December 1, 2014: Introducing Line Producer Norman Denver!

Sometimes, there are more producer credits on a show than acting credits and viewers can be excused for wondering: “Do they really need THAT many producers?”.  Which begs the next question – one I’m often asked: “What does a producer do?”.  Well, the answer is: “It depends.”  Producers can be divided into two groups: Group #1 = “those that do something”, and Group #2 = “those that do next to nothing”.  Falling firmly into the former category is a show’s Line Producer who’s charged with the unenviable tasks of constantly running the numbers to ensure the production comes in on time and on budget.  In short, it’s the line producer’s job to lay down the hammer.  And, occasionally, that means saying no.  No to overages.  No to that gorgeous but way out of the zone location. No to the Executive Producer toilet I ordered for my office.

December 1, 2014: Introducing Line Producer Norman Denver!

He’ll be the guy to reel in the writers when they’re writing too big; the directors when they’re shooting to long.  He’ll be the guy in the meeting keeping things realistic so that we don’t blow the budget on the first two episodes and have to end our first season with three consecutive clip shows.  He makes sure the money ends up onscreen – for your viewing pleasure.

December 1, 2014: Introducing Line Producer Norman Denver!

In short, Norman runs a tight ship.  A tight, prompt, cost-efficient FTL-capable ship with retrofitted weaponry, a shuttle, and a couple of surprises in that sealed lower level mystery room.

And, to top it off, he has a British accent, which will come in handy if we need to cast a late-season villain.

12 thoughts on “December 1, 2014: Introducing Line Producer Norman Denver!

  1. Yay! The snow is back! It’s one of the things that lets me know the winter season is upon us. 🙂

  2. And, to top it off, he has a British accent, which will come in handy if we need to cast a late-season villain.

    😆 That totally made my day! 😀 (Also, as I typed ‘blockquote’ I accidentally typed ‘blokequote’…must’ve been the British mention influencing my subconscious. 😛 )


  3. What, no Cliff Simon villain voice? I’m sure Cliff would act as producer as well, if you let him. Uh, this doesn’t give you the impression that I’m a Cliff Simon fan, does it?

  4. I thought that Producers can be divided into two groups: Group #1 = “those that do Nothing”, and Group #2 = “those that keep the 1st group spent all the money on cakes, scented Japanese automatic toilets and exotic secretaries”. Then there are the writers coordinators and his nap stations. 😛

  5. @which will come in handy if we need to cast a late-season villain.

    He would have been good with Kiva, that way you could have said the British are attacking the Destiny!

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