.

Anyway, here’s the sizzle reel:


13 thoughts on “The Suji Show!

  1. You gave me a huge smile now that Queen Suji is being honored in so many ways. I would watch her show for however long it runs. Hail Queen Suji.

  2. Dude, you know ANYTHING Suji is a winner!
    Me too, I’d watch it, subscribe, etc.

  3. Epic!
    Can’t wait to see the animated intro, with a super catchy theme tune!

  4. Interesting. Who would be the antagonist? 😉

    @Rita: that pesky 403 is back. I’m not going to mention it to the boys. 😳

    1. Tam, I’m at a quandry how to fix it since Joe hosts on WordPress.com and I can’t get to the server to see why it overloads. That’s what the 403 means. He’s got 16,000 images… I’m sorry for the problem. I’m still working on it.

  5. Yay! Go Suji! Congrats. xo

    At this rate I doubt it will be much longer before we catch a glimpse of Akemi sipping purple martinis,
    playfully reciting fun movie lines to potential clients hoping to get a moment of Miss Suji’s time,
    like -“Show Me The Money”, as she confidently hands out her business card
    at Hollywood A Lister cocktail parties to the likes of Spielberg & Scorsese.

    “Akemi Aota
    Infamous Doggie agent To The Stars”

    Phone: 1-888 BARK2Me
    Email: BarkitUp@BarkAtMe.com
    Website: https://BarkAtMe.com


    Now that Suji has some professional print experience under her belt,
    I’m thinking you should ask Ed The Sock to do a fun video interview with her.
    (He’d definitely get her barking & growling it up, much to everyones hilarious entertainment, eh?!) lol
    Also: You should ‘seriously’ consider having her review books, products, food and movies on her own blog page to expand her exposure and possibly gain more spokes-model contracts.
    Every time you buy a new product or service (no matter local or online) take a picture of Suji
    interacting with the product, in a fun meaningful way
    just as you did with the Kiki kitty night lamp and Butter Baker.
    Then have her do a blog review on her own blog page.

    Next, email the photo and blog review to the company’s owner/HQ with a simple note that reads
    Suji loves “xx company name” and would be most honored for an opportunity to represent your brand.

    Rep’d by: Akemi Aota and Joseph Mallozzi.
    With a second page including web links and a brief list/summary of her professional experiences.

  6. That is one intense dream Suji is having, such a serious dreamer. The Animated Adventures of Suji and Lulu sounds great. Just discovered a new vending machine in my office bldg that vends Rice Crispy bars. Ah. It’s the little things.

  7. oops. :-O
    disclaimer: disregard website link on funny fictious business card for Akemi, below.
    Just realized the domain name has already been taken by an AI security company. lol

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