This was much of my day today –

Well, that and preparing my bank statements and taxes for my year end.  Oh, and eating a sandwich with extra avocado because we’re heading out of town on Monday and need to finish them before we go.  But mostly cutting.  And blocking.  And muting.

The upcoming holidays will also give me some time to reconsider a few of the potential projects on my plate – and do a little more cutting.  I’ve been approached to develop no less than four different properties with an eye to pitching them in early 2020 – and while all four are interesting, I can’t possibly develop all four.  Or, frankly, three for that matter.  Not with the second script for TimEscape and that horror feature on deck which are, of course a priority.

As if I didn’t have enough to do, I’m considering taking an online course on the basics of Artificial Intelligence being offered by the Finnish government.  No kidding!

Finland is making its online AI crash course free to the world


Elements of A.I.

Who’s in?

In preparation for the drive to Montreal, I have lined up 45 hours of Japanese audio lessons as well as topped up my ultimate kpop playlist to 10 hours of uninterrupted tunes.  Granted, it should only take us about 5 hours to get there, but who knows?  We could hit holiday traffic.

8 thoughts on “December 19, 2019: Congratulations. The rest of you made the team! Except you, you, and you.

  1. I have bookmarked the AI course and will check it out!

    In other news, our dress rehearsal for Handel’s Messiah tonight went very well – so hopefully tomorrow night’s performance will go the same.

  2. Oh, I thought you were already there. Well, have a safe trip and relax. If you rush the drive, it just makes it less fun. Take breaks and let the dogs walk every hour or so. Also, don’t leave the dogs in the car. I’ve heard too many horror stories of car thefts with the dogs taken. I’m not sure if Canada has that kind of problem but… better safe than sorry.

    Good luck with your Mom. I’m sure she misses her furbaby, Felix.

    1. Thanks, Tam. And fear not. We NEVER leave the dogs unattended in the car.

  3. Have a safe and enjoyable trip. Much hugs to all and sundry.

    Taxes. Oh my. I will be paying the price for my widow brain fog last year this coming tax season. Turns out that because I am now “single” and under 65, the tax rate on Social Security is a full 50%. That’s roughly $8k. Yikes.

  4. Here is possible fodder for another post… How do you decide which projects to do? Easiest to greenlight? Best paying? People you’d enjoy working with? Your best writing abilities? Just wondering.

  5. I got myself a masterclass subscription for the year, I want to hear how well known artists do their craft.
    I made 15 people cry, with a song I wrote and sung, I want to learn how to do more of that. Learning guitar, learning test automation, and some other programming languages.
    It’s going to be a busy year.

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