May 18, 2017: Dark Matter Contests!

I’m looking to do a little late spring cleaning and one of the things I’d like to clear off my office shelf are a couple of cast-signed, annotated Dark Matter scripts. Would you happen to know anyone who might be interested in acquiring one?

Well, all you have to do for a chance to win one is to enter one of the following two contests I’ll be hosting over the next couple of weeks.

Contest #1: Match the dog teaser pictures to the upcoming season 3 episodes!

Oh, you remember how this one works.  If not, here’s a refresher…

In a nutshell – every year, Assistant Costume Designer Anna Dal Farr adorns the wardrobe department with dog pictures – one for each episode of the season. Upon closer scrutiny, one will notice that each pic is carefully selected to thematically reflected its paired episode.  So, for instance, last year…

May 18, 2017: Dark Matter Contests!

This pic neatly summed up “Episode 16: I’ve Seen The Other Side Of You”, the one in which TWO, THREE, and FOUR revert back to their mercenary former selves and hunt poor FIVE through the ship.

May 18, 2017: Dark Matter Contests!

And this one pairs with “Episode 12: Stuff To Steal, People To Kill”, the one in which our crew travels to alternate reality.

Of course, they’re not all that easy – especially since you’ll be asked to link doggy pictures to mere episode titles.  Last year’s winner managed an impressive 9 of 13 correct pairings (amid an overall average of 3 correct pairings!).  Let’s see if you can beat Mike From Blaine’s score.  I’ll kick off this contest in the coming days.  In the meantime, here are a couple of Anna’s Dark Matter season 3 doggy pictures to get you thinking…

May 18, 2017: Dark Matter Contests! May 18, 2017: Dark Matter Contests! May 18, 2017: Dark Matter Contests!

Contest #2: Dark Matter Twitter Trivia Time!

I’m aiming for not this weekend but the next.  At an pre-established time, I will answer five Dark Matter-related questions.  First five correct respondents move on to round 2 where the questions will get far more difficult.  First three correct respondents (from our pool of five) move on two the third and final round where they will have to answer the toughest question of all!  Follow me on twitter (@BaronDestructo) and make sure you don’t miss out.

Tomorrow is the deadline to post your questions for Dark Matter composer Ben Pinkerton’s Q&A.  After that, if you have a question, you’ll have to ask him in person!

Finally, I leave you with yet another season 3 sneak peek screen cap:

May 18, 2017: Dark Matter Contests!


10 thoughts on “May 18, 2017: Dark Matter contests!

  1. I love a contest…though I feel a beating ahead. I sucked last year. Here’s hoping for a better year. Bring on the doggie doodles! I’m feeling lucky!

    Counting down to 6-9-17!!

  2. There’s those magical words again, ‘cast-signed annotated scripts’ 😉

    I really enjoy attempting to match the dog pictures to the episode titles, it’s good fun. I know my tally was pretty bad last Season! lol

    A contest testing Dark Matter trivia – absolutely wicked, bring it on! But with it being a time-sensitive contest, I gotta say – yikes! I can never guarantee that I’ll have consistent, uninterrupted internet access. So, I guess my chances of being online for an exact timeframe are rather slim – but, maybe I’ll be lucky! 🤔

    @Thogar lol cool 😎

  3. Oh my I did so horrible on those dog pictures last year. Thanks for a chance to redeem myself! Ha!

  4. Questions for Ben Pinkerton

    Having watched many shows on tv, it seems that early seasons often overplay the music with large bombastic themes and massive volume. It seems overly intrusive. Do you agree? How do you avoid such pitfalls in your music?

    Do you feel that like CGi, its almost best if you don’t notice the music in the show? Like it should just heighten the atmosphere, mood and sensation of watching it?

    Do you find it diffcult juggling the requirement of the show as opposed to “I’ve just written a really cool kick ass piece of music I’d love to see included” ?

    As a bass player I often find myself analysing music rather than listening to it, do you have the same trouble watching tv?

    Who are your influences?

    How do you compose? Cubase/Protools/keyboard whilst watching a rough cut or on a guitar or other instrument? Perhaps all in your head just writing sheet music?

    Thanks for contributing to a great show, it is the sum of its parts and music is like the glue that pulls it together. It never ceases to amaze me how it affects the meaning of the performances and scenes.

  5. Oh dear. A doggie pix episode match competition. Think this time I’ll take a few whisky/ey shots before I have a go (oow I’m so not confident with this!)
    The rest of the competition sounds really exciting (cos it’ll be someone else stressing! Teehee!)
    A cast signed annotated script – ah, well, there ya go – Congratulations @ceresis64

    I’d love to know where Anna Dal Farr gets her doggie pix from … that second One (oops, slipped there!) looks just like my Puds.
    The third One (!) reminds me of a boss I once worked for …

  6. Oo, ooo,
    Got to say … I’ve seen the SyFyUK Dark Matter Season 3 trailer and boy, DOES IT LOOK EPIC!!!
    Can’t wait for June 12th. No REALLY!!!

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