Just the other day, I was telling Angela (aka Mega) from across the hall that I felt I wasn’t receiving proper acknowledgement for all of my hard work of late.  I mean, sure, I get paid and I work with very nice people who tell me how much they enjoy my scripts, but when’s the last time someone gave me a handmade thank you card?

Well, you’ll never guess what I got this morning.

Compliments of Mega.  How thoughtful of her!

And she isn’t the only one in the office who’s been thinking of me…

Der Ritter Sport hazelnutten chokolat!

The other day, Executive Producer Alexander Ruemelin surprised me with some geschmackvolle Festlichkeiten.  Great.  Now I’ve to be nice to the guy for the rest of the week.  Who says this job isn’t demanding?

Oh, in addition to being nice to Alex and proudly displaying my handmade thank you card prominently on my desk in order to guilt my co-workers, I also did a quick polish on Carl Binder’s second script (which is going to air in the #2 slot).  As always, Carl’s first drafts are terrific, incredibly tight.  BUT NOT PERFECT! Shame on him!  Like my father used to say when I’d score 95% on a test: “Where’s the other five percent?”.

We’re assembling some mighty impressive directors for the show.  Can’t wait to tell you more – but will have to for the time being.  Prep continues on the pilot (appropriately named Pilot) with my writing/producing partner Paul out and about on all sorts of location scouts.  Over the next week or so, our cast start arriving.  Tomorrow, the lovely Rachel Skarsten (Delia) comes in for her wardrobe fitting after which she’ll participate in what the prep schedule terms “Audi Driving Practice”.  Our uber-awesome Stunt Coordinator, Cyril Raffaelli, finally gets into town this weekend…

Also coming in on Saturday is our new writer (The Bill, Primeval) who’ll be in Toronto for a week or so to break his episode (#10).

Looking ahead, our Frank – actor Chris Vance – gets into town early next week and we’ll be celebrating with (says the prep schedule): Props “ Show & Tell” (GUNS).  No details provided but I assume I won’t be required to to show off any of my firearms.

If Alex gives me one more damn script note, I'm challenging him to a duel.

 On the not-home front (I’m babysitting Fondy place – and her dogs until Saturday), Akemi phoned me in a panic this afternoon.  Apparently, Brie – who has been bullying the other dogs – got into it with Bubba, knicking him.  I checked him out when I got not-home.  He doesn’t seem to be in any pain, but he’s leaving little bloody smudges wherever he goes.  My attempts to locate the wound have proven fruitless so we’re just going to keep an eye on him.  Poor little guy.

Brie bullying Lulu.

Akemi’s latest culinary creation…

Apple salad somethingorother. Coconut ice cream is tastier but looks nowhere near as nice.

Finally – dogs are creatures of habit.  Maximus, for instance, always follows the same chair-ducking/wall-hugging path from the front door to the kitchen. Check it out.

31 thoughts on “June 22, 2011: Gifts (finally)! Transporter: The Series production update! Bully Brie! Maximus – creature of habit!

  1. What about me? I sended you a thank you card. 🙁

    And love the pups! Who was that who jumped up and ‘kissed’ the camera at the end? 😆 It happened to fast for me to see.

    And I think I have that bottom pistol (for my Ren Faire costume). It’s just a fakey thing…doesn’t fire. Makes a good club, though. 🙂


  2. So, all you have to do to get gifts is ask for them? ***shakes her head laughing*** I’ll have to remember that one. 😉 The video was cute.

  3. Looks like Lulu is ok with the bully… and did your camera get eaten there at the last? Brie jumps really high? What a terrific looking apple, Great Job Akemi! You are doing well with your new coworkers, chocolates and cards, so spoiled. or just to keep you quiet,,,,. thanks for sharing the pups..!

  4. @Apple salad somethingorother. Coconut ice cream is tastier but looks nowhere near as nice

    The Ice cream looks incredible Joe.

    @Der Ritter Sport hazelnutten chokolat

    That’s pretty common German chocolate Joe, if you ever venture to the country, its easy to find, and tastes pretty good.

    And it was nice of that person to give you a thankyou card, though it does kinda state the obvious, as in pretty much everyone, be it fans, the Stargate cast, anyone that knows you, knows that you do some amazing work, such as your work on SG1/SGA/SGU.

  5. Loved the card Joe, reminds me of an old boss of mine who used to say that spontaneous praise was rare enough to savour, which would actually have meant something rather special if it wasn’t for the fact that I had to remind people to do it…

    Ahhh, Ritter Sport, sadly not as widely available in my neck o’the woods, distribution channels seem oddly fixated on National Trust properties, ie. ancient buildings, monuments and the like, so much so that I often unfortunately associate it with the past! Still easier to source than Pierre Herme macarons, it must be said, they need to be lovingly carried back from Paris, well, that’s my excuse anyway 🙂

  6. wow. I don’t believe Ashleigh ever did that for you. You’re going to get spoiled enough on the east coast that you may never go back… video was terrific, glad to see things on the work front are going well. Hope the dogs dont have any further difficulties getting along. Hope you enjoy the last few days of doggie sitting, and that the pack enjoys resting up after handling Brie’s high energy antics.

  7. Joe all you have to do is give us your address. We’ll make sure you get lots of “thank you”‘s and other stuff. What, are you chicken?

    That stunt video: All I gotta say is ouch!, ouch!!!, ouch!, omg!, ouch!!, double ouch!, eww man did that hurt?!, ouch!, you’re insane!!, stop before you kill yourself!!, ouch, watch your knees!!!, ohh just like a Michael Jackson video! Crazy good! Awesome!

    Chef Akemi is awesome too! The apple looks yum-me!

    Excuse me, but I think dog’s rear-ends are one of the cutest parts of a dog. The face of course is number one, but I love watching dogs walk and I love “goosing” my dog from behind. Probably why she keeps an eye on me when I am letting her out the back door.

    I finally got the book Sweet Tooth today. 😯 Joe what the heck kind of book is this? Where are all the sentences and paragraphs?? 😕 Chapters!? I ain’t never read no book like this before. Why are the pictures so dark? Where are the pink and yellow colors, and flowers? Are there any flowers in the book? 🙂 This should be interesting…

  8. Oh, and I see you and your new glasses are already a big hit. In that first card, you are striking your now famous “intellectual thinker” pose. I thought those 2 things at the base of the card were 2 packs of cigarettes. I was wondering why Mega was giving you cigarettes until I zoomed in. Ooops, it’s chocolate. She knows what you like. How’d she know? (You probably have chocolate breath) 😛

  9. Maximus cracked me up with his ninja wall-hugging skills. Rhet, when his eyesight started failing. followed an immensely complicated route on his backyard excursions, rarely deviating. One day when he was out a bit longer than usual I went to look for him and found him staring down a flower pot that had been moved (without his permission) and was blocking his path. Who knows how long the poor guy had been standing there.

  10. Hate to be harbinger of doom, but find the source of Bubba’s leak. Puncture holes get massive infections fast. Get a flashlight, gently go over every single inch raising the hair. Ideally, a syringe (no needle) with warm mild saline or a little warm water with a bit of neosporin to flush it out. Slightest bit of heat to it, oral antibiotics.

  11. Well I’ll be damned….

    Just as I was thinking (earlier today) about sending you a letter, you post this.

    Do you have an address where I can mail you something?

    And tell Buba to get well soon! 🙂

    Thanks so much,
    Major D.

  12. Hey, Joe!

    Carl Binder/Transporter casting question:

    What did Carl say when he found out that Rachel Skarsten was cast as Delia?

    She basically got her start on one of Carl’s creations… “Little Men” back in 98, based off of the Louisa May Alcott novel. Loved that show! Out of all the kid actors on there, she really stood out and it’s been great to watch her career blossom over the years; can’t wait to see her in Transporter. Just think, Joe, now you’ll have written for 2 former Black Canaries (Alaina w/ “Smallville” and Rachel w/ “Birds of Prey”). I’m thinking you’re becoming more DC than Marvel 🙂

  13. I am fortunate that our commissary in base carries Ritter Sport, a decent selection. I like the raisin and nut, and the marzipan dark chocolate. They even have the pack of mini Ritter bars.

    I’m taking my poor kitty Trixie to the vet today, one of the other cats nailed her at the base of the tail, and it has infected. I have my two cats, and I inherited dad’s two little girl cats. My boys live upstairs and the girls live in the basement. The guest room is all theirs. The girls do spat with each other, but not too much. My big silver tabby hides from them and hasn’t set a paw down the stairs in months. However, my Siamese cat is a real bastard and will chase them down and corner them if I don’t keep an eye out. I put them in their room at night, but he sneaks down and tries to get in under the door. I think that’s how he nailed her. Yes. I’ve tried blocking the gap. Haven’t found a workable solution just yet. This has been going on for months, to the point declawing the Siamese sounds like a good idea, and I’m anti-declaw.
    Individually, they’re wonderful cats.

  14. Thank you for sharing that stunt video footage. Love the guys flipping over stuff. That’s pretty cool! They do make it look real. When they guys were slamming on stuff, they look like they hurt. The most cringing was when the guy slammed on those slot machines. Ouch! :S
    Love your doggies! Brie is like, kiss my ass Lulu! LOL! 😀 Love the doggie video! Loved it when jumped up into the camera. I wanted to give them kisses. So sweet! 🙂

  15. Coucou 🙂 comment allez vous?

    Ohhhhh votre carte est trop adorable ♥ Vive Joseph!! c’est le meilleur!!!

    Vraiment incroyable cette video, ces cascadeurs sont vraiment de grand professionnels!

    Cette appel salad à l’aire étrange, il y’a quoi dedans?

    Vos chiens sont si cute, mais qui a sauté sur la caméra? lol

    Aller gros bisous 🙂

  16. Maximus is easily my favorite of the gang. That little guy is awesome. I wonder what it would be like to follow him around for a day, just for laughs.

  17. @MaggieMayDay
    ::::I am fortunate that our commissary in base carries Ritter Sport, a decent selection. I like the raisin and nut, and the marzipan dark chocolate. They even have the pack of mini Ritter bars.;;;;; omg MARZIPAN. I’d beg you to share but too hot to ship. 🙁 🙁 Oh well it’s past time for a trip to Harry’s (Whole Food) Market
    On the kitties, put a gate on the outside of the doorframe then he can’t reach under. There are nice solid ones.

  18. Jesus, pro stunt man, pro car driver, completely blocking Nice for a couple of days…. but you guys are deploying Movie blockbuster recipee for a TV show ? But this is going to AWESOME ??? 🙂 I can not wait to see it !

  19. I love how concerned Lulu is about being bullied. The best way to get to a bully is to ignore them!

    Joe, I don’t know whether you had anything to do with getting Hulu to finally post the Epilogue episode, but thank you! It was wonderful! Alaina did such a nice job with the story. I watched it twice in a row. Now, when are the last two episodes going to be posted?

  20. In cats, one cat sitting on another cat is a sign of dominance (per vet).
    Great pictures! Housesitting? So no doggie daycare, gotcha!
    A duel? Aren’t guns illegal there?
    Please tell Akemi how cute the apple is. Other than apples, what does apple salad contain?

  21. Some of the people I knew from taekwondo competitions are now doing those stunts. I occasionally see a familiar name in movie credits. And I thought that guy majoring in theater was just picking a goof off degree to stay on his parents’ medical insurance. Oh, there’s a job involved! Who knew?

  22. If I were his height, I would walk along walls and under chairs, too. Never get stepped on that way.

  23. Happy news about Jason Momoa being cast in latest Stallone film-kick it Ronan!

    Frustrated that Sanctuary got the benefit of the doubt long enough to get a healthy bounce in the late spring ratings(yay for them) while SGU ‘seemed’ to be arbitrarily deep-sixed…imho someone up the corporate ladder either became thematically opposed to the SGU entity or the cost/profit margins weren’t acceptable. I may be wrong, but I’d imagine that SGU cost per episode was a sizable amount more than Sanctuary. There’s a story there somewhere. I can easily see ‘suits’ dumping a flagship franchise with short-term think vs. Long-term. In the meantime I wish only great things for all involved with the Gates.


  24. @Lisa R, David etc

    Saw your discussion on yesterdays entry, as its too late to save SGU, I do think this show was the wrong show for a network like the Syfy channel, its audience lost interest in the show, but had the show aired on a different network, it may of garnered a dedicated following(With Nielson boxes) that stuck with it, and thus it could of been successful and had decent enough sales on DVD, Blu Ray etc.

    But then again we can say all we like in hindsight, however it doesn’t really take much to realise the Syfy channels audience doesn’t want dark, they want the family orientated shows that they can watch as a family, in some ways SG1, SGA, Eureka, W13 and the other non Scifi shows on that channel fit the bill.

  25. @Randomness: You’re probably right. Funny you mention Nielsen boxes though. That was the other thing my husband and I realized. We don’t count in the overall viewship of a show. So, going forward, we will not consider satellite/cable service a necessity. Why should we when there’s nothing on we like to watch and when it’s so expensive??

  26. WHOA. Cyril’s stunts. WHOA.

    Yeah, I second that comment. Tell us where we can shower you with gifts or cards?

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