September 26, 2009: Six Days to the Stargate: Universe Premiere! A Sneak Peek for the Cast and Crew!

Yep, only six days until the world premiere of Stargate: Universe!  Have you told everyone?  And I mean EVERYONE?  Your pharmacist?  That ex-girlfriend you dumped in college?  The Hungarian woman in Accounts Receivable from your last job?  No?!!!  Well, what‘re you waiting for! We’re not waiting.  For October 2nd that is.  Today, we held a…

September 22, 2009: 10 Days and Counting to the Stargate: Universe Premiere! Actress Ming-Na! No Fan Left Behind!

Late last year, before we’d even started the casting process, when all we had were those first few scripts and a general idea of where we wanted to go, there was one character that really stood out for me from among the many amazing characters Brad and Rob had created - a fascinating player with…

May 19, 2009: Victoria Day, Developments on the SGU Front, Michael and Lexa Drop By But Don’t Stick Around For the Spring Cleaning!

Well, we were all back at work today following the Victoria Day long weekend - Victoria Day, of course, being a recently adopted Canadian holiday commemorating one of history’s most remarkable pioneering female Brits. Yes, I refer to none other than Ms. Victoria Beckham. Looking back, I suspect the vote to bestow the honor on…

February 25, 2009: Finally, That Cast Announcement!

Well now you know as much as we do. No, no, that’s not exactly true. We still know more than you do. But at least we ALL know the names of our cast members. The news finally broke yesterday but, on the off-chance you were in your basement watching a Lord of the Rings marathon,…