6 thoughts on “January 12, 2020: Suji Sunday!

  1. I’m throwing out all of my old relaxation and meditation tapes and replacing them with the video of you rubbing Suji’s head.

    Love Suji Sunday!

  2. I always love reading your blogs and following you and Akemi on Instagram. I am working at my first year in graduate studies and plan in making a feature film/webseries combination as my thesis project! Now to find a producer to work with….

  3. Pretty Suji baby! she has come such a long way since you all adopted her, awww nice relaxing head rub!. .Akemi, watch those fingers haha. I believe that finding a suitable playmate,, might afford a bit of a challenge, but I believe you are up to it and she will love on her new friend(s). good luck.

  4. I have had some health issues the last 6 weeks and am so behind on anything on the internet, so it is profound sadness that I am just reading about Lulu. I am so sorry for you and Akemi and Suji. Second guessing is usually useless, self punishing, and something we all do. As an outsider, I can assure you that you gave her and all your dogs such love and devotion that however many days they have, they are extremely lucky.

  5. Met a dog last night who looked like younger version of Lulu … Tears in my eyes.

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