To be honest, the only thing more frustrating than spinning your wheels trying to get a show off the ground is seeing the utter garbage that DOES get green lit.  I have a good half dozen shows in various stages making the rounds, but three times as many sitting on virtual shelves, gathering digital dust.  They are stories I would love to tell.

So, I’m thinking of taking a page out of the Dark Matter playbook and going the comic book route.  Step 1, find an artist…

I’ll be reviewing portfolios this weekend.

This step is turning out more challenging than I expected.

Thinking it may be time for a return trip to Tokyo.

Akemi brought this one to my attention…

Reminiscent of that guy who traveled to China to meet his online girlfriend only to have her not show up to meet him – resulting in him refusing to leave the airport for weeks.

Lesson: Long distance relationships never work.


2 thoughts on “April 20, 2024: The Saturday Report!

  1. Good luck or Break a leg? I never know which one is appropriate. I agree with you about the projects that are made.

    I made that Ooey Gooey Butter Cake. It was delicious! It was like a brioche bottom with a gooey topping. Maybe, it was a bad idea making it because I ended up eating huge portions. I’m not trying to loose weight but would still like to fit into my current clothes.

    Yes, yes, we’d love a Japan trip!

    Hang in there!

    Happy Sharky Sunday 👋🏻

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