September 13, 2012: My brush with the law! Days of Stargate Atlantis Past! Millers Crossing!

Technically, I was not operating a cell phone while driving.  I was checking a football score while stopped at a red light.  Still, there was no point in arguing with a motorcycle cop who, I suspect, was simply angry that I hadn't allowed him to pass me on the right.  Boy, it's been a while.…

September 11, 2012: Fantasy Ennui! Days of Stargate Atlantis Past continues! Missing! Mailbag!

What a difference a week makes.  Well, actually a weekend in which my Snow Monkeys were upset in fantasy football league play.  In the days leading up to the week one kick-off, I was incredibly excited, scouring the internet in preparation for the season to come - researching, analyzing, deciding.  Today, I could barely muster…