


Had dinner with an old friend last night (dim sum, crispy chicken in truffle sauce, and spicy fried pork chops).  We had a great chat about our industry, the good old days, and, of course, the potential good new days that lie ahead.  Feeling optimistic on several fronts.

And on a totally related note, I think I’ll be doing a little light reading heading into the weekend…


Prompting so many great questions…

Are we about to lock that elusive sixth chevron?  Maybe.  You know what would really, really help?  Letting Amazon know you’re looking forward to Brad Wright’s new Stargate series.

Who knows what the future holds?


Besides lots and lots of socks.  Look, I admit I have plenty of back-ups, but I draw the line of throwing out my favorites…


Today’s Yes/No…

My reaction is…ugh, gin!

9 thoughts on “March 24, 2022: Catching up with an old friend!

  1. I’m still staying optimistic about yours and Brad’s projects. Still think they will happen, just a matter of when. Positive thoughts. Positive energy!
    And THAT’S A LOT of SOCKS!!!

  2. Posting with Joe’s permission.

    Those who have attended Gatecons, US East Coast sci-fi & pop culture events, and Canadian country-music gatherings may remember SG fan and all-around nice guy, Mike Amowitz.

    Mike is in an ICU due to double pneumonia this week. I’ve posted info re sending cards to hospital on his Facebook page; copying it below for those not on FB. (No flowers or phone calls, please.)

    Michael Amowitz
    Room 407, South Tower
    Inova Fairfax Medical Campus
    3300 Gallows Road
    Falls Church, VA 22042-3300

    —Gilder McCarroll

  3. That food looks amazing. Are we suppose to guess who you had dinner with? Okaaaay, was it… Brad Wright?! Paul Mullie!! Carl Binder? Robert C. Cooper!!!

    Did you organize your socks or did Akemi do that?

  4. The look of horror on your face when she suggests it’s time to toss it was the best! Lmao

  5. Can’t wait to see Stargate: Sock Wars. Old socks get very wibbly and tend to slip down into the shoe and bunch weird. There are some amazing new socks on the horizon just waiting become your new fave socks.

    Love the tasty food photos. I made burgers on brioche with roasted vidalia slivers capers and peppers and soft cheese and mustard on the bun and two slices of smoked aged cheddar.

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