May 5, 2016: Zoie Palmer (dark Matter’s Android) Answers Your Questions!

Yes, it’s true.  Dark Matter’s excruciatingly adorable Android, played by the equally excruciatingly adorable Zoie Palmer, has agreed to drop by and do a little fan Q&A. If you have questions for Zobot, post them in the comments section.  I’ll gather them over the course of the next few days, then relay them via subspace in an encrypted data burst directly to her neural matrix (via The Raza of course).

May 5, 2016: Zoie Palmer (dark Matter’s Android) Answers Your Questions!
DARK MATTER — “Episode Twelve” Episode 112 — Pictured: Zoie Palmer as The Android — (Photo by: Russ Martin/Prodigy Pictures/Syfy)

Three questions per customer, so make ’em count!

If you’re not following my dedicated Dark Matter twitter account (@DarkMatter_show), these are some of the BTS pics you’ve been missing:

May 5, 2016: Zoie Palmer (dark Matter’s Android) Answers Your Questions! May 5, 2016: Zoie Palmer (dark Matter’s Android) Answers Your Questions! May 5, 2016: Zoie Palmer (dark Matter’s Android) Answers Your Questions!

While, over on Reddit, I continue my trip down SG-1 memory lane:

Stargate Memories: Watergate, The First Ones, Scorched Earth

As our second to last day of main unit photography on Dark Matter’s second season draws to a close, I leave you today with some pics from…one of our new episodes:

May 5, 2016: Zoie Palmer (dark Matter’s Android) Answers Your Questions!

Airlock inside.

May 5, 2016: Zoie Palmer (dark Matter’s Android) Answers Your Questions!

And out.

May 5, 2016: Zoie Palmer (dark Matter’s Android) Answers Your Questions!

EOS-7 lost and found department.

May 5, 2016: Zoie Palmer (dark Matter’s Android) Answers Your Questions!

Representing the Galactic Authority: Jim Codrington

May 5, 2016: Zoie Palmer (dark Matter’s Android) Answers Your Questions!

Representing the Galactic Authority…

May 5, 2016: Zoie Palmer (dark Matter’s Android) Answers Your Questions!

A snacking Kris Holden-Reid.

66 thoughts on “May 5, 2016: Zoie Palmer (Dark Matter’s Android) answers YOUR questions!

  1. I have only one question for Zoie: Does that hair hurt? Because it looks like it hurts. Oh, and also does it require its own antivirus software?

  2. Cool!

    Question(s) for “The Robot” 🙂

    Zoie, one thing that I figure would be very hard to do is play the Android with just the right amount of “android-ness”. I think it would be very easy to over play it to the point of silliness, but you seem to have it nailed! Was that a difficult balance to achieve? And, do you use any kind of guide or approach that let’s you do it so well?

    Thanks for doing the Q&A! I can’t wait for the upcoming season.

  3. Hello, Zoie – We (hubby and I) love your character!

    Three questions…

    1. How difficult is it to keep a straight face while in character?

    2. Is it harder to nail your lines when talking ‘robotically’ than when delivering them in a natural way?

    3. What is one of your favorite aspects of playing an android that is unique to such a character?

    Thanks in advance!


  4. Hey! Why’d you mention me (@zandertaylor) in the @darkmatter_show post of Joelle eating a sandwich? Just curious!

  5. @Joe:

    I’ll have to think of some questions to ask Ms. Palmer…maybe tomorrow night when I get to London.

    @Drea (a couple of days ago):

    I have been running all week on all day meetings and evening flights (getting in around midnight each time), so I haven’t had anytime to do anything else, including sight-seeing.

    I have had a couple of Pizzas though, so in the vein of pizzeria drive-in’s and dives, I present Napoli versus Milano pizza (another North versus South saga):

    Napoli Diavola:

    Castelletto (Milano) Diavola:

    Napoli seafood pizza:

    Castelletto (Milano) seafood anti-pasti:

    What would you choose?

  6. Hey Zoie♡

    My three questions;

    Q1: Do we get to learn more about how the android came to be in this upcoming season such as a prologue and how it came to that?

    Q2: In season 2 do you get a more upgraded outfit to wear?

    Q3: Also have they named the android this season, if not what would you name her?

    Much love and best wishes ♡


  7. Awesome! I’ve been hoping for a Q&A with the “excruciatingly adorable” Zoie Palmer. Hi Zoie! First I just want to say you’re doing an awesome job as the Android! My questions are as follows 1. What was it about the character that drew you to audition for the role? 2. Where were you when you got the news that you had gotten the part? 3. If you could play any other character, who would it be and why? Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions!

  8. JeffW: OMG, the food looks amazing! I would try all of it.

    Airelle: I’m so glad your mom is better!

    Maggiemayday: Sending prayers that you’re feeling better soon!

    PBmom: {{{Hugs}}} and I hope you get that day of DVR watching.

    Everyone else already posted my questions. So I’ll be happy to read the replies. Does Zoie know what she volunteered for? Oh and Jodelle looks beautiful with any hair color.

  9. Hey Zoie. Curious about Canadian TV and movies in general. Can you talk a bit about why you think Canada has become such a lush ground for great storytelling over the past 10 years or so?

  10. Hiya,
    I Hav 2 questions for the amazing Zoie Palmer:

    1. Who has u in stitches the most whilst shooting ur scenes?
    2. Is it true that ul be gracing our presence at the MCM Comic Con at the end of May in London?

    Also, I jus need to say that ur rocking that quiff beautifully Zo 😉👌🏻

  11. Wasn’t that dude on Lost Girl? Is his part a one time deal or a small recurring role?

    Zoie: Are you lobbying Joe and Paul to let you wear something different, just once? (And not a spacesuit 🙂 )

    Actually, are you lobbying them for anything? Story ideas, cooking tips, VCR repair tricks…..?

    -Mike A.

  12. Hi Zoie

    1. Which is easier for you reciting Dr Lewis’s medical Jargon or The Androids Technical knowledge?

    2. Do you like performing your own stunts?

    3. What was your favorite book when you were growing up?

    Thanks for taking the questions

  13. Wanted to add that I’m so sorry for the people involved in the Alberta fire. Doesn’t ArcticGoddess live near there?

  14. Zoie, I mean Ms. Palmer. What do you think of the name Minerva? Also, I’m a huge fan of Instant Star- any comment there? Wait one more question- Why no responses on your tweet page? You would make many peeps happy.
    Yours, Tanya_R_Steele

  15. 3 questions for Ms Palmer
    1) how’s the hair porn doing now that the “trump do” is so popular?
    2) why is it when you put 2 Andoids together in one area they instantly hate each other? And why is it that the only human emotion Androids seem to have is jealousy? I get the jealousy over the Ruby Rose fembot, but the red Android, really?
    3) who is the actress who played the red version of your android she was amazing, you where pretty good too, but she managed to copy everything about your character…….oh and can I have her phone number, I would ask for yours but her performance was slightly better…sorry 😂
    Thanks and have a great day

  16. Hey Palmer! Your AWESOME btw!😉
    Q1: what’s your number
    Q2: what’s ya address
    Q3: when ya gettin your own show? ( unanimous pole: we’d sit and watch you pick your teeth for an hour if we got the chance) 😁
    PalmerHolicsAnonymous all love ya! Keep up the good work✌🏼️😎

  17. I really enjoyed the scenes where Zoie played the Android that we know as well as the Android in Red when looking for faults in her programming. It was amazing to watch, how was it to play both parts?

  18. ️Ooh that’s great a badass and amazing Android Q&A round 😊. I’m really happy to read that 😊.

    Thank you so much for spending your free rare time with us and making this Q&A round Zoie😊.

    So here are my 3 questions 😊:

    ~ Did you ever got hurt during stunt scenes?

    ~ How do you get prepared for your scenes?

    ~ Can you influence how the character of the Android will grow? How you like her to be?

    I’m really looking forward to meet you hopefully again in England and Hannover 😊. Have an awesome day 😊.

  19. What type of pet would The Android have on the Raza? What would she name it?

  20. Robin

    Hi Zobot!!

    Q1. What is the hardest thing you have you have encountered with the android’s outfit?

    Q2. How would you describe the android’s personality since she is an android?

    Q3. What have you found you like or dislike about playing this character?

    Thank you and best wished to you and the rest of the cast

  21. One- How long does it take to put your number tat on?
    Two- I think someone already asked about your hair but I’ll ask anyway who
    does it and how long does it take?
    Three – Who’s idea was the outfit you wear 24/7 it seems like?

  22. Hello zoie palmer big fan of the android and yours 😃

    Will the android have more funny scene in season 2?
    Also will she be kicking some put like in episode 1×12 and 1×1

  23. Does the android require any software updates?
    Is she on auto update mode if the answer is yes?
    Our android thinks she is flawed because she is prone to react to emotions…Does she get a bug fix for that?

  24. My Android questions three:

    1) are you going to be using anymore accents this season, loved the jealous accent scene from last season

    2) do you think you will ever get a love interest on the show?

    3) what is the best thing you have eaten on set?

  25. Zoie,
    1) Will we see more of android this season?
    2) You play the android so well, but I was wondering, is there a lot of blooper or are you able to stay in character?
    3) Any plans on a new movies?
    Love you work, you are so talented!! Can’t wait to see you at dragon con!!

  26. Got here late to the party tonight; went out for margaritas for Cinco de Mayo. Is that big in Canada like it is here in the US? We’ll take any reason to drink here! LOL

    All my questions have been posted already, so I’ll just say a big thank you to Zoie for answering the questions!

    Did I miss the other answers we sent in questions for? I remember asking questions, but not reading the answers. Or am I just forgetting?

  27. Thanks for all the BTS pics (you know I love them). Nice seeing some new faces even if they are with the GA. Great seeing Kris Holden-Reid. Loved him in Lost Girl and “vaguely” remember that he was in a show with Anthony called The Listener. Loved that show too.

    Noticed there seems to be a lot of trash in space hence the trash can that can be viewed through the airlock.

    Thanks for setting up the Q & A with Zoie. My questions:
    — Any inspirational performances that you draw upon for The Robot?
    — Favorite “Android” or Robot performances? I have always loved Robot from Lost in Space and who doesn’t love Data from TNG. And I can’t even begin to discuss Blade Runner. Roy Batty anyone?
    — Your favorite color?

    On a side note, Zoie you do a wonderful job at portraying The Robot. You display such a range of emotions through her mannerisms, expressions and tones. Missing that Jamacian accent!

    Joe, we need to seriously discuss Androids or our mechanized “friends” some day. Box from Logan’s Run still freaks me out. Perfect voice choice with Roscoe Lee Brown. Love that in the DM comic The Robot was a male yet a female was chosen to play the role for the series.

  28. Zoie,

    1) Will we ever see @cloverblob in an episode?
    2) What is your favorite episode of Dark Matter and why?
    3) Who plays the most pranks on set? And what has been the best one so far?

  29. Hi Zoie,

    Kudos for the amazing job you have done as The Android.

    1. What is the difficultly level in playing such a non-emotional character,

    2. You indicated that you were not a fan of working out or going to the gym.
    How do prepare for the physical demands of your character?

    3. Who was your childhood idol?

    Best wishes to you and the entire cast & crew of Dark Matter for continued success.

  30. does Android get pulled apart and put back together this season…

    any other parts of you’re anatomy get molded

  31. Question for Zoie, will you be kicking more ass in season 2? How much of the stunt fighting do you do? Thanks for taking time out to answer questions. Tony

  32. Hi Zoie, first I just wanted to say you’re a magnificent woman, incredible actress and a huge inspiration in my life. I have so many questions for you but I’ll ask just a few:

    1. What’s the weirdest thing a fan has ever done for you?

    2. How long does it usually take you to memorize your scenes for an episode?

    3. If you were single and I asked you out on a date, would you say yes? 😉

    I would love to meet you someday. I tried going to the comic con in Philadelphia but my rare disease prevented from doing so. Thank you for making me laugh and smile every single day.

    Love you lots 😘

  33. Holy crap. I’m so excited I don’t know what to ask!! Thanks for the shout out on Twitter, Joe. Was a super cool surprise and i think it’s dope that you do that for fans.

    So… Zoie Palmer: you are my favorite android of all time. I am so excited to see you in my living room again! (huge Lost Girl fan). Your cat should take a lead from Joe and give fan shout outs on Twitter!! Thanks to both of you for doing this.

    1. I saw an interview where you said that you do indeed think the android has a range of emotions so your affect is never totally flat. Is it hard to stay so reserved the whole time?

    2. I’ve never seen the android smile. Does she or can she smile?

    3. What keeps you busy in your free time and do you have any upcoming projects between season 2 wrap and the beginning of season 3 (we all cross our fingers for S3).

    3.1 (: It’s always about your hair, right? How the hell do they get it into that curl and how long does it take you to get it out?

  34. Question for Zoie, will Android and Four finally hook up this season, or is she just too emotional for his taste?

  35. Qns for Zoie
    The Android was fairly isolated in the first season, will we see her included more in the action, maybe leave the ship to go on missions, get in a fight or two, meet some other Androids?

    We know Kris Holden Ried is guesting and because I love you two working together, do you get to work with him?

    What are you most excited for us to see in this upcoming season?

  36. I noticed that Android tends to get knocked out/incapacitated… a lot… in the first season.

    Is this a running joke or an inadvertent side effect of your character being arguably the most physically powerful?

    And will season 2 avoid this?

  37. Joie Q&A – SWEET. So many good questions have been asked.
    @ Joie – THANKS for agreeing.

    Joining Joie at Dragon Con is Melissa. Sure hope they ask Marc and Alex for a full cast panel.

  38. FOR ZOIE:

    Thanks Zoie for responding to our questions. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your performance as the Android and what she’s brought to the Raza crew. I loved the stunts, the accents & I’m fascinated with the way you speak in the role. I hope one day you’re invited to an Aussie convention, test out the accent. 😉

    1. I realise you can’t speak yet regarding the Android’s exciting arc and perhaps even physical appearance in Season 2 for spoiler reasons. Could you share your reaction when Joe and Paul shared what they had in mind for the Android or when you read the first script?

    2. Is there a member of the cast that you didn’t have many solo scenes with in Dark Matter Season 1 that you’d like to have a scene with and why?

    3. Have you ever said you had a particular skill to get a job and then had to perform it? If so, what was the skill?

    Cheers, Maryanne
    TW: imwebgurl
    WP: chevron7 / bambamfans / ivonbartokfans

  39. First of all, THANK YOU Jo’ and Zoie for this wonderful opportunity ! 🙂

    – Does play an Androïd asks more energy, focus .. ? Cause less “natural” than playing a human where you have less to focus on your gesture, your way to be, look ppl, move .. while you play..

    It’s seems a huge work & you do it amazingly, + the technical lines to learn in same time .. just .. Bravo !! *Stand up & applause*

    – Also, Jo’ talked about a new outfit for the Androïd this season ? What do you think of it ?

    Thank you both and bisous 🙂

    Smellycat x

  40. 1 question: Will you marry me? >;) Huge fan of yours. Hope I get to meet you one day. xox

  41. So question for Zoie, when she’s at the console typing does she ever type out sentences to see if anyone is paying attention?

  42. Pardon while I squeal with joy at Kris Holden-Reid on DM, I am doing a “prospector discovering gold nugget” jig. Keep the Lost Girl and SGverse reunions coming.

  43. Dear Zoie ❤️

    I am glad that I went to Philadelphia to meet you.

    Q1: do you like to play the adorable Android?
    Q2: how do you think about the character, the Android? Do you think she’s smart? Cute? or?
    Q3: in the real world, if you have the capability of the Android, which skill you want the most? And what will you do with this skill?

    Thank you for the Q&A
    I Love you ❤️😘😘😘

  44. @ZoiePalmer are you excited that DM is aired in Taiwan and Asia?
    By adherentbodhi

  45. OK ok here.

    Is the Android forever learning, like any AI? Which would mean that the more time she spends with the crew, the more she understands them and their feelings. She doesn’t need to literally feel to actually understand what feelings are. So will she become way more “empathetic” I guess in a way, for this new season? It would only make sense for an AI to explore deeper and deeper.

  46. Excruciatingly adorable suits her perfectly ! So many good questions have already been asked, but I might have 1 or 2.
    1 : how long does it take to do your Android hair and isn’t it annoying / painful some days ?2 : personal one, have you recently checked your real mail at the Talented Characters adress ? Sent sthg for you a few weeks ago and wonder if you got it.
    Thank you for allowig me to spend so many nice hours watching you on my screen ! 😃😃

  47. For Zoie,

    1. You worried way too much about that pesky other android, you are way more interesting and more attractive for it.

    2. How do you express so much with your movements and expressions as subdued as they are?

    3. Have we seen the end of the alternate/copy of you that was diagnosing you? Please don’t let her come back and wipe you out!

  48. Hiya, so glad to be able to ask Zoie questions.
    1. Did Joe follow up on his promise to Cloverblob to have her in S2?
    2. Since you play The Android, do you prefer Android phones over IPhones?
    3. What kind of music does The Android like most, I’m guessing Techno.
    Thank you for taking the time to do a Q&A with us. Joe thanks for setting this up.

  49. Thanks so much for being my introduction to SyFy through Lost Girl and Dark Matter. Now I’m more of a geek then usual.

    My question is did it require a lot of takes when the jealous android spoke with several different accents? I can’t watch that scene without cracking up😀 Your portrayal of the android is so fun and engaging.

    Will you be at ComicCon San Diego?

    Thanks again for sharing your gifts (e.g., talent, humor, compassion, and much more) with your fans.

  50. Love, love, love the Android… did I mention I love the Android 😃

    Questions for Zoie…

    1. If the Android were to meet Dr. Lauren Lewis (aside from noticing the physical resemblance hee) what kind of interactions do you think they have… would their be lots of scientific curiosity

    2. What do you like to do during your downtime while filming on set?

    3. If you weren’t an actor what would you passionately pursue?

    Thanks for the opportunity to ask questions, and can’t wait for Dark Matter Season 2!

  51. Questions for Zoie:

    1) What is the typical lead time of receiving the script for an episode prior to shooting?
    2) Have you ever consider leaving the bar-code tattoo on your neck to see how the public react when off set?
    3) Does the Android sleep, recharge, or neither?

    Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to answer fans questions. You are truly one of the most generous, thoughtful individual on the planet.


  52. I know you only said three questions but I’m gonna throw another one out there for anyone to answer: Do Androids dream of electric sheep?

  53. Do you have a middle name? If so would you tell us fans what it is?

  54. First of all a big thank you for doing this. Can’t wait to meet you again on a few weeks time bat MCM London.

    Here are my 3 questions in the hope that at least one will be selected �😉😉

    1. What has/have been the most challenging moment(s) for you on set?

    2. If you have to choose between a human (Dr Lewis) or a Robot (#TheAndroid) to be played on the big screen who will it be and why?

    3. What motivates/inspires Zoie Palmer to be such a beautiful human being inside out?

    Thank you for your time and for being a role model.Keep smiling and being awesome 😉

  55. Huge thanks to Jo and the ever lovely Zoie for agreeing to make us happy!
    Love the Android and believe it or not – that amazing tattoo.. however digital it may appear!

    1) What made you audition for DM and the android?
    2) What would you like to see developing for the Android in the future? Goals, storyline wise.
    3) Which character do you as Android; have more rapport with in DM vs you as ZP?

    Thanks a million – loving all that you do!

  56. Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions, Zoie.
    There have been lots of great Android questions, so here’s something different
    1) What is your favourite genre of music?
    2) What is your favourite song?
    3) Which song would you say describes you?

  57. Thanks for answering questions Zoie. Hope this isn’t too late…

    Do you have aspirations of directing a TV program, or even an episode for one?
    If so, any idea what you think you would like to direct? Comedy, Action, Documentary, Thriller, other?
    Anything you’ve read that you might like to direct as a film either for TV or big screen?

    Glad to have met you in Philadelphia.

  58. I know you said 3 questions but this one is more important than the other silly ones I asked!
    Zoie (Zodroid) and Cloverblob:
    Will you stand with me and help me raise awareness for my disease? It’s a form of Dysautonomia called POTS, which is why my doctor called me POTTIE as a cute joke. Please follow me on Twitter @ClaudiaP1985

  59. Have you ever tread the boards in the West End, London? If not, is it something you would consider? We’d love to see you on stage.

    How warm does that outfit get on set?


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