My favorites…

December 20, 2017: Best Comic Book Covers Of The Week!

Luke Cage #168 (cover art by Rahzzah)

Another week, another Rahzzah cover.  This one gives me a real creepy Descent vibe.

December 20, 2017: Best Comic Book Covers Of The Week!

Old Man Logan #32 (cover art by Mike Deodato Jr.)

Logan braves a rain of streaking metal weaponry.  I feel we’re taking in the cover upside-down.

December 20, 2017: Best Comic Book Covers Of The Week!

The Shadow #5 (cover art by Daniel HDR)

A cinematic shot that makes me yearn for a contemporary big screen adaptation.

December 20, 2017: Best Comic Book Covers Of The Week!

Wildstorm #10 (cover art by Jon David-Hunt)

So much to like.  The light and details of the background buildings contrast with the blurred motion of the black birds in the foreground.  Our lone figure, braving the impossible height but not seeming to give a damn, leaning forward even as the wind rushes up from behind.

December 20, 2017: Best Comic Book Covers Of The Week!

White Cell Inoculation #5 (cover art by Nicholas Melanshek)

Love the color palette and the ship and character designs.  If this was a show, I’d watch it.  It’s a comic book so, yeah, I’ll read it.

8 thoughts on “December 20, 2017: Best Comic Book Covers of the Week!

  1. If it was a show, not sure how much interest I would have. I was watching TV and happened to click buy the Sci-Fy channel. It was again showing that new Holiday classic, I guess “It’s a Wonderful Life” was booked, Mad Max: Fury Road. It has played already and I am sure will play many more times. I WON’T BE WATCHING. I am amazed at the multiplicity of repeats. When Dark Matter was on, there were no repeats, NONE. This had to been a contractual limiting clause. I found the Notion of not repeating strange and limiting. In fact I used time and effort to see if Dark Matter was going to repeat. Was not showing repeats or air episodes in a clause?

  2. Great selection. Luke Cage has my #1 vote. What’s not to like about Old Man Logan? I’m so sad Hugh has hung up his Wolverine claws.

    Remember listening to an old radio show…only The Shadow knows. Same Shadow??

  3. Again, it’s the ‘simplicity’ of the images that get my vote
    Luke Cage quietly foreboding
    Wildstorm you can ‘hear’ the wind & bird wings (maybe, occasional cawing) but nothing else….

    All these covers have so much energy. You can hear everything you see … some, VERY LOUDLY.

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