Off to Japan today and one of the things I’m especially looking forward to – besides the sushi, pastries, and robot toilets – is the sake.  To be honest, I’m not a big drinker.  I don’t do wine and rarely drink beer.  I will have the occasional glass of bourbon – but it’s not some I drink a lot of.  Sake, on the other hand…well, I CAN drink a lot of sake.  As my good friend and former Japan travel companion, Ivon Bartok, learned first hand on OUR trip to Tokyo a couple of years back.  Some people are more charming when they drink.  Others considerably less so.  Me, I’m just more hungry for convenience store eclairs.  Look at me go!

Ah, good times, good times!

32 thoughts on “September 10, 2014: Travel Day for Tokyo Joe!

  1. Wow! How did you NOT puke after eating all of 4 GIANT eclairs, while weaving in a drunken stupor? Sake must have some miracle potential.

  2. ohhhhh myyyyy, did you ever share that with us before?
    That would be difficult to forget.

    Ivon….really? Well at least the shame stuff was not toooo bad, just gluttony and for something tasty.

    Good thing Akemi is going with you to keep you out of trouble.

  3. Hah! That is one awesome video, although it’s probably just as well that we didn’t see the aftermath of all that eclair shaming. Notable also are Ivon’s typically steady-handed video skills during what must have been a terrible temptation to burst into gut-busting laughter.

    Also, bon voyages! And let us know when you get in safely to Tokyo!

  4. I needed a good laugh and you gave me one. Thanks for that! Who filmed this?

    I hope you’re feeling ok after all those éclairs…

    Keep having fun and thanks for sharing!

  5. Ok, wow! That was impressive, funny, and a little frightening. My favorite part was Ivon telling you to do it, “for the ladies”. 😉

    Have plenty of sake this time, but just don’t go strolling past any 7-11’s.

    -Mike A.

  6. Now I’m homesick, you evil bastard. And hungry for cheap 7-11 sushi. And snacks, so many snacks. Yummy snacks.
    My drunken munchies tended to run toward midnight noodle cart fare, or MOS burger stuff. But that was because I lived a few short steps from a 24 hour MOS burger and it was on the way to my front door.

  7. I think I’ve figured out Joe’s Sake/Eclair flow-chart:

    1: Find and drink sake.
    2: Passing a 7-11?
    Yes: buy and eat eclair, Goto step 3.
    No: Goto step 1.
    3: Ready to pass out yet?
    No: Goto step 1.
    Yes: Goto hotel.

    Of course, I’m assuming Joe made it to the hotel that night instead of banging his fists on a glass case at an all night 7-11, demanding more eclairs. 🙂

    And Joe’s off to Japan already? Seems I missed so much the last couple of days getting settled in at my conference in Tampa. Tomorrow I head in at 5:30am (to beat Tampa traffic), and continue through to 9 or 10 at night. It’s going to be a long day.

    So, Joe, any big foodie plans this trip? More dancing robots? Ramen? Whatever you have planned, I hope you and Akemi have fun. Safe travels!

  8. I don’t think you have ever shown this video to us before. I think I would remember a drunk-as-a-skunk Joe, stuffing giant eclairs into his mouth one after another.

  9. I’m a silly drunk, too. 🙂

    I get very lovey and giggly and love to tease and joke around when I’ve had a couple drinks. For some people it’s just the opposite – the ‘mean drunks’. Then there’s the criers…never been one of those, either. They say that your true nature comes out when you’re drunk. You know what that means, Joe? No way you’d pass the supervillain test.


  10. Have a good flight.

    In case you are there, glad you made it safely, and have a good time. 🙂

  11. LOL at the video. You were soooooo mellow and very into those eclairs. Nice job Ivon. 😀

  12. So, a helpful tip for people everywhere:

    Don’t get drunk whilst travelling with a film maker.

  13. Oh dear spirits, at 1:12 or so you were ACTUALLY rattling a bag but I thought it sounded like you were taking a leak and I was HORRIFIED, lol. Then I saw the eclair. Then you eating all those eclairs on top of the sake… that may be more horrifying. Bahahahaha I am impressed. But will wait for Ivon to post about whether you managed to keep them down once the camera was turned off. COME ON IVON, spill the beans.

  14. Yes Dude….you have to call or blog when you leave on travel and call or blog when you arrive. SO…we all know you and Akemi got there and are safe and sound.

  15. Glad you made it safely!

    That was either a really good munchie drunk or they were amazing 7-11 eclairs.

  16. I was so glad you had a wing man for that trip!, Good to let your hair down, hope sake was not too much of a hangover, or were the eclairs the cure?!?
    Glad to hear you all made it safely, enjoy all that you can, and have an eclair or two for me!! Party on!

  17. I saw you today Joe!! I actually took some photos of you guys walking in Roppongi;)

    1. Had you said hi, you could have joined us for udon ice cream – and an afternoon of me trying on down jackets at uniglo!

  18. Funnily enough I ended up in Uniqlo today as well;) You cant go past a 500yen T-shirt:)

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