November 16, 2012: Dark Matter! Mystery Projects! More J-pop and K-pop videos! And the mailbag!

Whew.  What a day!  It started with a doctor's appointment and ended with a conference call about an exciting potential new project.  In between, I fielded texts, emails, and phone calls about Dark Matter, read what Paul has written so far on that "other" project, talked to a lawyer, met with my bank rep, and…

November 15, 2012: The weird and wonderful world of J-Pop!

It's nice to know that, no matter where you go in the world, the local music scene is peopled with weird/annoying/colorful characters.  Just a different kind of weird/annoying/colorful character than what you're used to in your neck of the woods.  Whenever I'm in Tokyo, I'm endlessly amused and, occasionally, mystified by the hot group/singer du…