3 thoughts on “May 25, 2024: Dial the Gate 250th Episode Celebration! Chatting with David Read!

  1. I love David Read! He is such a good interviewer. I’ll be back on this Sharky Sunday when I have more time and watch this interview! Always enjoyable.

  2. Great podcast! I love David Read and his enthusiasm. He’s like a kid in a Science Fiction candy store. And you are like the owner of that store. As always a very interesting interview. One thing I don’t understand. If the Industry is “contracting” (I think that’s the term that was used), how come there are so many different ways you can stream a show? With all the platforms out there now in addition to the major networks, you’d think there would be more opportunities and not fewer. I don’t get it. Maybe…. that is what has caused the financial issues. Spending too much money producing too many shows at once.

    And just when I was saying “where’s Sharky?!!”, you show him. I remember, I don’t know which one, but either LuLu or Suji sitting on your lap while you talked awhile until Akemi came and took them. Thanks for posting this!

    1. “Spending too much money producing too many shows at once.” is exactly it. We’re at the contraction stage now. Next, consolidation.

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