3 thoughts on “March 3, 2022: A Miscellaneous Medley!

  1. Fascinating post from start to finish….

    Mailing children is just practical. I like it!

    Lovely tribute video.

    The 3D art was mesmerizing! I could watch it over and over while trying to figure out how they create the 3D effect.

    What if the electricity goes out while you’re using the toilet and the glass goes back to being transparent? That would be my luck.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share the concept artwork!

  2. On yesterday’s post for comic book covers: This one was my favorite Hellcop #5 – cover art by Brian Haberlin, Gelrrod Van Dyke.

    Love all the 3D art you shared. I’d have to be desperate to use that bathroom. 😲

    I don’t even want to imagine what those kids that were shipped went through. 🙁
    I know someone that has taken in a child found alone on the border of US/Mexico. That family is having a very difficult time of it. The kid is so traumatized and aggressive.

    It’s sunny, clear and 80F (27C). 🙂

  3. It’s wonderful that people are still making tributes to Dark Matter!

    I want the giant cat from that display. I saw a similar one with Nanaki/Red XIII from Final Fantasy VII recently.

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