January 27, 2013: Hot Chocolate Fest! Blog-hopping with Mandy Hager! Doggy Blues! Days of Stargate Atlantis Past! First Contact!

Vancouver is celebrating a month long Hot Chocolate Festival and I am trying my damndest to sample most of the 63 flavors available at the 23 locations around town.  I got off to a late start but I'm making up for lost time.  7 down, (about) 56 to go!  I'll have a full report for…

September 25, 2008: A First Contact Sneak Peek, Underrated Authors, and the Mailbag

If there are two things Martin Gero loves, it’s show tunes and heist movies. So, very early on in his Stargate career, he was presented with an irresistible challenge: How to combine these two greatest passions into one hugely awesome episode of Atlantis? “Impossible!”you say? Well then, I would have to agree with you. But…