Akemi occasionally sends me off to work with some pretty amazing breakfasts – tasty and artistically elaborate bento creations that are, apparently, all the rage back in Japan.  I’ve posted pics of these edible masterpieces in recent months…

Well, not to be outdone, Carl’s wife, Karen, sent him off with his own bento box creation this morning.  It was truly a sight to behold.

Properly labeled lest someone else try to lay claim to it.
A trip to the local supermarket yields great deals in the remainder aisle.
Sausage and cereal. A meal fit for a king!
And the main course: Bagel. Lovingly toasted no less!
Carl delights in his Far East feast!

Back at it today with not one but TWO concept meetings, the first for episode #103 (Sharks) and the second for episode #106 (Payback).  We’ll be block shooting them in September (or perhaps earlier if we’re unable to locate corroborative visual evidence of graffiti in Marseilles) and I for one can’t wait.  Mainly because it’ll be a month from now.  Also, will get to work with the fabulous Bruce McDonald, Director par excellence.

Some more of the people I enjoy working with on Transporter…

VFX Supervisor Brendan Taylor. You may know him from Hanna, Resident Evil Afterlife/Extinction, Silent Hill, and previous pictures of him on this blog.
Michael and Sarah practice their steely staredowns. Them's some pretty good steely staredowns!

And, someone I’m soon to be working with (as a guest star in episode #105 – Harvest), for the fourth show in a row…

The incredible Mike Dopud. Check out the guns, ladies.

A bit of a rough day for Maximus.  Akemi reports he was very slow on his walk and seemed quite sore.  Now, when he sleeps, he seems to be more comfortable resting his chin on something.  Last night, it was a towel.  Today, it’s the new doggy bed I picked up for him.


Hey, Deni – best wishes to Elway!

Today’s blog entry is dedicated to Carl Binder who crossed great distances and made many sacrifices to ride to our rescue!

25 thoughts on “August 15, 2011: Bento Breakfast Binder-Style! Co-workers! A Familiar Guest Star! The Maximus Update!

  1. Aww Joe, so sweet of you! Elway thanks you with a big goofy dog sloppy kiss. 😉 Love the new bed for Maximus, he looks adorable! Thanks for the laugh tonight with the bento box, very much needed and appreciated! Love to Maximus!

  2. Poor Carl, his bento box just doesn’t measure up, does it? Maximus looks very much at home in the new bed.

  3. Great new bed for Maximus.
    Sweet to see Mike Dupud involved with your series…very cool!


    Man, he shows up everywhere.. planet of the apes, human target, BSG, stargate, 300, transporter… what a guy 😀

    *hugs maximus…. 🙂

    Major D.

  5. Yeah to Mr. Carl! Great pictures of the cast. Love those steely stares, scary.

    Hugs to Max and Elway. I hope they feel better tomorrow. That doggie bed looks pretty comfy. Have you thought about a warming pad for him?

  6. Bento, Carl, steely-eyed colleagues, and Maximus pics, all on the same day — A visual feast!
    – KB

    P.S. to Akemi: If I haven’t mentioned it before, you’re a genius with the bento boxes! (As for Carl’s meals — well, that’s a different kind of genius.) 😉

    P.P.S. to Das: Your description of yourself in yesterday’s comments sounded just like me. Alarmingly so, almost. 😉 As a child (and still as an adult) I preferred my own company (and the company of my dog) — My parents actually had to make a deal with my grade school librarian to allow me in the library only 2 days a week. They thought I wasn’t being sociable enough at recess and lunchtime. So I took my books out to the playground and read and daydreamed there. I’m still a constant daydreamer and have to watch the tendency to get a bit obsessive. But like you said, we all march to the beat of our own drummer. Or, to put it another way, “Some people juggle geese.” 🙂

  7. Mike Dopud! As if I needed another reason to watch The Transporter.

    Maximus looks very comfy in his cozy little bed. Now the other kids will want them too!

    @Akemi: I love your bento creations!

  8. Great to see Mike D. there! It will automatically be a great episode.

    The family drama continues here. You know what I hate? Condescending, pretentious asshats. Especially when they’re related to you.

    Poor Maximus. Give him a little scratch behind the ear for me.

  9. I knew all of you were so wise that if Mike couldn’t be the lead, to at least give him a role SOMEWHERE in the production.

    @Major D. Davis: Not only those, but he is only in Final Destination 5, and lo’ and behold, when I was looking for Shasta’s name when we were talking about huskies the other day, I discovered he was in Snowbuddies, too.

    Whatever Carl did for you all, he deserves a better breakfast for sure (at least 1 day).

    The only thing that I did not “like” about this post was poor baby Maximus. At least he has the comfort of that cool new bed.

    @Deni: Glad to know Elway is doing a bit better.

    @Das: Love you! Next time I’m in New Jersey, we should meet. Thanks everyone for the discussion (and thanks Joe for allowing off-topic conversation).

  10. ~Lovely people pictures. thanks for sharing, and Maximus {(HUGS)}looks adorable in his new bed. I am in the process of making a dog bed for a friend who inherited a 9yr old puppy, so we will see how that goes. You are a good doggy dad.
    ~Impressive guns for sure but always a pleasure to put eyes on Mr D. Looking forward to seeing him in the episode.
    ~Poor Carl,did someone bite the burnt bagel b4 he got a chance, and cream cheese on it might have covered the burnt part.. very thoughtful of his wife,,ahem..
    And I can not imagine why you get steely staredowns,maybe just becoz you got the magic camera out again, and they knew it would appear on a blog.
    ~~Have a good night and better days ahead!

  11. My post disappeared. I’m not retyping it – too tired. Here is a summary of it…

    great Bento box, good wife, face of Jesus, great Christmas gifts, Brendan-Silent Hill-cool, who knew?, great Mike D, great co-workers, get well Max and Elway.

  12. Please say that Mr. D’s role will be recurring. It’s terrific you found him a guest shot, but the more the better with him. Sorry Maximus is under the weathre, but unfortunately it seems the fate of cancer patients to swing wildly in the quality of their days. I hope the poor fellow feels better over the week.
    Well, it’s the thought that counds, and it least most of the items in Carl’s bento were…somewhat…edible. Always a learning curve.
    Thanks as always for all the great pics and updates.

  13. Nice doggy bed!

    Anyone seen our Dr. Rodney McKay in the Planet of the Apes movie? Fun fun fun!

  14. Hey das! I finally got the first volume of Smoke. Not sure what I was expecting, but I’m finding the illustration style, main character (what’s not to like about a tall, handsome albino assassin) and story line engaging. Thanks for the suggestion!

    And Joe, if you haven’t read this series, you might like it, too.

    Now I’m off to the gym – being good is hard.

  15. Looks like Carl’s wife could use some pointers from Akemi on making bentos. LOL! 🙂 May be Akemi should give lessons on making bentos. 😉

    Mmmmmm…Mike Dopud looks mighty fine as always! 🙂 Oh…yeah…those guns are fully loaded for sure. 😉

    Awwwww…that’s nice of you to give Max a new bed…and he seems love it already. Won’t the other kids be jealous? 😉

  16. @ PBMom – Thanks! If we ever do meet, should I drag my couch along with me, too? 😉 😀

    @ sorrykb – I think a couple things helped me as a kid. One, I went to a very small school, and had excellent teachers (for the most part – two were Nazis, but that’s another story for another day). Also, far fewer mind-numbing distractions. I couldn’t sit and watch tv for hours, or play video games – I had to go outside and interact with other people – staying inside just was not an option. In the winter I only had one nearby friend, but in the summer a lot of kids were around, and we did play together. Of course, it mostly involved my sister and me throwing horse turds at the summer neighbor boys…but, hey! It was still play! 😀

    Also, mom was the sort to tell me to ‘oh, just knock it off’ when I turned inward. She made me go to parties and stuff when I didn’t want to, so I had to learn to cope, or implode. My family was a very matter of fact sort of family that didn’t dwell on ‘issues’. Outside of dad’s wicked temper, we really didn’t have a lot of drama. Relatives were always visiting, mom entertained a lot – all of that helped me to be ‘social’ in safe situations (I was never allowed to sit in my room when we had company and I think that made a world of difference). Where I had a problem was going into unknown situations – venturing away from home. School, parties, doctor appointments…stuff like that…and not knowing what was going to happen or who I was going to see, and if they would be nice, or not.

    However, I did go to Jamaica, Hawaii, and France/Italy/Switzerland – and handled it all very well – except the plane. The more I flew, the worse I got. And when on vacation (esp. the Hawaiian and Eurpoean trips) I tended to go off on my own, preferring to explore alone than in a group. I am still very much that way – I wander off and do my own thing because I hate tagging along in a crowd.



    Heh…maybe I don’t have Asperger’s at all…but instead just a really bad case of controlfreakinitis. :P, really

    @ Joe – So, I take it that the Binders are in the middle of a nasty divorce?



  17. Mike Dopud, sigh! Carl’s bento box looks terrific; I hope he ate every last bit of that oatmeal-sausage. Fiber and grease, yum!

    Hugs to Maximus, his bed looks very elegant and soft. I’m off to the airport to drop sis off. Had a terrific bowl of creamy tomato soup with buttery croutons at Panera; it was a little bown of heaven.

  18. Um, I don’t think that oatmeal is cooked, Carl. Is his wife trying to poison him?

    Lots of cuddles to Maximus.

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