June 12, 2018: Happy Dark Matter Day!

I didn’t realize today was Dark Matter Day until fans pointed it out on twitter. Yes, hard to believe it was three years today that Dark Matter premiered, launching its glorious 5 season 3 season run.  I miss the cast, the crew, and seeing the fan reaction to all of the twists, turns, shocks and surprises we’d dish out on an episodic basis.  Still, it’s heartening to see that fandom remains just as strong and passionate, as evidenced by the continued support for the show online – and the awesome fan art that continues to be produced (like the We Are The Raza masterpiece pictured above c/o @radiolaires).

June 12, 2018: Happy Dark Matter Day!

Thanks to all of you who continue to keep the show alive like longtime fan Tom Gardiner who, among his many selfless acts in support of the series, had the temerity to criticize its cancellation – and ended up getting blacklisted by the syfy for it.  Tom, you have an open invitation to come visit the set of my next show. Also, thanks for the above posted gif which neatly sums up what the series was all about.

June 12, 2018: Happy Dark Matter Day!

If you take away nothing else from your experience watching Dark Matter’s three season run, let is be this: Despite the challenges, and against all odds, We Are Family.

Also, syfy hates you.

June 12, 2018: Happy Dark Matter Day! June 12, 2018: Happy Dark Matter Day! June 12, 2018: Happy Dark Matter Day!


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20 thoughts on “June 12, 2018: Happy Dark Matter Day!

  1. Such wonderful memories. I really do miss it so, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I keep hoping it was all a terrible misunderstanding and a new S4 will be announced any day. Keep the hope alive! 🙂

  2. Thank you for those wonderfully kind words and the invitation! Supporting Dark Matter was, and continues to be, something I simply love doing. I hope your next show is something soon and spectacular.

    I plan to visit it in the spirit of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Expect a run-down RV with about a dozen “relatives”, lots of empty beer cans, and plenty of pets! BTW, we’ll be hungry when we arrive. Where’s the bathroom?

  3. And, I hate SciFi ( I refuse to use the corporate name change!). This is not the first favorite show they have cancelled on me!

  4. Again with the tears. I can deal with most of the stuff life throws at me, this is different. A big Dark Matter hole has been left in my heart.

  5. Syfy or SciFi it still sucks big old donkey…..well you get the idea.

    At this point i won’t watch anything else except the tail end of the Expanse and only that because Amazon picked it up. I hate to take it out on other shows but I won’t be watching Killjoys anymore. Despite being a decent enough show I can’t help but feel played by the executives of that channel by announcing the 2 season renewal for Killjoys as they twisted the knife into the vastly superior Dark Matter. That sort of Machiavellian scheming is not to be rewarded.

  6. I’m hoping that dark matter getting cancelled is going to lead to you getting involved with another sci-fi project that will just make Dark matter pale in comparison and it will all have been worth it.

  7. Syfy, ironically, is canceling so many Sci-Fi shows. Terrible business plan. The funding and viewers are just simply moving away from TV and to on-demand streaming services like Netflix, amazon, hulu etc. Thats where the future is! If we have hope of another brilliant series being born, for longevities sake, it will have to be on one of these platforms. Preferably Amazon in-which an avid Sci-fi fan is at the helm. Mallozzi said he has yet to pitch to Amazon yet, but when/if he does, I truly hope something fruitful happens. I can see a 8-9 season show rolling around the corner with any luck with spin-offs!

    1. Ya, I think the show “The Big Bang Theory” had a lot to say on the naming point. They are the IHOb of TV. For those out of the know International House of Pancakes change their name to I’natioal house of burgers.

  8. I thought I was the only one who missed Dark Matter terribly. I have even imagined writing a book, called the Confessions of the Raza. But I can’t write. I really miss the show. I probably own the record for watching the pilot episode over and over. I just cannot recall anything or any show drawing me in and taking me away from the real world the way that episode does. Long live the Raza!!!!!!

  9. I would love to see more of the cast clips. If you ever have more please share, they are super cool!

  10. I’m greatly looking forward to seeing the Nielsen ratings for both Wynonna Earp and Killjoys when they return. I’ve always felt that Dark Matter played a key role keeping the night together and I’m wondering just what sort of effect the absence of the show will have on the other two.

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